Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th European Chemistry Congress, will be organized around the theme “Exploring recent advances in chemistry, related fields and applications”
Euro Chemistry 2017 is comprised of 22 tracks and 109 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Chemistry 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The research Organic Chemistry involves the synthesis of organic molecules and the study of their reaction paths, interactions, and applications. Advanced interests include diverse topics such as the development of new synthetic methods for the assembly of complex organic molecules and polymeric materials, organometallic chemistry, organo catalysis, the synthesis of natural products and non-natural products with unique biological and physical properties, structure and mechanistic analysis, natural product biosynthesis, theoretical chemistry and molecular modeling, diversity-oriented synthesis, and carbohydrate organic chemistry. Organic Chemistry mainly focuses on prediction of aromatic behaviour and anti-aromatic behavior , carbohydrates & carboxylic acids, nitriles & phenols, phosphines & polymers, general condition for non-aromatic behavior of organic compounds, spectroscopy, prediction of hybridization state of heterocyclic compounds, esters & ethers and reactions, reactivity of alpha hydrogens.
- Track 1-1Acid Halides, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones & Alkyl Halides
- Track 1-2Amides, Amines, Anhydrides, Aryl Halides & Azides
- Track 1-3Carbohydrates & Carboxylic Acids
- Track 1-4Phenylamine and Diazonium Compounds
- Track 1-5Esters & Ethers
- Track 1-6Case Studies, Chirality & Conjugation
- Track 1-7Phosphines & Polymers
- Track 1-8Nitriles & Phenols
- Track 1-9Thiols & Sulfides
- Track 1-10Spectroscopy
Inorganic chemistry is concerned with the properties and reactivity of all chemical elements. Advanced interests focus on understanding the role of metals in biology and the environment, the design and properties of materials for energy and information technology, fundamental studies on the reactivity of main group and transition elements, and nanotechnology. Synthetic efforts are directed at hydrogen storage materials and thermoelectrics, catalysts for solar hydrogen generation, fullerenes and metal porphyrins, metal clusters and compounds with element-element bonds, as well as nanowires and nanoparticles. inorganic chemistry mainly focuses on coordination chemistry & case studies, crystallography, crystal field theory, crystal lattices, descriptive chemistry, electronic configurations, ligand field theory, molecular geometry and organometallic chemistry.
- Track 2-1Coordination Chemistry & Case Studies
- Track 2-2Reactions in aqueous solutions
- Track 2-3Organometallic Chemistry
- Track 2-4Molecular geometry
- Track 2-5Ligand field theory
- Track 2-6Electronic configurations
- Track 2-7Descriptive Chemistry
- Track 2-8Crystal Lattices
- Track 2-9Crystal Field Theory
- Track 2-10Crystallography
Analytical techniques spans nearly all areas of chemistry but involves the development of tools and methods to measure physical properties of substances and apply those techniques to the identification of their presence (qualitative analysis) and quantify the amount present (quantitative analysis) of species in a wide variety of settings, analytical chromatography will be used in various fields for separation and analytical biochemistry is used to detect various samples. Analytical chemistry focuses on electrochemical methods, quality assurance, qualitative analysis, quantifying nature, quantitative analysis, gravimetric methods, evaluating analytical data, spectroscopic methods and Standardizing analytical methods.
- Track 3-1Standardizing analytical methods
- Track 3-2Equilibrium chemistry
- Track 3-3Gravimetric methods
- Track 3-4Titrimetric methods
- Track 3-5Spectroscopic methods
- Track 3-6Electrochemical methods
- Track 3-7Chromatographic & Electrophoretic
- Track 3-8Quality assurance
- Track 3-9Additional resources
Green chemistry, also called sustainable chemistry, is an area of chemistry and chemical engineering focused on the design of products and processes that minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances. Green chemical principles involves prevention, atom economy, less hazardous chemical syntheses, designing safer chemicals, chemical products should be designed to affect their desired function while minimizing their toxicity, safer solvents and auxiliaries, energy efficiency by design, use of renewable feedstocks, reduce derivatives, catalysis, design for degradation, real-time analysis for pollution prevention, inherently safer chemistry for accident prevention.
