Moinuddin Sarker
Waste Technologies LLC
Moinuddin Sarker, has been working as the Vice President of Research and Development and Head of Science Team at the Natural State Research (NSR), Inc., at Stamford, CT and the inventor of NSR ’s award winning technology to convert municipal waste plastics into liquid hydrocarbon fuel. He has an MSc (1992) and PhD degree in Chemistry from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK (1996). During his research work, he carried out research in four different synchrotron radiation sources around the world: CRCL lab. Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, UK (1991-1996), Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (SRRC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C (1996-1999), Berlin Electron Storage Ring Company for Synchrotron Radiation (BESSY II) (2000) and Advance Photon Sources (APS), Chicago, USA (2001-2004). He is a distinguished member of 30 professional organizations. In 2010, he received, the International Renewable Energy Innovator of the year Awards 2010 at Washington DC and presented by Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), USA. Currently, he serves as a President of AEE-CT Chapter (Association of Energy Engineers, CT Chapter) since 2012.
Research Interest
Chemistry and Plastics