Theme: Envision the Progressive upgrades in the field of Chemistry

Asia Chemistry 2019

Asia Chemistry 2019

About us:

About Conference:

ConferenceSeries Ltd is a renowned organization that organizes highly notable Conferences throughout the globe. Currently we are bringing forth “12th Annual Congress on Chemistry (Asia Chemistry 2019scheduled to be held during May 29-30, 2019 at Taipei, Taiwan. The conference invites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Chemistry.

2019 Highlights:

  • 200+ Participation (60% Industry: 40% Academia)
  • 9+ Keynote Speakers
  • 30+ Plenary Speakers
  • 3+ Exhibitors
  • 18 Innovative Educational Sessions
  • B2B Meetings


Why exhibit?

  • Make sales
  • Debut new products
  • Develop key relationships
  • Profile your brand
  • Educate Chemical, and biotech institutions and academia

Target Audience:

  • Academicians​
  • Scientists
  • Directors of Chemistry department in Universities
  • Research laboratories
  • Professors and Associate professors
  • Assistant professors
  • Lecturers
  • Graduates and Post Graduates
  • Research scholars
  • Chemical manufacturing companies
  • Research and Development department.
  • Laboratory Professionals
  • Ph.D. Students
  • Directors, CEO’s of Organizations

Why to exhibit/sponsor?

  • Build relationships and develop new markets
  • Raise awareness of your brand
  • To get the knowledge on New products of your competitors
  • To Strengthen your bond with existing customers
  • Learn about new developments in your industry
  • To interact directly to your target market
  • Optimise your sales and lead generation strategy

Top Reasons to Attend:

  • Meet with key decision makers in the Chemical Experts worldwide and learn about the latest innovations, technologies, trends and Research developments in Chemistry.
  • Share experiences, insights and strategies in interactive peer-to peer round tables.
  • Network and gain access to one of the world's fastest growing chemical markets.
  • A momentum is growing world-wide that recognizes the integral role of continuing professional development in Chemistry Industry
  • The conference facilitates participant access to high quality educational programs, internationally significant research and development in Chemistry research.
  • This is the only event featuring renowned speakers and delegates and expertise on the topics you care about most
  • Discover how advances in the sector are impacting both large and small molecule drugs.
  • Explore tried and tested routes to improve bioavailability.
  • Hear more perspectives in one place – from large medium and small organisations from Chemical, biotech and academia.



ConferenceSeries Ltd is a renowned organization that organizes highly notable  conferences throughout the globe. Currently we are bringing forth “ 12th Annual Congress on Chemistry ” (Asia Chemistry 2019) scheduled to be held during May 29-30, 2019  at Taipei, Taiwan. The conference invites all the participants across the globe to attend and share their insights and convey recent developments in the field of Chemistry.

Asia Chemistry 2019 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Chemistry. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Analytical Chemistry, Geochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Green Chemistry, and Organic& Inorganic Chemistry .

ConferenceSeries Ltd organizes a conference series of 1000+ Global Events inclusive of 1000+ Conferences, 500+ Upcoming and Previous Symposiums and Workshops in USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ Open access Journals which contains over 50000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board members.

2019 Highlights:

  • 150+ Participation (60 Industry: 40 Academia)
  • 5+ Keynote Speakers
  • 50+ Plenary Speakers
  • 5+ Exhibitors
  • 19 Innovative Educational Sessions
  • 5+ Workshops
  • B2B Meetings

