Day :
- Physical Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Location: Linate

Goncagul Serdaroglu
Cumhuriyet University, Turkey

Dorothee ARNS
Petrochemicals Europe, Belgium
Session Introduction
Sara Mousavi
ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Title: Highly porous bio-based nanofibrous aerogels for removing cationic dyes from aqueous solutions
Time : 10:35-10:55

Sara Mousavi is from ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management, Switzerland
The use of synthetic dyes in different industries such as paper, textile, paint, printing, and plastics is inevitable. Environmental concerns due to their UV and temperature stability together with their inhibiting effects on photosynthetic activities ask for improved dye removing processes.
Dye adsorption is a promising method in dye removing process, as it is cost efficient, easy and flexible without any new toxic by-products. Difficulties such as separating the adsorbent after the removal process together with their low efficiency were overcome by the development of new adsorbents based on electrospun nanofiber membranes.
However, besides all the outstanding properties of electrospun nanofiber membranes such as their huge specific surface area tailored surface functionality and fiber uniformity, they are still facing challenges such as low mechanical stability and unfavorable mass transport properties.
To overcome these problems, a robust 3D sponge like aerogel with high porosity, mechanical stability, and flexibility as well as low density was developed using pullulan: nanofibers are electrospun from the natural and edible polysaccharide pullulan followed by cutting in dioxane, proceeding with a freeze casting process and finally thermally crosslinked.
The pullulan based super elastic and environmentally friendly aerogel is used as a highly efficient adsorbent to remove cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. Dye adsorption is pH dependent and recycling of the aerogel adsorbent is demonstrated.

Javier Torres Escalona has completed his Master in Chemistry at age of 25 years from Castilla-La Mancha University. He is currently a 3rd year PhD candidate at the Pau University doing his doctoral research at the Research Institute on Analytical Sciences and Physical Chemistry for Environment and Materials (IPREM).
The major challenge of the XXI century is probably related to our ability to provide an efficient and cost-effective energy transition, but also to propose alternative solutions and processes environmentally friendly. The discovery of new sources and new methods of operation will determine our energies for the future. Thus, all forms of research dedicated to this problem are to consider, especially as conventional reserves deplete. In this context, hydrogen is one of the principal candidates as clean fuel and hydrazine-borane derivatives are promising as chemical hydrogen storage systems. On the other hand, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UVPES) is a well-established technique to provide ionization energies of molecules in gas phase. These experimental data supported by quantum calculations for the consistency of the assignments of PE bands allow to reach fundamental information about electronic structure and bonding that is obtained by no other technique. Representative examples to illustrate the advantages and wide applicability of this approach will be exclusively chosen from our research in the field hydrazine-borane derivatives and in particular on the nature of boron-nitrogen bond versus substitution on each atom.
Pavel Sorokin
National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Russian Federation
Title: The features of diamond nucleation on nanolevel. Prediction of diamondization of multilayered graphene
Time : 11:15-11:35

Pavel Sorokin has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow and postdoctoral study from Rice University. He is the leading researcher of Inorganic Nanomaterials Laboratory in National University of Science and Technology "MISIS". He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals.
Since the isolation in 2004 graphene continues to attract significant attention from the scientific community. Despite of the fact that graphene is under detailed investigation more than 10 years it still serve as a source for unusual effects.
Here I will show that multilayer graphene surface can be used a base for formation of diamond nanofilms facilitated by chemical adsorption of adatoms on the multilayer graphene surface, and explain how the pressure of phase transition is reduced and formally turns negative. For the first time we obtain, by ab initio computations of the Gibbs free energy, a phase diagram (P, T ,h) of quasi-two-dimensional carbon—diamond film versus multilayered graphene. It describes accurately the role of film thickness h and shows feasibility of creating novel quasi-2D materials. In such “chemically induced” phase transition both chemistry and compression concurrently serve as the driving factors for diamond film formation. I will continued to discuss this effect through the ultrastiff films with hexagonal diamond (lonsdaleite) type structure and further show that under the particular external conditions and using particular adsorbate atoms films with the specific structure can be formed. The process of diamond phase nucleation was further investigated on the atomic level. The critical size of graphene hydrogenated region which can initiate graphene diamondization was estimated. The nonlinear dependence of size of graphene hydrogenated region upon the number of layers predicted the maximal thickness of the film which can be formed by chemically induced phase transition.
This research was supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST «MISiS» (â„– К2-2015-033).
Felipe Sánchez
Cardiff University, UK
Title: CNFs-supported Pd series catalysts comparison for hydrogen evolution from additivefree formic acid decomposition
Time : 11:35-11:55

Felipe Sánchez following my studies in Chemical Engineering in Málaga, I joined Cardiff University. Currently, I am a 3rd year PhD student.
Searching for a safe and efficient H2 generation/storage material has become a serious challenge toward a fuel-cell-based H2 economy as a long-term solution. Herein we report the development of Pd nanoparticles catalysts supported on 5 different carbon nanofibers (CNFs): three different grades and nitrogen and oxygen functionalisations; each one via sol-immobilisation and impregnation techniques. Thorough characterisation has been carried out by XRD, XPS, TEM, SEM-EDX. The catalysts have been evaluated for the formic acid dehydrogenation, which has potential to be a safe and convenient H2 carrier under mild conditions.
Those catalysts prepared by sol-immobilisation technique exhibit more activity when compared with catalysts prepared by impregnation due to the higher metal loading and higher Pd0/Pd ratio, smaller particle size (Fig. 1) and lower binding energies, leading to an improved activity due to the weaker interaction between the Pd nanoparticles and the formic acid. The heat treatment on CNFs has an important effect on catalyst activity, increasing with the annealing temperature (Fig. 2). Oxygen functionalities present a higher initial activity that could be addressed to a favoured deprotonation step due to the presence of O- on the surface, leading to an easier dehydrogenation of formic acid. However, deactivation was observed after 30 minutes due to CO evolution.
The most active catalyst reached a remarkable TOF of 979 h-1 and high selectivity (>99%) at 30 °C. Being this a great value for formic acid dehydrogenation at mild conditions however, further investigation is necessary in order to decrease the CO formation and improve reusability.
Figure 1. Bright field TEM micrograph of PdSI/CNF-HHTÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Dorothee ARNS
Petrochemicals Europe, Belgium
Title: How macroeconomic factors shape the european petrochemicals industry
Time : 11:55-12:15

Dorothee ARNS, a German national, completed her university studies in Saarbruecken (Germany), Dublin (Ireland) and Granada (Spain) with two Master degrees: one in Applied Languages & Linguistics and the other one in Business Administration with special focus on Marketing, International Management and private law. Her professional career in the chemical industry started in 1995 when she joined the marketing & sales trainee programme of BASF in Ludwigshafen. In the course of the years she held senior management positions in various areas of BASF´s chemicals business, notably in marketing, sales, eBusiness and controlling. On 1 July 2013 she was appointed Executive Director of Cefic’s Petrochemicals and Plastic Additives Programme as well as of Petrochemicals Europe, the Association of Petrochemical Producers in Europe, formerly APPE. In a first assignment to Cefic from 2006 to 2011 she headed the solvents’ cluster as Director General of ESIG, the European Solvents Industry Group.
The intervention will focus on the following elements: How the European Petrochemicals industry contributes in a sustainable way to the economic and societal well-being of Europe. How chemical markets evolve. Why a lower oil price doesn’t change the situation for the European Petrochemicals industry. The competitiveness challenge for the European Petrochemicals industry: Feedstock price, electricity price, regulatory challenge, investment leakage. Debrief on the European Commission’s cumulative costs assessment of its legislation on the European Petrochemicals industry. The performance of the European Petrochemicals industry in reducing GHG emissions.
Reem AlBilali
Cardiff University, UK
Title: Transfer dehydrogenation of 1-phenylethanol over supported palladium nanoparticles under mild conditions
Time : 12:15-12:35

Reem Khalid AlBilali is an assistant professor in physical chemistry at the University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia since 2012. Her research interests are the synthesis and characterisation of supported metal nanoparticles and their catalytic applications, corrosion and corrosion inhibitions of metals and the adsorption of photoactive materials on clay surfaces. In September 2015, she joined Cardiff Catalysis Institute at Cardiff University, UK, as a postdoctoral researcher associate as she is still working there. AlBilali has many publications in both Arabic and English language, and she is a (MRSC) member in the Royal Chemical Society (RSC) and a member in the American Chemical Society, Saudi Chemical Society and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE).
An interesting alternative to aerobic conditions for the production of oxygenated products, such as aldehydes and ketones, can be the use of unsaturated organic molecule as a hydrogen acceptor, instead of molecular oxygen. In this case, the oxidative dehydrogenation is changed to transfer dehydrogenation, which overcomes the safety limitations of aerobic oxidation. In the majority of reported works, researchers represent the catalytic activity of supported metals such as palladium and ruthenium on the transfer dehydrogenation of alcohols. This work demonstrated the catalytic activity of supported palladium nanoparticles and the influences of different parameters, such as controlling particle size, changing the stabilizer, thermal treatment of the catalyst on the liquid phase transfer dehydrogenation of 1-phenyl ethanol as a model reaction under mild conditions. Varying catalyst loading, stirring rate, and the 1-Phenyl ethanol/palladium molar ratio have determined the different regimes. The apparent activation energy of 5%Pd/C was determined. Moreover, the influence of varying the stabilizer type, and concentration, during the synthesis of palladium nanoparticles via sol immobilization technique on the resulted particles, and their catalytic activity on the liquid phase transfer dehydrogenation of 1-phenyl ethanol was investigated. The chemical composition and morphology of the catalyst were determined using XRD, XPS, TEM and SEM-EDX. The results illustrated that the two main parameters which can mainly control the catalytic activity of the liquid phase transfer dehydrogenation of 1-phenyl ethanol are the ratio between metallic palladium to palladium oxide, and the particle size of the catalyst.
Goncagul Serdaroglu
Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Title: Substituent effect on reactivity of βCCM: A computational study
Time : 12:35-12:55

Goncagul Serdaroglu has completed his PhD from Cumhuriyet University (2008) and postdoctoral studies from Auburn University (2013). Her major research interests are on structural properties and chemical behavior of biologically and pharmacologically important molecules by using computational tools.
βC compounds used in the treatment of many disease as a effective drug are obtained from both plants and marine organism as a secondary metabolism product. Here, all DFT calculations conducted with 3 basis set such as 631G(d,p), 631+G(d,p) and 6311++G(d,p) in both the gas phase and the water phase have been performed to predict the most reactive structure among the studied C1-substituted- N9-methyl-βCCM derivatives, which the substituent groups are that A (anthracen-9-yl), B (naphthalene-1-yl), C (naphthalene-2-yl), D (6-methoxynaphthalene-2-yl), E (phenanthrene-9-yl). The structure A is predicted as the most reactive structure in according to the quantum chemical descriptors such as the Energy Gap and global hardness values, that is, the Energy Gap of structure A has the lowest value than the other structures. Also it is determined as the soft molecule among the studied structures. As seem from Table 1, the calculated parameters are mostly compatible with each other to detemine the most reactive structure ot the less reactive structure. This work is to aim to contribute to the future development of the new drug molecules using
the computational tools based on the quantum chemical descriptors.
Nevin Kaniskan
Anadolu University, Turkey
Title: DFT studies on copolymers of 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene/3-methylthiophene and pyrene
Time : 15:20-15:40

