Boyd L. Summers
BL Summers Consulting LLC, USA
Title: Ensure quality assurance for companies and institutions
Biography: Boyd L. Summers
Outside or inside quality assurance auditors are trained and chartered to partner with companies and/or institutions and instill quality, maintain process and product requirement compliance thru in-house audits and evaluations and to provide oversight. Auditors promote process improvements, and are an advocate to a quality culture that supports commitment to technical integrity. Vision: Quality is inclusive for creating a community working together and establishes an inspired future for business management, employees and customers. Mission: Drive the growth of our people and our business through personal and professional development focused on disciplined execution and quality. Processes and Evaluation Audit Steps are: Quality Planning, Perform Audits & Evaluations, Record and Report Audit & Evaluation results to Senior Management and organization, and employees. Quality Planning: At the start of each review period, auditors prepare for audit and evaluation planning by identifying contracts and those processes that will be evaluated during that specific review period. The identified contracts and processes evaluated during the review period require the right criteria derived from company and/or institution documentation (or associated plans and procedures). Perform Audits and Evaluations: Using criteria derived from the documentation plus plans and procedures provides the performance of the audits and evaluations planned for each month. The purpose of the audits and evaluations ensure that activities and/or tasks are completed as planned and are compliant with approved company and/or institution plans and procedures. Performing audits and evaluations includes: Review of contracts, plans and procedures to determine and select appropriate evaluation criteria, In performing the evaluations, auditors make an assessment as to whether the implemented processes are compliant or noncompliant.