Track 1: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

 A noteworthy in organic chemistry and atomic science trains you in the exploratory procedures used to test the structures and elements of organically vital particles. A typical sympathy toward the life and synthesis of the phone unites scholars and physicists in the field of natural chemistry sub-atomic science. The tremendous and complex exhibit of synthetic responses happening in living matter and the compound arrangement of the cell are the essential worries of the natural chemist. Science, at times called natural science, is the investigation of concoction procedures inside and identifying with living creatures. Controlling data course through biochemical flagging and the stream of compound vitality through digestion system.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Advances in Cellular, Genomic and Epigenetics2019, 27-29 January 2019,  Mani pal, India; International Conference on Vaccines2019, 20-22 February 2019 Baltimore, United States; Conference on Genomic Medicine2019, 22-24 February 2019 Baltimore, Maryland, United States; Conference on Marine Biotechnology2019, 8-10 march 2019 Troms, Norway; Conference on Microbial Communication2019, 20-23March 2019 Jena, Germany; World Congress on Molecular Genetics2019, 03-05 JULY 2019 Thailand, Bangkok; Conference on Network Integration in Health and Disease2019,12-16 2019, febCopper Mountain, Colorado; 5th Global Chemistry Congress2019, 04-06 September 2019, London, UK; Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany; 4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019 London, United Kingdom; Belgian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyBiochemical SocietyCanadian Society for Chemical TechnologyDanish Chemical SocietyFederation of European Biochemical Societies

Track 2: Natural Product Chemistry

Regular Products Chemistry Research manages concoction mixes found in nature that for the most part has a pharmacological or organic action for use in pharmaceutical medication revelation and medication outline A characteristic item is a synthetic compound or substance delivered by a living being—that is, found in nature. In the broadest sense, characteristic items incorporate any substance created by life. Regular items can likewise be set up by concoction combination (both semi amalgamation and aggregate union) and have assumed a focal part in the improvement of the field of natural science by giving testing engineered targets.



Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Natural Products2019, 15-17 June 2019 London, UK; Congress on Natural Products Chemistry2019, 16-18 2019October Budapest, Hungary; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA; Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany;4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Clinical chemistry2019, 28-29Sep 2019Atlanta, USA; International Conference on Sustainable Use2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, Conference on  Lipidomic and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019 - 02 Mar 2019 Tahoe City, California, United State; Conference on structural and molecular biology 2019, 06 Mar 2019 - 08 2019Groningen, Netherlands; European Federation of Catalysis Societies, Société Chiriquí de FranceSwedish Chemical SocietyCefic - European Chemical Industry CouncilEuropean Precious Metals Federation


Track 3: Synthetic Chemistry

Manufactured science or Chemical blend is a deliberate execution of concoction responses to get an item, or a few items. This happens by physical and concoction controls normally including at least one response. Manufactured pathway configuration incorporates format/compound oddity, and licensed innovation status. Engineered contemplations are practicality, building squares. Fast development to dispatch structure-movement relationship (SAR) investigations of delegate atoms.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Strategies to Study the Proteome2019,29Jan-02feb2019, Seattle, Washington, United States; conference on  Protein-RNA Interactions 2019,05-09feb 2019, San Diego, United States; Conference on Network Integration in Health and Disease2019,12-16 2019, febCopper Mountain, Colorado, United States; Conference on  Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019 - 02 Mar 2019 Tahoe City, California, United State; Conference on structural and molecular biology2019, 06 Mar 2019 - 08 2019Groningen, Netherlands; Annual American Summit on Food Safety2019, 26 Apr 2019 - 27 2019Toronto,Canada;European Organic Chemistry Congress2019, 02-03 march2019Amsterdam, Netherlands; Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry2019, 17-19 july2019 Chicago, Illinois, USA; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA;"5th Immunotoxicity Conference2019, 06-07 Feb 2019” San Diego, United States; Hungarian Chemical SocietyGesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)Faraday SocietyFederation of European Biochemical SocietiesThe Electrochemical Society

Track 4: Medicinal Chemistry

Therapeutic science and pharmaceutical science are orders at the crossing point of science, particularly engineered natural science, and pharmacology and different other organic claims to fame, where they are included with plan, compound union and advancement for market of pharmaceutical specialists, or bio-dynamic atoms (drugs) specific, restorative science in its most regular work on concentrating on little natural particles envelops manufactured natural science and parts of normal items and computational science in close blend with substance science, enzymology and basic science.