Nevin Kaniskan has completed her PhD in 1989 from Anadolu University. She is associated proffessor of Anadolu University at Chemistry Department.
Conducting polymers, superior electrical, electronic, magnetic, and optical properties of compounds are very important in the industry. They are named as the "synthetic metal" or "organic metal". Thiophene can be prepared easily and have high conductivity. Therefore, too much theoretical work has been done until now. However, it is very little theoretical work about derivatives of these compounds. Since the interaction between alternating donors and acceptors results in a diminished band gap, a low band gap (<1.8 eV) will be expected in polymers containing donor–acceptor (D–A) repeating units. In order to predict the band gaps for guiding the synthesis of novel materials with low band gaps, we apply quantum-chemical techniques to calculate the band gaps in several polythiophene homo- and copolymers: poly{3-methylthiophene} (P1), poly{2,3-dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]dioxine}, EDOT (P2) and polypyren (P3), poly{5-(4-methylthiophen-2-yl)-2,3-dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]dioxine} (P3), poly{3-methyl-2-(pyren-1-yl)thiophene} (P4), and poly{5-(4-methyl-5-(pyren-1-yl)thiophen-2-yl)-2,3-dihydrothieno[3,4-b][1,4]dioxine} (P5). The geometries of the oligomers were optimized using semi-empirical PM6 method. The band gap calculations on these oligomers were performed by density functional theory (DFT) (B3LYP/6–31G(d,p). Band gaps of the corresponding polymers were obtained by extrapolating oligomers gaps to infinite chain lengths. The results indicate that calculated band gaps are in good agreement with the experimental values. In addition, depending on the type of substituent and the substitution pattern, large differences in the delocalization pattern are observed between the substituted and unsubstituted oligomers. It is found that the band gaps critically depend on the chemical structures.
Hailin Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: DNA N6-methyladenine modification from unicellular eukaryotes to mammals
Time : 15:40-16:00

Hailin Wang has his expertise in epigenetics, in particular, DNA methylation and demethylation. He developed ultrasensitive analytical technologies (UHPLC-MS/ MS, qPCR, genome-wide sequencing) for characterization and functional study of DNA 5-methylcytosine and its oxidation intermediates. He for the first time showed the enhancement of genome-wide 5-hydroxymethylcytosine by nutrient vitamin C, revealing a role of vitamin C in the regulation of DNA modification, and his study established a direct lin among vitamin C, Tet dioxygenases, and DNA methylation. He further extended these technologies for study of other DNA modifications, and as a world-wide seminal work, he discovered new DNA modification (N6-methyladenine) in high eukaryotes (Cell, 2015). He also has his expertise in ultrasensitive analytical technologies (e.g., capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence polarization, single molecule fluorescence imaging, and UHPLC-MS/MS) for detection of carcinogenic DNA adducts and for study of DNA-repair proteins interactions. He published 100 peer-reviewed papers on leading journals, including Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Mol Cell, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Nucleic Acids Research, Analytical Chemistry.
The same genomic sequences of four nuclear DNA bases, A, T, G, and C, code all heritable gene information required for various types of cells in mammalian individuals. Essentially, the methylation of Cytosine at the C-5 position in genome provides a biochemistry-based plasticity required for establishing functionally varying cells in mammals. By this modification, the gene expression can be comprehensively or specifically regulated and chromatin structures be dynamically manipulated. Meanwhile, the methylation of the other nuclear base adenine at the N-6 position (N6-methyladenine, 6mA), which is the dominant DNA modification in genomes of bacteria and shows diverse functions (e.g., regulation of DNA replication initiator factors, control of transposon activity, regulation of DNA gene expression, host-pathogen interactions and guiding DNA repair), is absence in high
eukaryotes. Intriguingly, 6mA was also found in unicellular eukaryotes. Until recently we and other groups discovered this 6mA modification predominated in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, respectively. These observations compulsively prove the presence of 6mA in high eukaryotes. Interestingly, in addition to the functions revealed in bacteria, 6mA may mark active transcription start sites and transposon activity and regulates embryonic development. These findings suggest that 6mA is a potential epigenetic mark in eukaryotes. However, it is not clear whether 6mA DNA modification is conservatory and present in mammalian
genomes. These recent findings further prompted us to search 6mA modification in mammals again. If so, how 6mA distributes in various tissues and how 6mA distributes in genome. Consistent with previous work, recent work show very low levels of 6mA DNA modification in genomes of frogs, mice, and human cells (approximately 1 6mA for every 1.2 × 106 deoxyadenosine residues. We speculated that 6mA DNA modification can dynamically function in certain cells or stage in a meaningful abundance. Now we showed the prevalence of 6mA in genomes of mice and human cells by developing a unique analytical technology.
Rochd Sanaa
Ben Msik Université Hassan2 Casablanca, Morocco
Title: Influence of different parameter in air gap membrane distillation for seawater desalination
Time : 16:00-16:20

Rochd Sanaa is a faculty member in ben Msik université hassan2 Casablanca. Morocco
Access to drinking water and resource management are major challenges of the coming decades. In a social and industrial purpose, it seems therefore vital for some people, particularly, in remote site to develop new facilities for drinking water production. Membrane distillation is one of the latest developments in the distillation desalination. It is based on the principle of vapor migration of water through a hydrophobic microporous membrane by a vapor difference between a heated solution and the air in a cold channel (the condensation channel) cooled by the initial temperature solution. Air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) is considered one
of the five configurations of the Membrane distillation. Our contribution is to study the effect of NaCl concentration, porosity, and membrane pore size on the production of the flux .The results have been carried using polynomial approximations through MATLAB and the results show a good agreement with the experience.
Hyunwook Jung
Yonsei University, Korea
Title: First principles study on the reaction mechanisms of hydrolysis reaction of PCl3 and POCl3
Time : 16:20-16:40

Hyunwook Jung has completed his BS at department of chemical & biomolecular engieering in Yonsei University. After serving as marine for two years he joined graduate program of Yonsei University. He was invited to the 10th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP10) held at Macao in China, January, 2017.
Lethal accidents caused by explosive reactions of toxic chemicals should be prevented and once happened, fast and safe control is of importance. An accurate understanding of thermodynamic properties and kinetic rates is the first step toward accomplishing the purpose
Using first principles density functional theory (DFT) and ab-initio molecular dynamic (AIMD) simulations we study hydrolysis reactions of two archetype chemicals, PCl3 and POCl3, to unveil potential energy surface over reaction cooardinates. By calculating the intermediates and Gibbs free energy diagrams reaction mechanism and activation barriers.
Our results indicate that H2O molecules nearby the chemical species play a key role in catalyzing the hydrolysis reaction as a proton donor or acceptor. The catalytic mechnisms is explained as more water molecules attach the charge separation at the transition state is enhanced, leading to higher polarity and stabilization via hydrogen bonding network. It could dramatically reduce the activation energy of reactant complex. The effect is, however, mitigated by disordering entropic effect resulting in only slight reduction of activation energy upon increasing H2O molecules.
It is noteworthy that PCl3 react with H2O molecule by interplay of the proton transfer and dissociation of chlorine, while POCl3 first forms a six-coordinated complex and then, quickly decomposes to HCl. Reaction rate constants are calculated from calculated activation energy using a transition state theory.
Samar Gewily
Dubai Police Forensic Laboratory, UAE
Title: Physical and chemical characterisation of captagon tablets seized in dubai in 2016
Time : 16:40-17:00