- Track 4-1Waste prevention instead of remediation
- Track 4-2Atom economy or efficiency
- Track 4-3Use of less hazardous and toxic chemicals
- Track 4-4Safer products by design
- Track 4-5Innocuous solvents and auxiliaries
- Track 4-6Energy efficiency by design
- Track 4-7Preferred use of renewable raw materials
- Track 4-8Catalytic rather than stoichiometric reagents
- Track 4-9Design products to undergo degradation in the environment
- Track 4-10Analytical methodologies for pollution prevention
Medical Biochemistry is that branch of medicine concerned with the biochemistry and metabolism of human health and disease. The medical biochemist is trained in the operation and management of clinical biochemistry laboratories, and acts as a consultant in all aspects of their use. The medical biochemist directs clinical laboratories, consults, diagnosis and treats patients with a variety of metabolic dysfunction, blood coagulation, insulin & diabetes, DNA, RNA, & protein metabolism muscle biochemistry, hormones: steroid & peptide and biochemical abnormalities.
- Track 5-1Nitrogen and metal biochemistry
- Track 5-2Cellular Structure & Organization
- Track 5-3Specialized Subjects
- Track 5-4DNA, RNA & Protein metabolism
- Track 5-5Insulin & Diabetes
- Track 5-6Metabolic dysfunction
- Track 5-7Hormones: Steroid & Peptide
- Track 5-8Cellular & Molecular Biology
- Track 5-9Biochemistry of nerve transmission
- Track 5-10Blood coagulation
Physical Chemistry is the application of physical principles and measurements to understand the properties of matter, as well as for the development of new technologies for the environment, energy and medicine. Advanced physical chemistry topics include different spectroscopy methods (raman, ultrafast and mass spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance, statistical mechanics, x-ray absorption and atomic force microscopy) as well as theoretical and computational tools to provide atomic-level understanding for applications such as: nanodevices for bio-detection and receptors, interfacial chemistry of catalysis and implants, electron and proton transfer, protein function, photosynthesis and airborne particles in the atmosphere.
- Track 6-1Ensemble Simulations
- Track 6-2Atomic theory
- Track 6-3Equilibria
- Track 6-4Kinetics
- Track 6-5Quantum mechanics
- Track 6-6Spectroscopy
- Track 6-7Acids and Bases
- Track 6-8Statistical mechanics
- Track 6-9Surface science
- Track 6-10Thermodynamics
- Track 6-11Nanodevices
Chemical Biology research uses the tools of chemistry and synthesis to understand biology and disease pathways at the molecular level. Advanced biological chemistry interests include diverse topics such as nucleic acids, DNA repair, bioconjugate chemistry, electron transport, peptides and peptidomimetics, glycoscience, biochemical energy, vitamins, cofactors and coenzymes, biomolecular structure and function, drug activity, imaging, and biological catalysis. Biophysical Chemistry represents the union of chemistry, physics, and biology using a variety of experimental and theoretical approaches to understand the structure and function of biological systems.
- Track 7-1Biochemical cycles
- Track 7-2Biochemical energy
- Track 7-3Carbohydrates
- Track 7-4Enzymes
- Track 7-5Drug activity
- Track 7-6Electron transport
- Track 7-7Food chemistry
- Track 7-8Nucleic acids & Proteins
- Track 7-9Photoreceptors
- Track 7-10Photosynthesis
- Track 7-11Vitamins, cofactors and coenzymes
Environmental Chemistry is the discipline which deals with: The environmental impact of pollutants, the reduction of contamination and management of the environment. Environmental Chemistry is thus the study of the behaviour of pollutants with respect to their environmental fate and effects on the environment. Toxic compounds consist of naturally occurring elements in variable quantities which usually have no adverse environmental effects. The effect of a chemical depends on its distribution, its form and its concentration. It mainly focuses on biological effects of chemicals, soils and bound residues, predicting compound properties and effects, chemical risk and regulatory issues, water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse, drinking water.Chemical species present in the environment are either naturally occurring or generated by human activities. Environmental pollution like water pollution, air pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in the surrounding that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. Pollutants exist in all the three states of matter. We have discussed only those pollutants, which are due to human activities and can be controlled. Atmospheric pollution is generally studied as tropospheric and stratospheric pollution. The gaseous pollutants come down to the earth in the form of acid rain. 75% of the solar energy reaching earth is absorbed by the earth surface and rest is radiated back to the atmosphere. These gases mentioned above trap the heat which result into global warming.
