Vladimir Komarov
St Petersburg State University, Russia
Title: Unitary symmetry - from elementary particles through the nuclei of atoms, molecules to the codon
Biography: Vladimir Komarov
In elementary particle theory and the concept of symmetry and related ideas about the hierarchy of interactions play a fundamental role. In the case of atoms and molecules also can talk about the hierarchy of interactions of particles involved in their formation. As an example, a "strong" interaction can be entered here in the energy of chemical bonds, which is 1-2 orders of magnitude more energy non-bonded interactions. Typically, the consideration of weak interactions in chemistry is carried out by introducing into physical models of various disturbances. These disturbances usually are unmeasured parameters, which are essentially the adjustable values. However, atoms, molecules and mixtures can try to find such a ratios of values of the parameter under consideration, in which the contribution of the "weak" interactions are compensated. The special case of the codons, which built the new circuitry and offered invariant relations for predicting the results of mutations.