Samar Gewily has completed her Bsc of science in Chemistry and Ecology from Monash University, AUS. She worked for WWF-UAE in environmental education program, a leading organization in environmental education and conservationa work. She has published on Wadi Wurayah Nationl Park, UAE. Also participated in two research projects with Earth Watch, AUS. She has joined a UNESCO program for Young Ecologist in Ethiopia and UAE for Biosphere Reserves. Currently works as Expert in Chemistry at Dubai Police Forensic Laboratory, UAE. Presented a scientific paper at Hemaya 12th Annual Conference, Dubai, UAE in 2016,
for Narcotics.
Illicit production of Captagon tablets has become widely spread in the Middle East recently. Around 5% of cases of seized drugs in Dubai in 2016 were Captagon. Originally Captagon is the trademark name of Fenethylline, however studies and chemical analysis of seized tablets has proven the absence of Fenethylline, rather it showed different combinations of Amphetamine, Caffeine and other compounds. In this study, total of 20 representative samples from different cases were analysed chemically using Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS), and Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (μXRF) to determine organic and inorganic content. In
addition, samples were physically characterised using 3D microscope. Based on results, comparisons were made between samples and linked to information on originality as a first step towards Captagon Profiling.
Samar Gewily
Dubai Police Forensic Laboratory, UAE
Title: Physical and chemical characterisation of captagon tablets seized in dubai in 2016
Victor V. Zhirnov
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Ukraine
Title: Influence of low rate β-radiation (90Sr/90Y) on transmembrane electron transport in human erythrocytes
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Ukraine
Protection against the reactive species generated during oxidative stress is probably main role of transmembrane electron transport (tMET). Membrane redox systems transfer electrons across the plasma membrane, resulting in the net reduction of extracellular oxidants. The low rate ionizing radiation changes of spatial organization of lipid-protein complexes of erythrocyte membranes. It can induce fluctuating of activity membrane-bound proteins. Therefore influence of low dose rate ionizing radiation on tMET in human erythrocytes was studied.
Erythrocyte tMET activity was determined by using extracellular ferricyanide as an electron acceptor. Release of ferrocyanide was measured by formation of ferrous bathophenanthroline disulfonate. The irradiation of erythrocyte suspensions carried out by applying suitable aliquots of 90Sr/90Y in incubation media.
An essential decrease the ferricyanide reductase activity (12-25%) of human erythrocytes under the radiation field with a dose rate of 100.0 µGy×h-1was observed. Phenilephrine, a selective a1-adrenoreceptor agonist, in PBS did not influence on basal activity of the ferricyanide reductase activity, and did not change substantially the effect of the ionizing field at all dose rates investigated (1.0-100 μGy∙h-1). However, phenilephrine in Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer decreased the ferricyanide reductase activity relative to control whereas the radiation field (10 µGy∙h-1) did not influence on this activity. On the contrary, naftopidil, selective α1-adrenergic receptor antagonist, in Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer increased the ferricyanide reductase activity relative to control (to24%), and the radiation field strengthened its effect up to 58%.
The findings indicate that the low dose rate ionizing field modifies cellular signaling regulating the reductase activity of erythrocyte membrane. A direction of that modification presumably depends on the initial structure of membranes, and it is determined by the quality and quantitative parameters of changes in membrane structure caused by concrete operable factors. These findings denote the necessity for monitoring of absorbed doses of ionizing radiation at the use of radionuclides in biochemical investigations of membrane bound enzymes, and signal system components.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Title: Heavy metals concentrations in wastewater, sedimentsand soils of nassarawa-kainji artisinal gold oreprocessing area, nigeria
J.C.Nnaji, Department of Chemistry, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb) concentrations were determined in wastewater, sediment and soils collected from Nassarawa-Kainji artisanal gold processing area. Gold bearing rocks excavated from other areas within Mashegu and Borgu LGAs are brought to Nasarawa-Kainji for crushing, grinding, washing and extraction of gold. Soil samples were collected from ten randomly selected washing pond sites. Soil from about 1 km away from the ponds area were collected as the control soil. Physico-chemical parameters of water, soil and sediments were analyzed using standard methods while heavy metal concentrations were determined after sample digestion with Varian AA240 Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS). Hg was analyzed with the vapour generation accessory (Varian VGA 77) with closed end cell. Mean values for wastewater parameters were; temperature 28.06±0.99 °C, pH was 6.62±0.76, electrical conductivity (EC) 554.00±164.19 µScm-1, total solids 1142.55 ±378.06 mg/L, total dissolved solids 409.59±118.87, turbidity 20.3±6.93 NTU, dissolved oxygen 4.46±0.84 mg/L, hardness 147.41±38.74 mg/L and alkalinity 92.40±39.58 mgCaCO3/L. Mean nitrate, phosphate and chloride contents were 2.35±0.57, 1.03±0.45 and 2.39 ±0.69 mg/L, respectively. Mean values for sediment parameters were; pH 6.80±0.73, EC 214.60±48.81µScm- 1, organic matter (OM) 1.10±0.25 %, total nitrogen (TN) 0.93 ±0.38 mg/kg, nitrate 0.63±0.29 mg/kg, total phosphorus (TP) 1.83 ±0.85 mg/kg and available phosphorus (AP) 1.22 ±0.49 mg/kg. Mean pH in soil samples from both the grinding section (GS) and washing section (WS) were similar (P > 0.05) but mean EC in the WS was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than in the GS. However, mean OM content was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the GS than in the WS. Mean TP and AP in GS were also significantly higher in the GS than in the WS. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in mean TN and nitrate concentrations in both sections. Mean Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb concentrations in the wastewater samples were 0.510±0.436, 0.523 ±0.295, 0.509±0.671 and 1.357±0.868 mg/L, respectively while mean concentrations in the sediment samples were Cd 1.065±0.765, Cr 1.084±0.476, Hg 1.611±1.463 and Pb 4.675±3.138 mg/L. Mean total metal concentrations Soil samples from Grinding Section (GS) were Cd 0.784±0.332, Cr 21.912±7.667, Hg 4.669±2.082 and Pb 83.188±63.926 mg/kg. In the washing section, mean Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb concentrations in soil samples were 0.854±0.347, 35.82±12.134, 7.210±2.649 and 70.219±38.778 mg/kg, respectively. Mean total metal concentrations control soil sample were Cd 0.159±0.084, Cr 2.140±0.805, Hg 0.071±0.022 and Pb 7.560 ±2.819 mg/kg. Concentrations of Cr, Pb and Hg were significantly higher (P<0.05) in soil samples than in wastewater and sediment samples. Results suggest substantial metal enrichment in soil samples due to gold ore processing and there is urgent need for the regulation of mining activities in the area.
Simon Korte
Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: Phosphor solutions for the reduction of the time dependant intensity variation of AC LEDs
Simon Korte has gained his bachelor degree in chemical engineering and his master degree, specialising on material science, at the University of Applied Science Münster. Subsequently he started his PhD studies at the University of Applied Science Münster and does his research on “luminescent materials for flicker reduction of AC-LEDs“ in the working group of Prof. Thomas Jüstel.
AC driven LEDs show very high wall plug efficiency combined with a good colour rendering and long-term stability. For general lighting, LEDs have surpassed the traditional incandescent and fluorescent lamps years ago. (1) However, LEDs still have a tremendous drawback, which is known as flicker. Perceived flicker is caused by the time dependant variation of the luminous intensity of a light source. The consequences for humans under such illumination situations expand from headaches to neurological problems, even including epileptic seizure (2).
Since many research activities in this field are conducted to solve or to reduce problems accompanied by flicker, we came up with a possible solution to it. Since the zero point of an AC current cannot be turned out completely, the solution must be based on the used conversion layer (mostly a phosphor particle or ceramic layer) or a combination of a driver systems and the used converter in order to smoothen the Flicker to 100%.
In this work a couple of standard LED phosphors have been tested, such as Y3Al5O12:Ce3+, BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+Mn2+, CaAlSiN3:Eu2+, Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+Mn2+ and Sr2P2O7:Eu2+Mn2+ with respect to flicker reduction. It will be demonstrated why Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ won’t lead to a solution for this problem and possible solutions will be discussed. The capability of other phosphors to reduce flicker will be shown. From these findings requirements for the development of novel phosphors to reduce the flicker problem will be drawn. A prediction will be given concerning the future potential of this technique and achievments so far will be presented.
Rochd Sanaa
Hassan II University, Morocco
Title: Influence of different parameter in air gap membrane distillation for seawater desalination
Rochd Sanaa, Hassan II University, Morocco
Access to drinking water and resource management are major challenges of the coming decades. In a social and industrial purpose, it seems therefore vital for some people, particularly, in remote site to develop new facilities for drinking water production.
Membrane distillation is one of the latest developments in the distillation desalination. It is based on the principle of vapor migration of water through a hydrophobic microporous membrane by a vapor difference between a heated solution and the air in a cold channel (the condensation channel) cooled by the initial temperature solution. Air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) is considered one of the five configurations of the Membrane distillation.
Our contribution is to study the effect of NaCl concentration, porosity, and membrane pore size on the production of the flux .The results have been carried using polynomial approximations through MATLAB and the results show a good agreement with the experience.
Pierre Karam
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Title: Turning the heat on conjugated polyelectrolytes: A ratiometric nanothermometer for solution and hydrogel samples
Pierre Karam, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
We report a self-referencing ratiometric nanothermometer based on short conjugated polyelectrolytes (CPEs). The probe is prepared by complexing a phenylene-based polymer with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), an amphiphilic macromolecule that destabilizes CPE π–π stacking. This makes it possible to shift the equilibrium between the less emissive aggregated state of the CPE (520 nm) and its more emissive single chains (450 nm) within a useful temperature range (15.0–70.0 °C). The probe was tested in solution and to map the temperature of hydrogel materials. We believe the reported nanothermometer will prove instrumental for the ongoing efforts to accurately map and investigate heat production and dissipation at the nanoscale level.
Mohamad Hmadeh
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Title: Synthesis and structural evolution of MOFs and ZIFs via a reaction diffusion process at room temperature
Mohamad Hmadeh, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
MOF-199, ZIF-8 and ZIF67 crystals were successfully prepared through the diffusion of the outer electrolytes (metal cations or organic linkers) into an agar gel matrix, in which the inner electrolytes were immobilized. As the electrolytes diffuse into the gel, crystals were shown to precipitate. This novel method for synthesizing MOFs and ZIFs is rapid, scalable, and environmentally friendly. Due to the reactants being initially separated and poured on the top of each other, a supersaturation gradient was established starting at the gel-solution interface and extending down the reaction tube. Nucleation, growth, and ripening of the crystalline solid is highly dependent on supersaturation, such that nucleation dominates near the interface resulting in smaller crystals whereas further down the reaction tube, growth dominates leading to larger crystals. Accordingly, the supersaturation gradient produced various crystal sizes at different heights along the reaction tube. Furthermore, by varying the temperature, the concentrations of the reagents, and the thickness of the gel matrix, control of the size and morphology of the crystals was achieved and several key parameters in the mechanism of crystal growth are discussed.
Mike Broxtermann
Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: On the VUV luminescence and degradation of UV-C emitting phosphors
Mike Broxtermann has completed his bachelor and master studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. Afterwards he has started his PhD studies on the analysis and improvement of UV emitting phosphor converted Xe-excimer lamps at the Münster University of Applied Sciences. The respective research project “Hg free UV Radiation Sources for Energy Efficient Water Treatment” is supported by the German federal ministry of education and research (BMBF). Mike Broxtermann himself is an awardee of the German foundation economics (sdw).
Xenon comprising excimer discharge lamps represent themselves as an efficient source of vacuum ultraviolet radiation, which may find an application, e.g. for disinfection purposes by the use of suitable photoluminescent conversion materials. 1,2 Among these conversion phosphors there are some doped yttrium ortho-phosphates, as well as respective lutetium or lanthanum containing derivatives, exhibiting promising properties. 3,4 A common design for phosphor converted Xe excimer lamps consists of a discharge vessel made from quartz glass, which is coated with a thin layer of phosphor particles (around 10 - 50 µm) on the inner side.
Experimental results demonstrate that all of the above mentioned PO4-based phosphor materials exhibit a distinct degradation resulting in a mayor loss of lamp UV radiation output over just a few days of operation time. Recovery of aged phosphor material enabled the investigation of that performance loss which could be traced back to a strong new absorption in the UV range. This is accompanied by well fitting excitation bands spreading over the UV spectral range as well as a corresponding broad band emission peaking in the deep red. Immersing analysis of the undoped phosphate compounds YPO4, LuPO4 and LaPO4 evidenced, that these aging effects find their origin within the phosphate host material itself being directly exposed to the plasma discharge, most probably to the existence of phosphorous III in [Ne]3s2 electron configuration. Further work is thus conducted on the understanding as well as on the obviation of phosphor aging throughout the application of protective particle coatings.
Hasanov Sadig Huseyn
Institute of Radiation Problems of National Academy Sciences of Azerbaijan, Russia
Title: The kinetics to convertation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide on the surface of mixed nano-catalyst for reduce the vehicles emissions
In this research, the kinetics of oxidation process of carbon-monoxide on the nano-catalyst surface has been investigated. The investigation conducted in different flow conditions and temperature, by the range of ï„T=70-350oC, dependence on kinetic convertation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide in the closed system. Ä°t is determined that speed of conversion process increases by 1.30-1.32 times as temperature increases on the surface of catalyst. At low flow rates the conversion of carbon-monooxide to carbon –dioxide runs more rapidly.
The kinetics dependent on conversion of mix air, CO to CO2 has been shown on the surface of Nano-Al2O3+CuO catalyst in different flows and under 70 to 200oC degrees temperatures. It has been determined that at all temperature ranges, conversion proceeds over 90%. As a result of investigation it is known that conversion speed increases by 1.30-1.32 times, if the temperature is 70-200º C over reactor. Meanwhile, the volume of converted CO increases by 12-14%. Kinetics dependant on conversion of mix air and CO to CO2 has been shown on the surface of catalyst in different flows and under 300oC degree temperatures. It has been determined that CO to CO2 conversion happens more rapidly in low flow rates rather than high.
At the same time, meeting time on catalyst surface also effects speed of conversion. It is shown at figure 5 that during 15 minutes the conversion at V=38 litr./min volume carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide (N/No)*100%=50% while at V=20 litr./min (N/No)*100% volume to be. The increase of conversion at T=300oC-temperature is cause to increase at (N/No) 87-50=37% while the oxidation processes is occur much speed while confirmation is active in high temperature.
(Examples): Figure 5 shows conversion of carbon monooxide on mixed nano-catalyst surface dependent on cycle speed of gaz mass at temperature of T=300oC. Figure 5. The kinetics of arbon monoxide conversion on the catalyst surface.
Ozge Yuksel Orhan
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Title: CO2 Utilisation: Waste or Resource for Chemical Industry
Ozge Yuksel Orhan obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Hacettepe University, Turkey, in December 2014. Her thesis is entitled “The Absorption Kinetics of CO2 into Ionic Liquid-CO2 Binding Organic Liquid Hybrid Solvents”. Currently, she is a Research and Teaching Assistant at Chemical Engineering Department of Hacettepe University. Her research topics have dealt with the study of carbon dioxide capture by novel solvents.
CO2 emissions into atmosphere is a global concern and a recent theoretical model provides a quantitative approach for its connection with global warming and climate change. CO2 is potentially a suitable resource of carbon which can partially replace oil and gas in many synthetic applications. Benefits can also extend to safety considerations since it is not toxic. It can replace certain toxic building blocks such as CO and phosgene in several commercially important processes, such as methanol or polyurethane manufactures. In addition, it can be used as a viable technological fluid with distinct advantages over other possible solutions in applications such as enhanced oil recovery and supercritical solvent. In near future, the use in carboxylation processes (synthesis of carbonates, carbamates and carboxylates, including cyclic compounds in both monomeric and polymeric forms) appears to be the most likely synthetic applications. In these cases, CO2 serves as both carbon and oxygen sources. Replacing CO for making acrylic acid and use as a mild oxidant are other interesting applications. Reduction by catalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogenation necessitates energy from non-fossil fuels and solar and renewable energy resources should then be incorporated. The photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in water under solar light irradiation, which is known as artificial photosynthesis, is a potential option that would increase carbon recycling.
A unique aspect of this paper is the exploitations of reactions of CO2 which stems from existing petrochemical plants-with the commodity petrochemicals (such as, methanol, ethylene and ethylene oxide) produced at the same or nearby complex in order to obtain value-added products while contributing also to CO2 fixation simultaneously. Exemplifying worldwide ethylene oxide facilities, it is recognized that they produce about 3 million tons of CO2 annually. Such a CO2 resource, which is already separated in pure form as a requirement of the process, should best be converted to a value-added chemical there avoiding current practice of discharging to the atmosphere.
Jasim M. Salman
Al-Nisour University College, Iraq
Title: Design and implementation real time monitoring and control system for drinking water plants
Jasim Mohammed Salman has completed his PhD at the age of 47 years from University of Science Malaysia. He is chemical engineer, associated professor and director of a research team focusing on preparation of activated carbons and adsorption of pollutants. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Monitoring and control technologies are indispensable for the production of safe drinking water. They allow for the surveillance of source water quality and the detection of environmental pollution threats, thus defining the boundary conditions for the subsequent treatment and providing early warning in case of unexpected contaminations. They are mandatory for the permanent control of the treatment process and the efficacy of each single treatment step, and they safeguard the high quality of final stage consuming water. Furthermore, appropriate analytical techniques are indispensable for the detection of changes in water quality during distribution and for monitoring drinking water quality at consumers’ tap. Reliable monitoring technologies contribute to a large extent to the consumers’ trust in a high drinking water quality.
It has been completed and implementation the design of online continuous monitoring system which include electrodes for measuring the pH, Temperature, turbidity, free chlorine TDS, conductivity, salinity and dissolved oxygen. This monitoring system has been linked to the processing drinking water line in Waziriya site-Baghdad city for a period of ten consecutive days and the extent of the work amounted to two and a half hours a day. At the same time samples were withdrawn from the same source for the purpose of laboratory testing and the results were compared to the online results which were gave nearly consistent s between the two tests. The current design might be expanded to include the possibility of adding future sensors to measure bacteriology picture and add Modem for the purpose of wireless signal transmission.
The plan of project consisted of purchased and connected the parts of the whole system according to the final layout of proposed monitoring system as a compact panel, and connects this panel to one of drinking water stream (Al Waziriya site was selected for our work) to monitor continuously the quality of drinking water and comparing the on-line results with laboratories results for the same stream of drinking water.
Also this research work included design and implementation of wired signal transmission system that transforms the online results of drinking water to a central control room within distances of 1-250 m.
Koo Thai Hau
Form 6 centre of SMK Taman Johor Jaya 1, Malasiya
Title: Allium cepa.L As Acid-Base indicator
Gan Lui Nam is a teacher from Form 6 Centre of SMK Taman Johor Jaya 1,having 13 years teaching experiences in pre-university education. She actively promotes learning through research among students. She is currently pursing Doctoral in University Technology Malaysia. Koo Thai Hau and Ling Jia Yi are students from Form 6 Centre of SMK Taman Johor Jaya 1. They had been the members of Science and Mathematics Society. From the society, their interest towards the science is sparkling and leaded them to the path of keeping learning science after secondary studies. In their pre-university education, they obtained a chance to join the research team of the school ( Form 6 Centre of SMK Taman Johor Jaya 1). The research is mainly based on the natural plants functioning as acid-base indicators and the main materials are Allium cepa L. (onions). The research is done in the wish that the cost of acid-base indicator using commonly can be reduced. This research had successfully won a silver medal in the Third International Innovation, Design and Articulation competition.
In this study, a facile and environmentally friendly method was reported for manufacturing of natural acid-base indicator by preparing Allium cepa. L juice, which provided the anthocyannins pigment. The anthocyannins pigment was extracted via boiling process. In detailed, the Allium cepa. L was cut into small fragments. Then, the small fragments of Allium cepa. L was boiled in distilled water in order to extract the anthocyannin pigment. This process was followed by the addition of different solutions, acidic solution, base solution as well as neutral solution were added into separate test tubes filled with extraction of Allium cepa. L juices. The obtained Allium cepa. L juice was then used as the pigment for the acid-base indicator. The pH of the solution can be determined by observing the colour change in the Allium cepa. L juice. The light purplish colour of Allium cepa. L juice turned into red colour when added with hydrochloric acid; its purplish colour of the juice turned into yellow when added with sodium hydroxide; the original colour of Allium cepa. L did not undergo any observable colour change when distilled water is added into it. The Allium cepa. L exhibited excellent colour change property with chemical solutions. These colour changes make the Allium cepa. L be attractive for applications in acid-base indicators.
Batric Pesic
University of Idaho, USA
Title: Electrodeposition of nickel on glassy carbon electrode – The rotating disk study
Batric Pesic is a Distiguished Professor (teaching) at the University of Idaho. He has received BS degree in metallurgical engineering from University of Belgrade-Campus Bor; MS (1976) and PhD (1982) from University of Utah, USA. Upon graduation, Dr. Pesic moved to Canada and worked for H.B.M.S., Flin Flon, Manitoba. In 1983, he returned to the USA to join the University of Idaho. His research interests have been, initially in extractive metallurgy, followed by environmental subjects. Most current research is in electrochemistry in molten salts. He has extensive consulting experience with major chemical and metallurgical corporations in North America, Europe, and Africa.
Electrodeposition of nickel was studied by using rotating disk technique. The electrode substrate was glassy carbon disk cut from a glassy carbon wafer produced by Toshiba. The disk was mounted on a rotation speed controlled rotator made by IBM Instruments. The electrochemical deposition was studied from nickel ammonium sulfate solutions of different concentrations and pH, as the reaction parameters. The electrochemical techniques used were cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry, and chronoamperometry. The key feature of this study is that amount of electrodeposited disk was determined by two methods. These are charge passed and amount of nickel deposited at particular time intervals, such as 15, 30 and 60 seconds. Charge was determined by using a coulometer wired in line with the working electrode. Nickel deposited was determined by dissolution in nitric acid and analysis by atomic absorption. Both types of data were used in Levich equation for determination of kinetic parameters, such as reaction order, activation energy, etc. For example, it was found that electrodeposition of nickel is of the first order, and that the activation energy was only 2.7 kcal/mol, indicating a mass transfer controlled reaction. The current efficiency was a function of concentration, increasing with the increase of nickel concentration. Morphology of electrodeposit was very smooth as confirmed by atomic force microscopy.
Solhe F. Alshahateet
Aqaba University of Technology, Jordan
Title: Adsorption studies of some heavy metal ions onto C-4-bromophenylcalix-[4]resorcinarene
Solhe Alshahateet has completed his PhD at the age of 33 years from the the University of New South Wales (Australia) and postdoctoral studies from Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences (Singapore). He is the dean of Scientific research at Aqaba University of Technology (Jordan), associate proffesor of chemistry at Mutah University (Jordan). He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute international journals.
Adsorption studies were performed on selected heavy metals ((Pb(II), Co(II), Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II)) using synthetic adsorbent (C-4-bromophenylcalix[4]resorcinarene 3) to investigate the effect of different parameters such as adsorbate dose, agitation time, and pH. Selectivity of the adsorbents towards a mixture of heavy metals adsorbates was investigated. Results showed that optimum agitation time of 30 min at pH of 5.6 at initial concentration of 1 ppm for all investigated heavy metals. Different kinetic models of Santosa first order, Lagergren pseudo first order and Ho pseudo second order were applied on the adsorption experimental data. Results proved that all adsorption processes were followed and adopted pseudo second order kinetic model. The adsorption capacity of C-4-bromophenylcalix[4]resorcinarene towards the selected heavy metal ions was 84.55%, 84.29%, 84.06%, 79.76%, 75%, for Cu(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), Mn(II) and Co(II), respectively. Selectivity of adsorption was tested on a mixture of Cu(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Pb(II) and Co(II) with initial concentration of 1 ppm of each heavy metal and agitated time of 10 min with the adsorbent, removal percentage of each metal showed different values from each heavy metal alone as it was in decreasing order Cu(II) > Co(II) > Mn(II) > Pb(II) > Zn(II). The rate constant value for each heavy metal adsorption mechanism obtained from Ho pseudo second order model was in the order Co(II) > Cu(II) > Zn(II > Mn(II) > Pb(II).
Lars Baltzer is a professor in organic chemistry at uppsala university since 2004. He has a well-documented and longstanding interest in research topics related to catalysis and molecular recognition based on fundamental principles of physical-organic chemistry. He has introduced catalytic sites, demonstrated rate enhancements of several orders of magnitude and proven the formation of enzyme-substrate complexes in proteins he has designed from scratch. More recently he has become engaged in research on the molecular recognition of proteins by polypeptide conjugates, for the purpose of increasing affinities and selectivities for proteins of biomedical interest. Affinity enhancements due to peptide conjugation of four orders of magnitude, increased selectivities as well as improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties have been demonstrated. He has expertise in molecular design and the quantitative evaluation of structure and activity relationships especially those related to protein recognition. Aleksandra Balliu obtained her Ph D in the laboratory of Lars Baltzer, working on aspects of the polypeptide conjugate technology.
Organic synthesis has reached a level of proficiency that allows the efficient preparation of molecules of high complexity but the design of small organic molecules and peptides with sufficient affinities and selectivities for proteins in biomedical applications lags behind. We have developed a technology where polypeptide conjugation to small organic molecules or peptides provides affinities increased by as much as four orders of magnitude in comparison to those of the small molecules. Selectivities between highly homologous proteins, measured as ratios of dissociation constants, have been shown to increase by between one and two orders of magnitude. The aspect of the technology that appears to be the most surprising, while it at the same time makes it the most attractive to use, is that a single sixteen membered set of polypeptides is enough to improve affinities and selectivities for essentially any protein. We have recently begun to focus our attention on problems related to in vivo applications, addressing a) the risk of elicitation of immune responses and b) the problem of fast renal clearance. To this end, chemical modifications were introduced that allowed us to reduce the size of the polypeptides from the original 42-residue scaffolds to 11-mers without loss of affinity. We have identified a small molecule ligand that will provide tight binding of peptides to human serum albumin, a carrier protein present in human blood at a concentration of 0.6 mM. HSA binding will keep peptides in circulation thus reducing the problem of fast renal clearance and, in addition, the rate of proteolytic degradation. The peptide conjugates to be discussed may be used e.g. in clinical imaging or as radiotherapeutic agents, but also as guides for the redesign of small molecule drugs or for target validation purposes.
Illustration of concept. Conjugate formed from small molecule ligand and 42-residue polypeptide binds target protein due to small molecule-protein interactions supplemented by those between peptide and protein in close proximity to the small molecule binding site. Protein is human Carbonic Anhydrase II and small molecule ligand is benzenesulphonamide.
Serag Ahmed Farag
National Centre for Radiation Research &Technology, Egypt
Title: Mitigation strategies of furan in coffee beans by irradiation process
Farag has completed his PhD during 1986 from Ain Shams University ,Fac. Of Agric.And postdoctoral studies from Central Institute of food, Budapest ,Hungary.Also, extended to German grant in detection of irradiated food , Berlin.He works as Agric. Expert in Africa ,Tanzania for five years.Besides different presentation in International conference ,published more than 120 articles and was supervision for many Master,PhD thesis.
Worldwide Food Safety Agencies have classified furan as carcinogenic and cytotoxic due to its effects in animal studies, and it has been associated with harmful effects to human health. It has been pointed out that coffee consumption is the major contributor to dietary furan exposure for adults. In the present work , furan analysis in different imported coffee samples was done. For that reason, in recent years this compound has received special attention from Food Safety Agencies and data on furan concentrations in commercial food products have been collected. In addition, technological strategies in order to prevent or mitigate furan formation in foods and, furthermore, to remove the already formed furan from the food product have been performed (EFSA, 2010; FAO/WHO, 2010; US FDA, 2004).
In the present work, different coffee beans ( green,light and dark roasted beans) samples were irradiated with different doses (5.0,10.0 and 20.0 kGy).Then, furan content was analysis by HS-GC-MS for all treatments irradiated or not. The obtained results proved that green coffee beans were less content in furan which increased linearly by thermal process ,whereas irradiation doses decreased linearly with high significant correlation coefficient (R2) .
