Injae Shin
Yonsei University, Korea
Title: Carbohydrate microarrays for study of glycan associated biological events
Biography: Injae Shin
Glycans are involved in various physiological processes through interactions with proteins. Importantly, glycan-mediated biomolecular interactions play key roles in a number of pathological processes. Accordingly, details of glycan-protein interactions provide deep insights into the understanding of glycan-associated biological events at the molecular level. For rapid analysis of glycan-mediated recognition events, we have constructed carbohydrate microarrays that consist of diverse glycans densely attached to the solid surface in an orderly arrangement. The notable advantage of the carbohydrate microarray-based technology includes the simultaneous analysis of many glycan-protein interactions by using a small amount of carbohydrate samples. The prepared microarrays were incubated with proteins or cells to probe glycan-protein or glycan-cell interactions. We have showed that glycan microarrays are very powerful tools for studies glycan-mediated recognition events in a high-throughput manner. In this presentation, I will discuss the recent applications of glycan microarrays for functional glycomics research.