Relevant Conferences:

Congress on Medicinal Chemistry2019, 07-08 June 2019 Milan, Italy ; Winter Conference on Medicinal Chemistry2019, 22-26 jan2019;” San Diego, United States;"5th Immunotoxicity Conference2019, 06-07 Feb 2019” San Diego, United States; Conference  Protein translocation2019, 18-22 march 2019Dubrovnik, Croatia;Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany;4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Clinical chemistry2019, 28-29 Sep 2019Atlanta, USA;International Conference on Sustainable Use2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry2019, 17-19 july2019 Chicago, Illinois, USA; European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,, International Society for the Philosophy of ChemistryInternational Association of NanotechnologyFederation of Asian Chemical Societies


Track 5: Clinical Chemistry

Clinical science (otherwise called compound pathology, clinical natural chemistry or restorative organic chemistry) is the range of clinical pathology that is for the most part worried with examination of natural liquids for analytic and remedial purposes. Every biochemical test go under concoction pathology. These are performed on any sort of body liquid, yet generally on serum or plasma. Serum is the yellow watery piece of blood that is left after blood has been permitted to cluster and all platelets have been expelled. This is most effortlessly done by centrifugation.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on and Clinical Chemistry2019, 19-20 Jan2019"London, United Kingdom;Congress of Clinical Biochemistry2019, 19-20 SEP 2019 Punta Del Este, UY;Congress of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine2019, 20-22 Oct 2019 Durban, ZA;conference on WorldLab2019, Oct 22-- 25, 2019 Durban, ZA;International Conference on Clinical chemistry2019, 28-29 Sep 2019Atlanta, USA; Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry2019, 17-19 july2019 Chicago, Illinois, USA"5th Immunotoxicity Conference2019, 06-07 Feb 2019” San Diego, United States; conference on  Protein-RNA Interactions 2019,05-09feb 2019, San Diego, United States; ; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019,28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; ; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019,18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA; Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society, International Society of Magnetic ResonanceInternational Sol-Gel Society, International Ultraviolet Association, International Union of Crystallography

Track 6: Forensic Chemistry

Legal science is the utilization of science and its subfield, legal toxicology, in a legitimate setting. A scientific physicist can help with the recognizable proof of obscure materials found at a wrongdoing scene. Scientific masters in this field have a wide cluster of strategies and instruments to recognize obscure substances. The scope of various strategies is critical because of the damaging way of a few instruments and the quantity of conceivable obscure substances that can be found at a scene .the extent of Forensic researchers primarily work in state and focal government branches of criminal examination and law implementation.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA;5th Global Chemistry Congress2019, 04-06 Sep 2019, London, UK; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Conference on  Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019 - 02 Mar 2019 Tahoe City, California, United State; Conference on structural and molecular biology2019, 06 Mar 2019 - 08 2019Groningen, Netherlands; conference on  Protein-RNA Interactions 2019,05-09feb 2019, San Diego, United States; Conference on Network Integration in Health and Disease2019,12-16 2019, febCopper Mountain, Colorado, United States; Conference on Analytical Chemistry2019, 02-10 March 2019 Chicago, IL, United States; Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts 2019, 24-28 July 2019 Oxford, United King; Analytical Chemistry Meeting 2019, 28Aug-1Sep 2019 Stockholm, Sweden; American Oil Chemists' SocietyCanadian Society of Clinical Chemists - (CSCC), Chemical Society of PeruRoyal Society of Chemistry (RSC)The Korean Chemical Society

Track 7: Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Natural science is a science including the logical investigation of the structure, properties, and responses of natural mixes and natural materials, i.e., matter in its different structures that contain carbon iotas. Investigation of structure incorporates numerous physical and substance strategies to decide the concoction piece and the synthetic constitution of natural mixes and materials. Inorganic science manages the union and conduct of inorganic and organometallic mixes. This field covers every substance compound aside from the heap natural mixes which are the subjects of natural science. Its extension grasps all living matter, and in addition the unlimited number of non-living substances which are created through the office of life. Besides, it incorporates an extremely extraordinary number of mixes disconnected to life or to living procedures which have been developed by the scientific expert in the research centre by techniques he has concocted.