Therefore, γ- irradiation doses(5,10,20 kGy) were used for decontamination of molds in collected coffee green coffee beans for decontamination at 10 -20 kGy than using roasted beans .In this respect ,the irradiated green coffee beans become more safety with low furan besides free of mould contamination.
Finally it could be recommended that using low dose (10kGy ) of γ- irradiation are the ideal solution to reduce the toxic substances besides decontamination, disinfestations of green coffee beans as safe alternative of using harmful chemical for human consumption besides decreasing furan content.
Hathaikarn Manuspiya
Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Title: Cellulose based separator membrane in Li-ion battery device
H. Manuspiya has completed her PhD from Pennsylvania State University, USA, in 2003. She has been selected to receive L’Oréal Thailand’s For Woman in Science 2011 fellowships in recognition of her role as female scientists who make a great contribution to the science field. At the present, she is also appointed as Duputy Director of Center of Excellence in Petrochemical and Materials Technology, Thailand. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed journals and has been invited to contribute her knowledge in several committees for Thai government and agency.
The separator is a porous membrane placed between negative and positive electrodes which can be permeable to ionic flow while preventing electric contact of the opposite polarity electrodes. Conventionally, tit was fabricated by thermoplastic polyolefins. Among environmental concerns, the biodegradable materials were used instead of the conventional materials, known as green separator membrane. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is the one type of alternative biodegradable polymer derived from renewable resources which has high mechanical properties and high dimensional change. However, there are several limitations of PLA including non-stable chemical resistance and low thermal stability. Poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) is commercially available aliphatic polyester with high flexibility, good toughness, high chemical resistance, and has a good biodegradability. Therefore, PBS was blended to improve the chemical resistance of PLA. Subsequently, cellulose was filled to improve the thermal stability and wettability of PLA. To provide more specific properties, cellulose was modified to sulfonated cellulose via oxidation/sulfonation reaction and plasma surface treatment. The obtained modified cellulose provided high hydrophilicity, biocompatible and surface area given an opportunity for using in wide applications, especially improved thermal properties, wettability and air permeability. The results indicated that cellulose extracted from sugarcane bagasse can be modified the high value added of agriculture waste in Thailand. PLA/PBS blended with modified cellulose and then fabricated to be a separator membrane via phase inversion method which creating the porous membrane. The green separator membranes were used instead of traditional separator membranes in the battery cell to test the performance of Li-ion battery.
Hwan Kyu Kim
Korea University, Korea
Title: Organic semiconductor materials for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells
Hwan Kyu Kim received Ph. D from Carnegie Mellon University. After postdoctoral associate in Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University, he joined ETRI as a project leader of polymeric photonic device group. After his career at Hannam University where he became Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering, he was invited as a distinguished professor to Korea University in 2007. He had executed the president-ship of both Korean Society of Photoscience and Korean Organic Photovoltaics Society. His current research focuses on developing advanced organic and polymeric semiconductors for dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells as well as solar energy conversion.
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have attracted much interest as a promising renewable energy supply device based on the merits of low-cost, flexibility and easy fabrication. Very recently, a variety of organic dyes using inexpensive metals has been prepared for DSSCs. A state of the art DSC based on porphyrin-baseed solar cells with cobalt-based electrolyte has exceeded the conversion efficiency of 13.1%. For the high PCE of D-p-A sensitizer-based DSSCs, the structural modifications of a p-bridge, including tuning the energy levels and the improvement of intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from D to A of the sensitizer, are particularly essential. We demonstrate that new thieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (TBT)-based D-p-A sensitizers and D–π–A structured Zn(II)–porphyrin sensitizers based on the structural modification of SM315 as a world champion dye for efficient retardation of charge recombination and fast dye regeneration were synthesized. The device with new porphyrin sensitizers exhibited the higher photovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE) than those of the devices with SM315 as a world champion porphyrin dye. To further improve the maximum efficiency of the DSSCs, by replacing the TBT p-bridge with the alkylated thieno[3,2-b]indole (TI) moiety, the TI-based DSSC exhibits a highest PCE (12.45%) than does TBT-based DSSC (9.67%). Furthermore, the first parallel-connected (PC) tandem DSSCs in the top cell with a TI-based sensitizer and bottom cell with a porphyrin-based sensitizer were demonstrated and an extremely high efficiency of 14.64% was achieved. In this presentation, new strategy on materials paradigm for low-cost, long-term stable, highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells will be described.
Cheolmin Park
Yonsei University, Korea
Title: Self-assembled nanomaterials for flexible photo-electronic polymer devices
Cheolmin Park is an underwood distinguished professor at Yonsei University, professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Yonsei university. He received his B.S. and M.S. degree in the Department of Polymer and Fiber Engineering from Seoul National University in 1992 and 1995, respectively and a PhD degree in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2001. He was a research scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology. After the postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, he joined at Yonsei University in 2002. His research has focused on self assembled polymers and their applications to organic photo-electronics. He has published over 130 SCI articles, delivered over 60 invited seminars.
Self-assembled nanostructures generated from synthetic polymer systems such as controlled polymer blends, semi-crystalline polymers and block copolymers have gained a great attention not only because of the variety of nanostructures they can evolve but also because of the controllability of these structures by external stimuli. In this presentation, various novel photo-electronic materials and devices are introduced based on the solution-processed nanomaterials such as networked carbon nanotubes (CNTs), reduced graphene oxides (rGOs) and 2 dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) with self assembled polymers including field effect transistor, electroluminescent device, non-volatile memory and photodetector. For instance, a nanocomposite of networked CNTs and a fluorescent polymer turned out an efficient field induced electroluminescent layer under alternating current (AC) as a potential candidate for next generation displays and lightings. Furthermore, scalable and simple strategies employed for fabricating rGO as well as TMD nanohybrid films allowed for high performance and mechanically flexible non-volatile polymer memories and broad band photo-detectors, respectively.
Eunkyoung Kim
Yonsei University, South Korea
Title: Photothermal thin films from conductive polymers for programmable bilayers
Eunkyoung Kim is s professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,and the director of APCPI in Yonsei Unversity. She has published more than 200 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member.
The conversion of photons to heat in the conductive polymer films causes local heating to increase temperature at the light exposed area. The resultant heat can be converted into other type of energy such as electrical, mechanical, or chemical energy. In particular the photothermal energy conversion into mechanical energy gives a unique method for reversible change of a 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional structure on command. The challenge is the design of the photothermal architecture of the conductive polymer layer and their integration into a device, to optimize the light-to-heat-to-energy conversion efficiency as well as to maximize the long-term stability of the integrated system exposed to the light. Herein we present programmable bilayers prepared from conjugated polymers which was transferred onto a soft polymeric film, to form a bimorph. The resultant 2D programmable bilayers were reversibly folded into a 3 D structure through photothermal stimuli, to afford biomimetic 3 D structures. Effect of the chemical structure and composition in the bimorph on the sensitivity of structural conversion will be discussed.
Sana Irshad Khan
The University of Agriculture, Pakistan
Title: Bioassay guided isolation of antimicrobial compounds from Aspergillus flavus against the selected wilt causing phytopathogens
Sana Irshad Khan has completed her M.Sc (Hons) in Agricultural Chemistry from the University of Agriculture Peshawar-Pakistan. She was awarded with Gold Medal in her B.Sc (Hons) and is nominated for gold medal for M.Sc (Hons) at faculty level. She published two papers in reputed journals and has been serving as a research officer in Food Science and Technology, Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar-Pakistan.
The present study was carried out with aim to assist screening and isolation of fungal bioactive natural products. Using column chromatography, 10 (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J) isolates were obtained from acetonitril fraction of Aspergillus flavus. Using 200 ppm solution , isolates C (2.00 mm), G (1.80 mm) and H (1.33 mm) were more active (having zone of inhibition ˃1 mm) against C. michiganensis ; followed by isolate J (0.90 mm), I (0.80 mm), E (0.50 mm) and D (0.30 mm) compared to Streptomycin which showed 3.00 mm inhibition zone, where isolate G were found more active showing 2.75 mm zone of inhibition, even higher than standard that showed 2.43 mm inhibition zone (having zone of inhibition ˃1 mm) against X. campestris followed by sample I (1.60 mm), H (1.50 mm) E (0.83 mm) isolates. Isolate G (68.64%) and I (66.95%) were found more potent isolates having %growth inhibition even higher than crude i.e 62.20% against F.oxysporum; followed by isolate F (60.33%), H (59.95%), B (55.33%) and A (55.18%) while isolates D, E and J showed less than 50% inhibition potential (4.9.15%, 40.67% 49.15%). TLC of isolated fractions showed that isolates G, H, I and J; H, I and J; and A, B, C, H and I share one compound having Rf valve of of 0.38, and 0.62 and 0.93 respectively. Reverse phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) operated with photo diode array (PDA) detector chromatograms of all isolates showed 2 peaks eluted between Rt of 1 min to 4 min when 20 µL solution taken from 20 µg.mL-1 was injected. Further investigation including spectroscopic analysis on the separation and isolation of potent metabolites is suggested to get useful lead structure for development of novel antibiotics to combat resistant pathogens.
Synthesis of algae-silica hybrid material from Nitzschia sp. biomass was performed through sol-gel and silica coating with magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs). The material produced of  algae-silica hybrid from Nitzschia sp. algae biomass covered with magnetite nanoparticles (AS-MNPs) was characterized by infrared (IR) spectroscopy to identify the functional groups existed in this material, X-ray diffraction (XRD) to analyze the structure of the material, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) to investigate the surface morphology of the material. Adsorption process on AS-MNPs to Pb(II) ion was carried out by batch method. Adsorption data obtained show that AS-MNPs is able to adsorb Pb(II) ion up to 97% at pH 5 with contact time of 30 minute at temperature of 27 oC.
Ujjal Kumar Sur
University of Calcutta, India
Title: Green Synthesis of highly stable aqueous dispersion of graphene using high energy gamma radiation
Ujjal Kumar Sur works as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Behala College, Kolkata, India. He is also a visiting scientist in the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of solid surfaces, Xiamen University, China, Department of Chemistry, University of Pune, India and Department of Physics, Sikkim University (India). He has published 60 papers in reputed high-impact factor international journals and written/edited 15 books/book chapters. He has visited countries like UK, France, Taiwan, China and Ireland. He has received the INSA visiting scientist award in the year 2014.
Radiation based techniques using high energy gamma and ion-beam can be utilized to synthesize different nanomaterials. The radiation based technique can provide great control over fine-tuning of the size and the size distribution of the nanoparticles by tuning the radiation dose. A stable aqueous dispersion (5 mg/mL) of graphene was synthesized using high energy gamma radiation at room temperature. Radiolytic green synthesis of aqueous dispersions of graphene using high energy ionizing gamma irradiation was carried out with a 2.59×1015 Bq 60Co source at a dose rate of 5 kGy/h under ambient conditions (normal pressure and room temperature). The as-synthesized graphene was characterized by SEM, TEM, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction study (XRD). The stability of aqueous dispersions of graphene was confirmed through zeta potential measurements and the negative zeta potentials of 55-60 mV were obtained indicating the high stability of aqueous graphene dispersions. The aqueous dispersion of graphene was stable upto a period of six months.
David L Officer
University of Wollongong, Australia
Title: Moving microdroplets in 3D using photochemopropulsion
David Officer is professor of organic chemistry in the intelligent polymer research institute and the australian research council centre of excellence for electromaterials science at the university of wollongong, wollongong, australia. he joined the lecturing staff at massey university, new zealand in 1986 and during the following 20 years, he became founding director of the nanomaterials research centre and professor in chemistry in the institute of fundamental sciences. in 2007, he moved to the university of wollongong. he has published more than 200 papers in the areas of graphene and porphyrin chemistry, conducting polymers, nanomaterials and solar cells.
The ability to selectively transport chemical species in a controlled fashion, typically against chemical and electrochemical gradients, has been the cornerstone of the development of complex natural systems. In 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Rothman, Schekman and Südhof "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells". Vesicles are closed cellular structures formed from lipid bilayers that are used to actively transport macromolecules from inside cells to the outside fluid by a process known as exocytosis or between cells by a variety of mechanisms. In exocytosis, the macromolecules are contained in the vesicle that isolates them from the rest of the cell and which eventually fuses with the cell membrane to release the macromolecular cargo to the outside of the cell. Emulating such structures and processes in the fluid environment is considered one of the grand challenges confronting nanoscience today and has the potential to add revolutionary capabilities to fluidic platforms that could be used to transport medicine in the human body, act as chemical messengers for signal transduction in sensing or other systems, move cargo around microfluidic devices, or even be utilized for transport in artificial cellular systems.
We have developed lipophilic droplets whose movement and direction can be controlled on or in an aqueous medium solely by photo-driven “chemopropulsion” (photochemopropulsion). In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the droplets can be “pushed” or “pulled” by light in 3D, are able to carry “cargo”, and undertake sequential chemical reactions through the interaction of two or more droplets.
Diana Ciuculescu-Pradines
University of Toulouse, France
Title: Evaluation of the coordination of a phosphonic acid-based ligand to the surface of zerovalent iron nanoparticles
Diana Ciuculescu-Pradines completed her PhD from Paul-Sabatier University in 2007 and carried out postdoctoral studies at University of Liverpool. She has been assitant professor at Paul–Sabatier University, Toulouse, France since 2008. Her reserch interests concern the engineering of well-defined and functionalized nanostructures by taking advantage of coordination chemistry concepts and the study of their physical properties for their application in biology and nanomedicine. She has published more than 25 papers including a review and a book chapter.
Iron-based nanoparticles are very popular materials due to their interest for biomedical applications such as magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic hyperthermia, drug delivery or in other areas of nanomedicine. However the potential of these nanoparticles is limited by the poor magnetic properties of iron oxides from which they are made of. Zerovalent iron nanoparticles would be more suited given their higher magnetization properties but the synthesis of stable colloidal solutions in water is very challenging due to dipolar interactions and oxidation.
Zerovalent iron nanoparticles, with good control of size and cristallinity, are synthetised in non biological media (organic solvants) and present at their surface different coordinated ligands used as stabilizers. Their transfer into water which is mandatory for biomedical applications requires to master the complexity of their surface chemistry in order to avoid their dissolution or total oxidation in aqueous medium.[1] Few work has been done in this direction and only silica coating was succesfully experimented up-to-now,[2] confirming that aggregation of zerovalent iron nanoparticles could be prevented and their oxidation limited in water.
As an alternative to silica coating we present here the potential of a poly(ethylene oxide)-phosphonic acid ligand [3] to coordinate onto the surface of zerovalent iron nanoparticles. The anchoring of this ligand allows to passivate the iron nanoparticles and to impart them with water solubility thus affording a well-suited nanomaterial for biomedical applications. The strategy of the synthesis which takes benefit from coordination chemistry concepts [4] and the characterization of the so-obtained nanomaterial will be detailed.
Chandkiram Gautam
University of Lucknow, India
Title: Synthesis, crystallization and dielectric properties of some perovskite borosilicate glass ceramics doped with donor dopants
Chandkiram Gautam, is a senior Assistant Professor of Physics, He got his B Sc in Physics, M. Sc. in Physics (Electronics), from C.C.S. University, Meerut in 1995 and 1997. Dr. Gautam did M Phil in Physics (Instrumentation) from IIT Roorkee, India and M. Tech. in Materials Technology in 2000 and Ph.D. degree in Ceramic Engineering in 2005 from IIT, BHU Varanasi, India. Recently he awarded from Raman Post Doctoral Research Fellowship (2014-2015) at Department of Nano Engineering & Materials Science, Rice University, Houston Texas, USA. He is also awarded UGC Research Award Fellowship during 2012-2013 and also a recipient of ‘Young Scientist’ award from UPCST, Lucknow (2007). He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. Dr. Gautam having various life time memberships and having the membership of editorial board of several reputed journals.
Glass ceramics are polycrystalline materials produced by the controlled crystallization of glass and are composed of randomly oriented crystals with some residual glass with no voids or porosity. They are truly engineered materials; capable of a wide range of microstructure and properties. They combine the ease of fabrication of a glass with the generic properties e.g. high strength; stiffness etc. of a ceramic. Ferroelectric (PbSr)TiO3/(BaSr)TiO3 perovskite solid solution phase has been crystallized in borosilicate glass matrix with suitable heat treatment schedule. La2O3/Fe2O3 is a donar dopant for lead strontium titanate and can make it semi conducting. Dispersion of semi conducting perovskite phase in insulating glassy matrix in glass ceramic samples may lead to the formation of space charge polarization around crystal glass interface, leading to high value of effective dielectric constant. Therefore, with the aim of developing glass ceramics with high dielectric constant, glasses in the systems [(PbxSr1-x)O.TiO2]-[2SiO2.B2O3]-[K2O]-[BaO] (1£ x£0.5) and [(BaxSr1-x)O.TiO2]-[2SiO2.B2O3]-[K2O]-[BaO] with La2O3 and Fe2O addition have been prepared by melt and quenched method. XRD patterns show that perovskite PbTiO3/BaTiO3 is the major crystalline phase in these glass ceramics. The structure of major crystalline phase is tetragonal similar to PbTiO3. The dielectric behavior of the glass ceramic samples prepared by heat treatment of their parent glasses. All the glass ceramic samples show a broad Curie peak in their er vs. T plots. The D Vs T plots also show a relaxation peak with shift to high temperature with increasing frequency. The dielectric behavior of these glass ceramic samples is attributed to space charge polarization associated with ferroelectric to paraelectric transition similar to relaxor like materials. These may be used for ceramic capacitor applications.
Ozge Yuksel Orhan
Hacettepe University, Turkey
Title: CO2 utilisation: Waste or resource for chemical industry
Ozge Yuksel Orhan obtained her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Hacettepe University, Turkey, in December 2014. Her thesis is entitled “The Absorption Kinetics of CO2 into Ionic Liquid-CO2 Binding Organic Liquid Hybrid Solvents”. Currently, she is a Research and Teaching Assistant at Chemical Engineering Department of Hacettepe University. Her research topics have dealt with the study of carbon dioxide capture by novel solvents.
CO2 emissions into atmosphere is a global concern and a recent theoretical model provides a quantitative approach for its connection with global warming and climate change. CO2 is potentially a suitable resource of carbon which can partially replace oil and gas in many synthetic applications. Benefits can also extend to safety considerations since it is not toxic. It can replace certain toxic building blocks such as CO and phosgene in several commercially important processes, such as methanol or polyurethane manufactures. In addition, it can be used as a viable technological fluid with distinct advantages over other possible solutions in applications such as enhanced oil recovery and supercritical solvent. In near future, the use in carboxylation processes (synthesis of carbonates, carbamates and carboxylates, including cyclic compounds in both monomeric and polymeric forms) appears to be the most likely synthetic applications. In these cases, CO2 serves as both carbon and oxygen sources. Replacing CO for making acrylic acid and use as a mild oxidant are other interesting applications. Reduction by catalytic and electrocatalytic hydrogenation necessitates energy from non-fossil fuels and solar and renewable energy resources should then be incorporated. The photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in water under solar light irradiation, which is known as artificial photosynthesis, is a potential option that would increase carbon recycling.
A unique aspect of this paper is the exploitations of reactions of CO2 which stems from existing petrochemical plants-with the commodity petrochemicals (such as, methanol, ethylene and ethylene oxide) produced at the same or nearby complex in order to obtain value-added products while contributing also to CO2 fixation simultaneously. Exemplifying worldwide ethylene oxide facilities, it is recognized that they produce about 3 million tons of CO2 annually. Such a CO2 resource, which is already separated in pure form as a requirement of the process, should best be converted to a value-added chemical there avoiding current practice of discharging to the atmosphere.
Byungchan Han obtained his Phd degree in mit at the dept. of mater. sci. & eng. he was research associate in mit and stanford university fir four years. from 2015 he has been working at yonsei university as an associate professor. his research interests are developing emerging energy materials for renewable energy devices. He was introduced as 10 most leading young scientists from korean newspaper. his research work was reported by the korea national research foundation in 2016. he was awarded a medal from international advanced association of materials in 2016. He is an associater editor of scientific reports.
First principles-based computational modelings propose key dscriptors and design concepts for discovering highly active materials in renewable energy system application. Density functional thoery calculations combined with statistical mechanical formalism identify optimum catalysts for oxygen (hydrogen) reduction (oxifation) and evolution reactions beyond concentional Pt used in fuel cell and Li-ion batteries. In this talk, it is unveiled reaction mechanism of environmentally toxic gases with water and suggest how to remove them by designing efficient filters. Organic iodine and POCl3 are introduced as the examples
Kamaljit Singh
Guru Nanak Dev University, India
Title: Nonlinear optical behaviour of thermally stable ferrocene based dyads and triads
Kamaljit Singh, Guru Nanak Dev University, India
Nonlinear optical (NLO) responsive materials are of great interest for applications related to photonics, nanophotonics and optoelectronics, such as integrated optics, optical sensing, optical signal processing, optical computing, broad band optical communications, optical poling, optical limiting, etc. We recently described NLO behaviour of tetrathia[22]porphyrin(, which depict reverse saturable absorption.1
In continuation of our interest in designing ferrocene (Fc) based materials2 for NLO applications, two sets of new Fc based chromophores were synthesized and their optical, NLO and electrochemical properties were investigated. The second-order nonlinear polarizabilities were determined using hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) with femtosecond pulsed laser light at 840 nm. The dyads exhibit interesting structure-dependent NLO properties, which could be rationalized by correlating optical with electrochemical data. For example, the dyad3 with strongest (formyl) acceptor group in combination with the longer conjugation path between this acceptor and the Fc donor, showed the largest static hyperpolarizability value, as compared to dyads with shorted conjugation and/or weaker acceptors. A partially symmetrical and longer triad showed the longest absorption wavelength, yet the smallest dipolar properties (dipole moment and first hyperpolarizability), due to partial cancellation, in agreement with symmetry correlations.
Sara Mousavi
ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management, Switzerland
Title: Highly porous bio-based nanofibrous aerogels for removing cationic dyes from aqueous solutions
Sara Mousavi is from ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management, Switzerland
The use of synthetic dyes in different industries such as paper, textile, paint, printing, and plastics is inevitable. Environmental concerns due to their UV and temperature stability together with their inhibiting effects on photosynthetic activities ask for improved dye removing processes.
Dye adsorption is a promising method in dye removing process, as it is cost efficient, easy and flexible without any new toxic by-products. Difficulties such as separating the adsorbent after the removal process together with their low efficiency were overcome by the development of new adsorbents based on electrospun nanofiber membranes.
However, besides all the outstanding properties of electrospun nanofiber membranes such as their huge specific surface area tailored surface functionality and fiber uniformity, they are still facing challenges such as low mechanical stability and unfavorable mass transport properties.
To overcome these problems, a robust 3D sponge like aerogel with high porosity, mechanical stability, and flexibility as well as low density was developed using pullulan: nanofibers are electrospun from the natural and edible polysaccharide pullulan followed by cutting in dioxane, proceeding with a freeze casting process and finally thermally crosslinked.
The pullulan based super elastic and environmentally friendly aerogel is used as a highly efficient adsorbent to remove cationic dyes from aqueous solutions. Dye adsorption is pH dependent and recycling of the aerogel adsorbent is demonstrated.
Zahoor Ahmad
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Title: In-situ preparation of aramid-MWCNTs nano-composites: morphology and thermal-mechanical properties
Zahoor Ahmad is a faculty member in department of chemistry at Kuwait University, Kuwait.
The preparation and properties of the aramid-multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Ar-MWCNT) nano-composites using functionalized and pristine CNTs will be discussed. In-situ polymerization technique was used to link chemically the amine-terminated high molecular weight aramid chains with acid-functionalized MWCNTs. The effect of functionalization on composite morphology has been investigated by scanning electron microscope. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) showed a higher increase in the storage modulus and the temperature involving α-relaxations on CNTs loading in comparison to the system where pristine CNTs were used. The depression in the tan delta peak indicates the polymer chains participating in the glass transition were reduced in the composite film on loading with the MWCNT. Thermal mechanical analysis showed a drop in coefficient of thermal expansion, prior to glass transition temperature that is consistent with immobilization of polymer material present at the CNT interface. The thermal decomposition temperature of these composites was around 533 oC. The strong interfacial interactions of the matrix with the functionalized CNTs in the composite material resulted in higher visco-elastic properties and a more reduction in the coefficient of thermal expansion of aramid on loading the MWCNTs. The chemically bonded composites where acid-functionalized CNTs were used showed better results than the pristine CNTs.
Zahoor Ahmad
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Title: In-situ preparation of aramid-MWCNTs nano-composites: morphology and thermal-mechanical properties
Zahoor Ahmad is a faculty member in department of chemistry at Kuwait University, Kuwait.
The preparation and properties of the aramid-multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Ar-MWCNT) nano-composites using functionalized and pristine CNTs will be discussed. In-situ polymerization technique was used to link chemically the amine-terminated high molecular weight aramid chains with acid-functionalized MWCNTs. The effect of functionalization on composite morphology has been investigated by scanning electron microscope. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) showed a higher increase in the storage modulus and the temperature involving α-relaxations on CNTs loading in comparison to the system where pristine CNTs were used. The depression in the tan delta peak indicates the polymer chains participating in the glass transition were reduced in the composite film on loading with the MWCNT. Thermal mechanical analysis showed a drop in coefficient of thermal expansion, prior to glass transition temperature that is consistent with immobilization of polymer material present at the CNT interface. The thermal decomposition temperature of these composites was around 533 oC. The strong interfacial interactions of the matrix with the functionalized CNTs in the composite material resulted in higher visco-elastic properties and a more reduction in the coefficient of thermal expansion of aramid on loading the MWCNTs. The chemically bonded composites where acid-functionalized CNTs were used showed better results than the pristine CNTs.
- Petro Chemicals
Polymer Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Nanotechnology and Applications
Synthetic Chemistry
Location: Linate
Session Introduction
Abdeldayem R A
Mansoura University, Egypt
Title: Water, Iron and Liver Cihrrosis
Abdeldayem R A is from toxicology unit, Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University, Egypt
Background: Several diseases have been caused by contamination of surface and groundwater. Aim: The aim of the present work is to investigate the impact of iron overload in drinking water on liver pathology.Materials and Methods: Samples of drinking water, blood and true cut liver biopsies were taken from selected inhabitants, who attended in some Dakahlia governorate hospitals. Those inhabitants (16 patients) from Mit-ghamr and Aga districts were suffering from liver disorders (had hepatitis C) and 4 patients had chronic cholecystitis from Mansoura district as control cases. Measurement of iron level in water samples was carried out by the use of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer, analyzed for serum iron level with a micro lab 200 spectrophotometer. Results: The mean value of iron in surface water is lower than the permissible limit of Egyptian ministry of health (EMH) and World health organization (WHO). However, the mean value of iron in groundwater samples is higher than that permissible limit and than those of surface drinking water. Comparison between iron level in drinking water and human blood samples shows positive relationship. The control group depended on drinking surface water and had normal liver function tests, whereas the patient group that depended on drinking groundwater had abnormal values in liver function tests. These data suggest that the polluted iron drinking water is the reason for the liver disorder of the patients. Siderosis was apparent among those patients drinking polluted iron water in comparison to control cases. The siderosis appears to be responsible for resistance to treatment of HCV and progression of fibrosis. Conclusion: The accumulation of iron in liver leads to fibrosis. Iron depletion therapy could interfere with fibrosis development and possibly reduce the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
Denis L
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia
Title: Application of vegetable oils for extraction of rare-earth elements from water solutions
Time : 12:15-12:35

