El-Refaie Kenawy
Tanta University, Egypt
El-Refaie Kenawy is distinguished Professor of polymer chemistry at University of Tanta, Egypt. He is internationally recognized in the field of polymer chemistry. He is a graduate of Tanta University, Egypt. He did his PhD. work according to channel Scheme at Strathclyde University, UK. He worked as postdoctoral fellow and visiting professor at many international universities as Pisa University, Gent University, Virginia Commonwealth University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Tanta University. Professor Kenawy is a member of editorial board of many international journals. He participated actively in many international conferences. In 2004, he was Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Young Arab Scientists in Chemistry 2004. Recent award for Professor Kenawy in 2012 is the most cited award from Miser El-Kher Foundation, Egypt. He has many publications and reviews in international journals. He is research interest mainly focused on bioactive polymers, biomedical applications of polymers, antimicrobial polymers, electrospinng of polymers nanofibers, etc. Prof. Kenawy and Prof. Wnek and others from VCU, USA explored for the first time the use of nanofibers for drug delivery applications. Prof. Kenawy is a member of Egyptian Universities Promotion Committee For Organic Chemistry (2013-2015).
Abstract : Preparation and swelling capacity of superabsorbent polymer composites based on attapulgite clay