- Track 8-1Water quality, wastewater treatment and reuse, drinking water
- Track 8-2Nanomaterials: from characterization to risk assessment
- Track 8-3Air pollution
- Track 8-4Tropospheric Multiphase and Heterogeneous Chemistry
- Track 8-5Biodegradation of chemicals in natural and man-made ecosystems
- Track 8-6Isotope techniques and application for process analysis
- Track 8-7Predicting compound properties and effects
- Track 8-8Chemical risk and regulatory issues
- Track 8-9Biological effects of chemicals
- Track 8-10Human exposure and toxicity
Nuclear chemistry is a subfield of chemistry dealing with radioactivity, nuclear processes and nuclear properties. It includes the study of the chemistry of radioactive elements such as the actinides, radium and radon together with the chemistry associated with equipment such as nuclear reactors where nuclear reactions takes place, which are designed to perform nuclear processes. Nuclear reactors can be "high-flux" reactors, mainly used to make radio-active isotopes for medicine or scientific use, or "low-flux" reactors, mainly used for nuclear power generation. The chemical effects resulting from the absorption of radiation within living animals, plants, and other materials. The radiation chemistry controls much of radiation biology as radiation affects living things at the molecular scale, fission and fusion plays a major role in nuclear chemistry. In particular, radiation alters the biochemicals within an organism, this changes the chemistry within the organism, and this can lead to a biological outcome. Nuclear chemistry is important in the development of some medical treatments.
- Track 9-1Components of the nucleus
- Track 9-2Applications of nuclear chemistry
- Track 9-3Applied nuclear chemistry
- Track 9-4Fission and fusion
- Track 9-5Half lives and radioactive decay kinetics
- Track 9-6Nuclear chain reactions and nuclear reactions
- Track 9-7Nuclear stability and magic numbers
- Track 9-8Nucleosynthesis: The origin of the elements
- Track 9-9Radioactivity
The advent of computers has revolutionized the approach toward understanding chemistry at a fundamental level far beyond what is capable with traditional pen and paper. Theoretical chemistry mainly focuses on chemical bonding, ensemble simulations, physical organic chemistry, fundamentals & symmetry. Advanced Theoretical chemistry spans a wide range of theoretical and computational methods applied to chemical and biological systems including the development and application of quantum chemical and molecular mechanics simulation methods to diverse topics such as dynamic processes involved in the formation of nanomaterials; structures, dynamics and transport of ions through biological membranes; basic processes of electron-driven chemistry; biological electron and proton transfer processes; bonding and electronic structures of unusual inorganic and organic molecules, ensemble simulations; mechanisms of organic and organo metallic reactions and rational drug design.
- Track 10-1Fundamentals & Symmetry
- Track 10-2Physical organic chemistry
- Track 10-3Ensemble Simulations
- Track 10-4Chemical Bonding
- Track 11-1Drug discovery
- Track 11-2Hit to lead and lead optimization
- Track 11-3Process chemistry and development
- Track 11-4Drug design
- Track 12-1Materials Science and Engineering
- Track 12-2Polymer technology
- Track 12-3Nanotechnology in material science
- Track 12-4Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Science
- Track 12-5Computational Materials Science
- Track 12-6Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Materials
- Track 13-1Chemical Applications
- Track 13-2Enhanced Oil & Gas Recovery
- Track 13-3Gas Supply & Gas Technology
- Track 13-4Sustainable Energy
- Track 13-5Catalysis
The Pharmaceutical Chemistry focuses on understanding the physical properties, chemical synthesis, manufacture, and formulation of medicines. This would explore fundamental biological mechanisms and molecules of therapeutic relevance for better health, empowered by novel technologies at the interface of chemistry, physics, and computational sciences.