Relevant Conferences:

European Organic Chemistry Congress2019, 02-03 march2019Amsterdam, Netherlands;International conference on Industrial Chemistry 2019, 22-23 May 2019, "Las Vegas, USA;Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry2019, 17-19 july2019 Chicago, Illinois, USA;Conference on Inorganic Chemistry2019, 27-28 April 2019 Las Vegas, USA; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London ; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA; ;European Organic Chemistry Congress2019, 02-03 march2019Amsterdam, Netherlands, Conference on laboratory medicine and clinical chemistry 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA; Conference on Microbial Communication2019, 20-23March2019 Jena, Germany; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019 United Kingdom London; International Society of Heterocyclic ChemistryInternational Union of Pure and Applied ChemistryInternational Plasma Chemistry SocietyEuropean Federation of Catalysis SocietiesAsia-Pacific EPR/ESR Society

Track 8: Electrochemistry

Electrochemistry is the branch of physical science that reviews the relationship between power, as a quantifiable and quantitative marvel, and identifiable compound change, with either power considered a result of a specific concoction change or the other way around. These responses include electric charges moving amongst cathodes and an electrolyte.

Relevant Conferences:

International  conference on Electrochemistry2019,27 aug-1 Sep  2019 Providence, United States;7th International Congress on Ionic Liquids2019,25-30June2019,MontTremblant,Quebec,Canada;conference on Electrochemistry2019,10-11 July 2019 "Berlin, Germany; 3rd World Chemistry Conference2019, 11-12Sep 2019 Dallas, USA;International Conference on Sustainable Use2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, ; "5th Immunotoxicity Conference2019, 06-07 Feb 2019,San Diego, United States; Conference on  Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019-02 Mar 2019,Tahoe City, California; Conference on Network Integration in Health and Disease2019,12-16,2019,Feb,CopperMountain,Colorado,UnitedStates;Conference on Marine Biotechnology2019,8-10March,2019 Troms,Norway;Conference on Microbial Communication2019,20-23March2019 Jena, Germany; International Society of ElectrochemistryLaboratory Robotics Interest GroupPan Africa Chemistry Network,Pancyprian Union of Chemists,Polish Chemical Society

Track 9: Geochemistry

Diagnostic science is the study of getting, preparing, and conveying data about the synthesis and structure of matter. Investigative physicists frequently work in administration related occupations and are utilized in industry, the scholarly community, and government. They direct essential lab look into; perform process and item improvement; plan instruments utilized as a part of investigative examination; educate; and work in promoting and law. extent of Analytical scientists are for the most part is to include with making estimations by utilizing complex best in class PC controlled instrumentation in government research facilities and labs in every aspect of the compound, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and nourishment businesses.

Relevant Conferences:

Ontario Geothermal Association Conference 2019, 21-22 Feb 2019 MississaugaCanada; Canadian Chemistry Conference2019, 28 May-1june 2019 Toronto, Canada ;Internationalconference on Geochemistry 2019, 11-16 June 2019 Guiyang, China;International Conference on Sustainable Use 2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, France;International2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, France;World Chemistry Conference2019, 11-12September 2019 Dallas, USA;Conference on geochemistry 2019, April 27-28, 2019 Dubai, UAE; Conference CATALYSIS FOR RENEWABLE SOURCES2019, 04-08 Sep 2019 Gabicce Mare, Adriatic; Riviera, Italy; Conference on Marine Biotechnology2019, 8-10 March 2019 Troms, Norway; Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry2019, 18-19Sep 2019 Dublin, Ireland; 4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019London, United Kingdom; International Association of GeoChemistry, International Association of Geochemistry and CosmochemistryInternational Mass Spectrometry FoundationEuropean Association of Organic Geochemists, Association of Exploration GeochemistsGeochemical Society

