A. H. Kulahlioglu
Meliksah University, Turkey
Title: Theoretical and experimental study on the hydrogen storage capacities of porous polymers linked with the boronic acids
Biography: A. H. Kulahlioglu
The graphene layers linked with the boronic acids have been examined theoretically regarding with their hydrogen uptake capacity at various temperatures and pressures by Burress et al. They predicted 6.1 wt % H2 uptake at 77 K and 1 Bar. In our work, we investigate the hydrogen storage capacities of some amorphous materials, e.g. covalent organic frameworks (COF) such as polyvinyl alcohol and cellulose linked with the boronic acids. We will present theoretical and also first experimental results of the hydrogen adsorption of these amorphous materials at different temperatures and pressures. They will be compared with the hydrogen uptake of the crystalline materials such as graphene layers linked with the boronic acids. Despite previous works which mainly focusing on Van der Waals and London forces between hydrogen molecules and COF surface, we will propose a novel function(s) in order to take polarizing effect of polar sites of COF surface into consideration. Instead of weak Van der Waals forces alone, polarizing sites are expected to bind considerable amount of hydrogen by splitting the molecule in a more efficient manner.