Denis Lutckii graduated St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) on a specialty "Metallurgy of ferrous metals", qualification "engineer". In 2011, after graduate school, defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.16.02 "Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals", thesis - "Recovery and separation of lanthanides hydrometallurgical methods for complex processing of raw low-concentration"
Various types of vegetable oil-based organic solvents (VOS), i.e. vegetable oils (corn, canola, sunflower and soybean oils) with and without extractant (pure oleic acid), were investigated into their potentiality as greener substitutes for the conventional petroleum-based organic solvents to extract REM from aqueous solutions [1, 2]. The pH-extraction isotherms of Ce (III) using various vegetable oils loaded with oleic acid were investigated and the percentage extraction of Ce (III) achieved by different types of VOS was determined. Vegetable oils without extractants showed a poor extractability for Ce (III). Vegetable oils loaded with oleic acid were found to be the most effective VOS for Ce (III) extraction and, thus, are potential greener substitutes for the conventional petroleum-based organic solvents. It was shown that all vegetable oils investigated such as olive and sunflower, either with or without naphthenic acid exhibited a similar trend of extractability for Ce (III) from aqueous solutions. A sigmoid curve was obtained for all the pH-extraction isotherms of Ce (III) investigated with various types of vegetable oils loaded with 500 mM of naphthenic acid as VOS. The extraction was the lowest at pH of 4.0, but increased sharply from 4.7 to 5.5, and achieved its maximum from 5.5 to 6.0. Vegetable oils without extractants were poor VOS for Ce (III) wherein only about 10% of Ce (III) was extracted. Hence, vegetable oils functioned more as diluents than as additional extractants in Ce (III) extraction. Vegetable oils loaded with 500 mM naphthenic acid, however, were effective VOS where more than 90% of Ce (III) was extracted from aqueous solutions. Therefore, naphthenic acid functioned as an effective extractant in Ce (III) extraction by various types of VOS.
Hardy Z Castada
The Ohio State University, USA
Title: Characterization of lamb flavor using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS)
Time : 11:55-12:15