Track 10: Analytical Chemistry

Geochemistry is the logical investigation of the Earth's substance components and regular mixes found in soil, groundwater and shake. Geochemistry is a multidisciplinary science that coordinates the standards of science, material science and science to study Earth procedures and progression. The use of geochemistry to geographical, monetary, and ecological issues is a capable apparatus, when appropriately connected by those prepared in the understanding of diagnostic outcomes. Geochemists are progressively popular to ponder and assess geologic dangers, normal assets and natural issues, for example, groundwater supply and pollution.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Analytical Chemistry2019, 02-10 March 2019 Chicago, IL, United States; Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts 2019, 24-28 July 2019 Oxford, United Kingdom; Analytical Chemistry Meeting 2019, 28Aug-1Sep 2019 Stockholm, Sweden; European Chemistry Congress2019, May 11-13, 2019 Barcelona, Spain; World Chemistry Conference2019, 11-12 September 2019 Dallas, USA; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; European Chemistry Congress2019, 11-13May2019 Barcelona, Spain; Conference on Strategies to Study the Proteome2019,29 Jan-02 Feb2019, Seattle, Washington, United States; Canadian Chemistry Conference2019, 28 May-1 June 2019 Toronto, Canada; Conference on Biomimetic matrerials2019, 6-12 March2019 Brace, Philippines; Conference on Oxide Materials 2019, 29 May-2 June 2019 Lviv, Ukraine; American Society for Mass SpectrometryInternational Mass Spectrometry FoundationCooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry, International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

Track 11: Nuclear Chemistry

Atomic science is the subfield of science managing radioactivity, atomic procedures, for example, atomic transmutation, and atomic properties .extent of Nuclear scientists is to work with different isotopic types of components to study splitting and combination procedures, or they dive into the impacts of ionizing radiation on materials, living beings (counting individuals), and nature. Atomic scientific experts regularly make presentations at gatherings, and they may go to particular offices to run tests. Some global travel might be required.

Relevant Conferences:

International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London Research Conference on Nuclear Chemistry2019, 8-23june 2019New London, United States;International Conference on Radio analyticals2019, 11-12June2019,Denmark, Copenhagen; International conference on nuclear chemistry2019, 6-7 Nov2019 Vegas, USA; International Nuclear Chemistry Congress2019, 27Aug-3Sep 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden; Conference on Advances in Cellular, Genomic and Epigenetics2019, 27-29 jan2019 Mani pal, India;Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference2019, 14-17May2019 Berlin, Germany, Europe;  Conference on Self-Healing Materials2019, 25-28June 2019 Friedrichshafen, Germany; 2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USAConference  Protein translocation2019, 18-22 march 2019Dubrovnik, Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials 2019, 18-21Sep 2019, Tehran, Iran; Society of Petroleum EngineersMaterials Research Society, Society of Chemical Industry, Swedish Chemical Society, Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates

 Track 12: Environmental Chemistry

Natural physicists screen what is noticeable all around, water, and soil to study how chemicals enter the earth, what influences they have, and how human movement influences the earth. They screen the source and degree of contamination and sullying particularly aggravates that influence human wellbeing, and they advance manageability, preservation, and Scope of Environment scientific expert. There is an assortment of extensions in ecological science; you can go into systematic natural science like dissecting air, soil and water tests for various sorts of mixes.

Relevant Conferences:

European Chemistry Congress2019,11-13May2019 Barcelona, Spain;Conference on Environmental Chemistry2019, 24-25 2019 July Rome, Italy; Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference2019, 14-17May2019 Berlin, Germany, Europe; Conference on Physical  chemistry2019, 9-10 March 2019 Miami, USA ; Conference on the Fifth Quantum Thermodynamics2019, 13-17 March2019 Oxford, United Kingdom;International Conference on Sustainable Use2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics2019, 26-30Sep 2019 Rome, Italy; Conference on Physical  chemistry2019, 9-10 March 2019 Miami, USA ; Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials 2019, 18-21Sep 2019, Tehran, Iran; Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019, 13-14Jan 2019 Zurich, Switzerland; International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,  International EPR(ESR) Society, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, International Sol-Gel SocietyInternational Ultraviolet Association 