Hardy Castada is a post-doctoral food scientist and analytical chemist with research interest in the fundamental and applied volatile compound analysis using SIFTMS. He studies physico-chemical changes and behavior of volatile, semi-volatile, aroma and flavor volatiles in various matrixes and systems.
Volatile 4-alkyl-branched fatty acids and 3-methylindole are characteristic flavor compounds associated with lamb. The partitioning behavior of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the gas and condensed phase is important for their effective characterization especially during high throughput screening and quantitative analysis. Selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) was used for the headspace concentration analysis of the compounds associated with lamb flavor. Standard solutions of 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethylnonanoic acid and 3-methylindole were prepared in an oil-based matrix,
equilibrated for an hour at 4 different temperatures (80, 100, 110 and 125oC), prior to headspace sampling and quantification. Further linear regression analyses and calculations of Henry’s law constants were carried out at each specified equilibration temperature. The Henry’s law constants of the lamb flavor compounds were calculated with a high degree of confidence (p<0.05) based on direct proportionality with a very good fit of linearity (R2>0.99) between the headspace and solution concentration of the standard solutions.The detected headspace concentrations increased with elevated equilibration temperature resulting to increased volatility of the compounds. Therefore, the calculated temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for these volatile compounds decreased with increasing temperature. We have established the temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for the volatiles 4-alkyl branchedchain fatty acids and 3-methylindole in air-oil matrixes. As the equilibration temperature is increased, volatility increases and Henry’s law constant decreases with increasing molecular weight. The partitioning behavior of the compounds is necessary for their high throughput characterization and approximation of their concentrations in situ.
Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma
Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy, Romania
Title: Sensors based on biomimetic porphyrin derivatives & their hybrid combinations with photonic nanoparticles
Time : 11:35-11:55

Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma has completed her PhD in 1997 at Polytechnical University of Timisoara. She is senior scientist, doctoral advisor and coordinator of Organic Chemistry –Porphyrin Programmes in Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy. She has published more than 250 peer-reviewed fullpapers, 93 papers in prestigious ISI journals, 8 books and 2 chapters in international volumes, 7 patents and has been serving as an editor to a special issue (Bentham). She was involved in managing of many FP6 , FP7 and national granted projects. She is reviewer of more than 20 ISI indexed ELSEVIER, SPRINGER and ACS Journals.
Most synthetic porphyrins are hydrophobic π-conjugated macrocycles and as a consequence organic building blocks for supramolecular chemistry, providing in this way the required optoelectronic and morphological properties for a plethora of novel sensors. Besides, porphyrins possess huge capacity for chemical modifications by peripheral substitution and by using them in hybrid combination with photonic, electronic and magnetic compounds. Wide band absorption hybrid materials were prepared from different A3B porhyrins and cobalt, manganese and zinc metalloporphyrins and silver or gold nanoparticles with the purpose to develop optical and electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide or other compounds showing potential in early medical diagnosis. The synthesized materials were characterized by UV-vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, AFM, SEM TEM and CV. STEM investigation of the porphyrin-gold hybrids revealed some dendritic structures produced mainly by porphyrin H- and J-type helicoidal self-aggregation due to their interaction with gold nanoparticles. Layer-by-layer assembly of gold colloid nanoparticles and cobalt porphyrins on GC electrodes generated electroactive thin films capable to electrochemically detect minute quantities of H2O2 that are relevant for early diagnosis in medicine. The Co-porphyrin-gold hybrid was exposed to increased amounts of H2O2 and the changes of the absorption spectra were monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy, proving the same quality of sensing capacity.
Antonio Bettero is a professor in Università di Padova, Italy.
Tenskinmetry is a conceptually innovative Tensiometric Versus Skin (TVS) pathway for non-invasive evaluation of surface energy phenomena closely related to the epidermal functional state. The TVS modeling: (i) exploits the structure-surface correlations which are characteristic of all systems; (ii) applies the principle of permutability of the tensiometric technique, according to which unknown solids can be characterized by their known surface characteristics, and vice versa; (iii) applies the contact angle method, with only water as reference liquid; (iv) is carried out by a suitable mobile tensiometer (tenskinmeter) directly in contact with the skin in a non-invasive way; (v) measures and correlates the surface free energy reflex induced by inter- and intra-molecular and particle forces acting on underlying epidermic layers; (vi) allows the epidermal hydration directly from the polar surface energy fraction.
Tuanli Yao
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, China
Title: Palladium catalyzed domino heck/aryne carbopalladation/c-h functionalization: Synthesis of heterocyclefused 9,10-dihydrophenanthrenes
Time : 10:55-11:15