Track 13: Quantum Chemistry

Quantum science is the utilization of quantum mechanical standards and conditions to the investigation of particles. The first is the idea of wave-molecule duality; that is, the thought that we have to consider little protests, (for example, electrons) as having qualities of both particles and waves. Second, quantum mechanical models effectively anticipate that the vitality of particles and atoms is constantly quantized, implying that they may have just particular measures of vitality. The extents of Experimental quantum scientists depend intensely on spectroscopy, through which data in regards to the quantization of vitality on an atomic scale can be acquired. Basic techniques are infra-red (IR) spectroscopy and atomic attractive reverberation (NMR) spectroscopy and responses, quantum science concentrates the ground condition of individual iotas and particles, the energized states, and the move expresses that happen amid concoction responses.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Quantum Materials Winter School2019, 16-19 Jan 2019 University of Maryland, College Park, United States;conference on Breakdown of ergodicity in quantum systems2019, 6-7 Feb 2019 Royal Society, London, United Kingdom; Conference on the Fifth Quantum Thermodynamics2019, 13-17 March2019 Oxford, United Kingdom;Conference   on Quantum and Thermodynamics 2019, 9-15July2019 Prague, Czech Republic;Conference on Fluctuations in Quantum Materials2019, 17july-6Oct 2019 Santa Barbara, United States;Conference on Integrated Quantum Photonics2019, 26-30Sep 2019 Rome, Italy; Congress of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine2019, 20-22 Oct 2019 Durban, ZA; Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry2019, 18-19Sep 2019 Dublin, Ireland; Conference on Molecular Biology2019, 20-21 march 2019 Rome, Italy; Conference on Marine Biotechnology2019, 8-10march 2019 Troms, Norway; International Association of Chemical Thermodynamics.International Union of CrystallographySociety of Chemical Industry, World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists ,International Zeolite Association

Track 14: Green Chemistry

Green science, additionally called feasible science, is a zone of science and synthetic building concentrated on the planning of items and procedures that minimize the utilization and era of perilous substances Green science covers with all sub controls of science however with a specific concentrate on concoction union, handle science, and compound designing, in mechanical applications. The degree covers green science identified with engineered science, prepare and logical science, partition science, feasible assets, and option ecologically more secure synthetic techniques.

Relevant Conferences:

International Conference on Green Chemistry2019, 14-15 Aug 2019 Venice, Italy;Conference on Present Systems of Green Chemistry2019, 16-18Oct 2019 Atlanta, USA; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019Munich,Germany;Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019,13-14Jan2019 Zurich, Switzerland;International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; ;World Congress on Molecular Genetics2019, 03-05JULY2019 Thailand, Bangkok; conference on WorldLab2019, Oct 22-- 25, 2019 Durban, ZA;International Conference on Clinical chemistry2019, 28-29 Sep 2019Atlanta, USA; Conference on Organic & Inorganic Chemistry2019, 17-19 July2019 Chicago, Illinois, USA; American Society of Brewing Chemists,American Society for Mass SpectrometryAssociation of Analytical Communities (AOAC International),Association of Greek ChemistsBiochemical Society

Track 15: Physical Chemistry

Physical science is the investigation of naturally visible, nuclear, subatomic, and particulate wonders in substance frameworks as far as the standards, practices and ideas of material science, for example, movement, vitality, constrain, time, thermodynamics, quantum science, factual mechanics, elements and harmony Some of the connections that physical science endeavours to determine incorporate the impacts of: Intermolecular strengths, Reaction energy, Surface science and electrochemistry of layers colligative properties.[ The extent of the physical science covers all territories of physical science, including surface science, colloids and interfaces, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, sub-atomic structure, strong state science, catalysis, energy, hypothetical science, compound material science and biophysical science..

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Physical  chemistry2019, 9-10 March 2019 Miami, USA ;conference on Methods in Drug Discovery2019, 4-6sep 2019 Zagreb, Croatia ;Conference on Physical and Theoretical Chemistry2019, 18-19Sep 2019 Dublin, Ireland; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Conference CATALYSIS FOR RENEWABLE SOURCES2019, 04-08 Sep 2019 Gabicce Mare, Adriatic; Riviera, Italy; ; Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany;4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019London, United Kingdom; Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019, 13-14Jan 2019 Zurich, Switzerland;International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Conference on Marine Biotechnology2019, 8-10march 2019 Troms, Norway; European Colloid and Interface SocietyEuropean Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids  European Precious Metals FederationInternational Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, European Chemistry Thematic Network Association

Track 16: Theoretical Chemistry

Hypothetical science tries to clarify information from science tests. It utilizes science and PCs. Hypothetical science predicts what happens when particles join to shape atoms. It likewise predicts compound properties (attributes) of particles. An essential piece of hypothetical science is quantum science. Hypothetical scientific experts utilize an extensive variety of devices. These devices incorporate explanatory models (for instance, LCAO-MOs to inexact the practices of electrons in atoms) and computational and numerical recreations. The extent of the Theoretical and Computational Chemistry concentrates on the improvement and use of hypothetical methodologies in science and related controls.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019, 13-14Jan 2019 Zurich, Switzerland; European Organic Chemistry Congress2019March2-3,2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands;Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany;4th Annual Peptides Congress2019, 24-25 April 2019London, United Kingdom; International Conference on Clinical chemistry2019, 28-29 Sep 2019Atlanta, USA;International Conference on Sustainable Use 2019, 26-30 June 2019 Lyon, Conference on  Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019 - 02 Mar 2019 Tahoe City, California, United State; Conference on structural and molecular biology2019, 06 Mar 2019 - 08 2019Groningen, Netherlands; Conference on Natural Products2019, 15-17 June 2019 London, UK;Congress on Natural Products Chemistry2019,16-18 2019Oct Budapest, Hungary; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; World Association of Theoretical and Computational ChemistsAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC International)Association of Greek ChemistsFederation of European Biochemical Societies

Track 17: Materials and Polymer Chemistry

Polymer science is a science that arrangements with the structures, concoction combination and properties of polymers, principally manufactured polymers, for example, plastics and elastomers. Polymer science is identified with the more extensive field of polymer science, which additionally envelops polymer material science and polymer designing. The extent of Polymer Chemistry& material science incorporates Novel engineered and polymerization techniques, Polymerization systems and energy, Advanced portrayal of polymers, Macromolecular structure and capacity, Synthesis and use of novel polymers for bio-/Nano solution, Reactions and science of polymers, Supra atomic polymers.

Relevant Conferences:

Conference on Biomimetic matrerials2019, 6-12 March2019 Brace, Philippines;Europe Africa Conference2019, 26-29 Jun 2019 Dresden, Germany; Conference on Self-Healing Materials2019, 25-28June 2019 Friedrichshafen, Germany;Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials 2019, 18-21Sep 2019, Tehran, Iran; Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019, 13-14Jan 2019 Zurich, Switzerland;International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; ; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA;Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany; Conference on Natural Products2019, 15-17 June 2019 London, UK;Congress on Natural Products Chemistry2019, 16-18 2019Oct Budapest, Hungary; International Conference on Nuclear Chemistry  2019, 28-29June 2019"United Kingdom London; Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT)Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS),Chemical Heritage Foundation (CHF)Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)Chemical Research Society of India

Track 18:Multi-disciplinary Chemistry

Multidisciplinary Chemistry identifying with the investigation of science, including a few science disciplines. It envelops all branches of science and its sub disciplines like Pharmaceutical, Biological exercises of Synthetic Drugs, Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, and Agricultural Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Drug Chemistry and so on

Relevant Conferences:

Canadian Chemistry Conference2019, 28May-1june 2019 Toronto, Canada;International FEZA Conference2019, 03-07July 2019 Sofia, Bulgaria;Conference CATALYSIS FOR RENEWABLE SOURCES2019, 04-08 Sep 2019 Gabicce Mare, Adriatic; Riviera, Italy;Conference on Oxide Materials 2019, 29 May-2 June 2019 Lviv, Ukraine;Conference on Materials Chemistry2019, 13-14 July 2019 Berlin, Germany; Conference on Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2019, 03-05 April 2019 Munich, Germany; ; Conference on Theoretical Chemistry2019, 13-14Jan 2019 Zurich, Switzerland; ; Conference on Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Chemistry2019, 18-20 Sep 2019Houston, USA; Conference on  Lipidomics and Bioactive Lipids  2019, 26 Feb 2019 - 02 Mar 2019 Tahoe City, California, United State; Conference on structural and molecular biology2019, 06 Mar 2019 - 08 2019Groningen, Netherlands; Japan Association for International Chemical InformationThe Korean Chemical Society, Laboratory Robotics Interest Group, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical EngineersNorwegian Chemical Society


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Conference Date May 29-30,2019
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