Tuanli Yao has completed his PhD from Iowa State University and postdoctoral studies from University of California, Berkeley. He worked as Senior Scientist
at Deciphera Pharmaceuticals and Associate Researcher at University of Kansas before beginning his career in academy. Currently, he is professor at Shaanxi
University of Science & Technology. His research interests include aryne chemistry, electrophilic cyclization and palladium catalysis. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals.
Arynes generated from the corresponding o-(trimethylsilyl)aryl triflates have emerged as powerful synthons in organic synthesis. Aryne annulation reactions with intramolecular C-H functionalization can be a powerful method for the synthesis of polycyclic compounds. We developed a novel palladium-catalyzed domino Heck/aryne carbopalladation/C-H functionalization reaction using in situ generated arynes, in which three new C-C bonds and a carbon quaternary center are formed. This methodology affords moderate to excellent yields of heterocycle-fused 9,10-dihydrophenanthrenes
Yutaka Moritomo
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Prussian blue analogues as battery materials for energy science
Time : 10:20-10:40

Yutaka Moritomo has completed his PhD in physics at the age of 27 years from University of Tokyo and postdoctoral studies from University of Tokyo. Now, he is the director of divivion of materials for energy storage and conversion, Center for Integrated Research in Fudamental Science and Engineering (CiRfSE), University of Tsukuba. He has published more than 300 papers (total citation is more than 20,000).
Prussian blue analogues (PBAs:NaxM[Fe(CN)6]y where M is a transition metal) have three-dimensional (3D) jungle-gymtype host framework and cubic nanopores, 0.5 nm at the edge. PBAs are promising cathode materials for lithium ion (LIBs) and sodium ion (SIBs) secondary batteries,[1-3] reflecting their nanoporous host framework. Actuially, thin film of NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90 shows high capacity of 135 mAh/g,[3] which is comparable to the value (= 140mAh/g) of actually-used LiCoO2. The thin film electrode exhibits a high capacity of 121 mAh/g (90 % of the OCV value) even at 60 C. The discharge curve exhibits two plateaus at 3.8 and 3.4 V. By means of ex situ X-ray diffraction and absorption measurements, we have ascrived them the the redox processes of Fe and Co.[3] The thin film battery electrode is a nice platform for energy science, becauase the electrode is free free from carbonbased conducting material and polymer-based binder. With use of an optical battery cell and microscopy, we clarified the structural dynamics in the charge process (Li intercalation process) of LixCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90.[4] We cleary observed phase separation into the Li-rich and Li-poor domains of iorder of 10,000 nm. With use of the inelastic X-ray scattering technique, we clartified that local structures around Co2+ and Co3+ in NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90.
Lars Baltzer
Uppsala university, Sweden
Title: Increasing affinity and selectivity for target proteins by peptide conjugation to small molecule ligands – extending interactions “just†outside of the binding pocket
Time : 10:00-10:20

Lars Baltzer is Professor in Organic chemistry at Uppsala University since 2004. He has a well-documented and longstanding interest in research topics related to catalysis and molecular recognition based on fundamental principles of physical organic chemistry. He has introduced catalytic sites, demonstrated rate enhancements of several orders of magnitude and proven the formation of enzyme-substrate complexes in proteins he has designed from scratch. More recently he has become engaged in research on the molecular recognition of proteins by polypeptide conjugates, for the purpose of increasing affinities and selectivities for proteins of biomedical interest. Affinity enhancements due to peptide conjugation of four orders of magnitude, increased selectivities as well as improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties have been demonstrated. He has expertise in molecular design and the quantitative evaluation of structure and activity relationships especially those related to protein recognition. Aleksandra Balliu obtained her Ph D in the laboratory of Lars Baltzer, working on aspects of the polypeptide conjugate technology.
Organic synthesis has reached a level of proficiency that allows the efficient preparation of molecules of high complexity but the design of small organic molecules and peptides with sufficient affinities and selectivities for proteins in biomedical applications lags behind. We have developed a technology where polypeptide conjugation to small organic molecules or peptides provides affinities increased by as much as four orders of magnitude in comparison to those of the small molecules. Selectivities between highly homologous proteins, measured as ratios of dissociation constants, have been shown to increase by between one and two orders of magnitude. The aspect of the technology that appears to be the most surprising, while it at the same time makes it the most attractive to use, is that a single sixteen membered set of polypeptides is enough to improve affinities and selectivities for essentially any protein. We have recently begun to focus our attention on problems related to in vivo applications, addressing a) the risk of elicitation of immune responses and b) the problem of fast renal clearance. To this end, chemical modifications were introduced that allowed us to reduce the size of the polypeptides from the original 42-residue scaffolds to 11-mers without loss of affinity. We have identified a small molecule ligand that will provide tight binding of peptides to human serum albumin, a carrier protein present in human blood at a concentration of 0.6 mM. HSA binding will keep peptides in circulation thus reducing the problem of fast renal clearance and, in addition, the rate of proteolytic degradation. The peptide conjugates to be discussed may be used e.g. in clinical imaging or as radiotherapeutic agents, but also as guides for the redesign of small molecule drugs or for target validation purposes. Illustration of concept. Conjugate formed from small molecule ligand and 42-residue polypeptide binds target protein due to small molecule-protein interactions supplemented by those between peptide and protein in close proximity to the small molecule binding site. Protein is human Carbonic Anhydrase II and small molecule ligand is benzenesulphonamide.
Vikrant received his M.Sc. from the University of Pune (India) in 2003. Shortly after graduation, he joined Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad as a research chemist. In 2005, Vikrant embarked on his doctoral studies at the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) under the supervision of Prof. S. V. Pansare. After receiving his Ph.D. in 2009, he pursued his postdoctoral research in the group of Prof. K.C. Nicolaou at The Scripps Research Institute in California (USA). In 2010, Vikrant commenced his research career at the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, ASTAR (Singapore). At ICES, he has successfully lead several projects in areas such as total synthesis of natural products, medicinal chemistry, and synthetic methodology. His current research interests encompass the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel sp3-rich chemical entities, such as bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane derivatives. Vikrant has recently completed his MBA studies from Nanyang Business School at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
Potential applications of the bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane (BCP) motif, as a contemporary lead optimization tool, has generated substantial interest in medicinal chemistry. However, a realistic introduction of this building-block to the mainstream medicinal chemistry warrants a systematic and steadfast approach towards its development.
In 2013, originating from an “out-of-the-box” notion to resolve issues pertaining to an on-going medicinal chemistry study, we recognized the need to resolve the paucity of synthetic access to BCP derivatives.2 Taking cognizance of the non-trivial chemical demeanor of the strained BCP motif, we devised contemporary strategies to secure key BCP derivatives in a scalable fashion. As an outcome, we have now secured a robust and scalable access to a variety of key intermediates such as the BCP amine (1) its 3-fluoro and 3-phenyl substituted counterparts 2 and 3, and 3-pyrazine BCP carboxylic acid (4).3-6 The newly discovered synthetic know-how was deployed to generate a library of BCP-based fragments for an ‘in-house’ FBDD initiative. Moreover, empowered by our synthetic studies we have also invested efforts to understand the biological behavior of BCP derivatives. In this presentation, I will narrate the background, the progress, and our future objectives related to our work on the BCP derivatives.
Yutaka Moritomo
University of Tsukuba, Japan
Title: Prussian blue analogues as battery materials for energy science
Yutaka Moritomo has completed his PhD in physics at the age of 27 years from University of Tokyo and postdoctoral studies from University of Tokyo. Now, he is the director of divivion of materials for energy storage and conversion, Center for Integrated Research in Fudamental Science and Engineering (CiRfSE), University of Tsukuba. He has published more than 300 papers (total citation is more than 20,000).
Prussian blue analogues (PBAs:NaxM[Fe(CN)6]y where M is a transition metal) have three-dimensional (3D) jungle-gym-type host framework and cubic nanopores, 0.5 nm at the edge. PBAs are promising cathode materials for lithium ion (LIBs) and sodium ion (SIBs) secondary batteries,[1-3] reflecting their nanoporous host framework. Actuially, thin film of NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90 shows high capacity of 135 mAh/g,[3] which is comparable to the value (= 140mAh/g) of actually-used LiCoO2. The thin film electrode exhibits a high capacity of 121 mAh/g (90 % of the OCV value) even at 60 C. The discharge curve exhibits two plateaus at 3.8 and 3.4 V. By means of ex situ X-ray diffraction and absorption measurements, we have ascrived them the the redox processes of Fe and Co.[3]
The thin film battery electrode is a nice platform for energy science, becauase the electrode is free free from carbon-based conducting material and polymer-based binder. With use of an optical battery cell and microscopy, we clarified the structural dynamics in the charge process (Li intercalation process) of LixCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90.[4] We cleary observed phase separation into the Li-rich and Li-poor domains of iorder of 10,000 nm. With use of the inelastic X-ray scattering technique, we clartified that local structures around Co2+ and Co3+ in NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]0.90.
Jae-Sang Ryu
Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea
Title: Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazole-linked salicylamide analogs as potent aurora kinase inhibitors
Jae-Sang Ryu has completed his PhD from Northwestern University, IL, USA and postdoctoral studies from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA. He is a profssor of college of Pharmacy & Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. He has been searching for new drug candidates based on disease mechanisms and combinatorial approaches. His lab is currently working on the development of allergic/anticancer drugs using peptide libraries and natural compound-like compound libraries. He has published many papers in SCI international journals and applied for patents related to the development of antiallergic drugs and anti-cancer drugs.
The Aurora family is a member of the Ser/Thr protein kinases regulating mitosis. They includes Aurora A, B and C possessing individual function and different cellular localization during cell cycle. An overexpression of Aurora A and B, which has been observed in various tumor types, is known to connect to chromosomal instability, oncogenic transformation, and tumor progression. Although Aurora kinase is considered as a promising therapeutic target in cancer and several Aurora inhibitors have currently reached the clinical evaluation stage, Aurora-selective drug is not yet approved by FDA.
Previously, we identified a potent antiproliferative substance by constructing a small molecule library that mimics lavendustin, a natural kinase inhibitor, using a rapid 'click-fragment assembly' and screening method. Based on this lead compound, various 1,2,3-triazolylsalicylamide analogs were designed, synthesized via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (CuAAC) and evaluated biochemically for the Aurora kinase inhibitory activities. Among twenty-four membered 1,2,3-triazole library, compound 8a exhibited much lower IC50 values against Aurora A kinase than the lead compound, and compound 8m showed a nanomolar IC50 value against Aurora B. In this presentation, we describe the design, synthesis, and biochemical evaluation of 1,2,3-Triazole-linked Salicylamide Analogs.
Jung-Mi Hah
Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
Title: Targeting CNS Protein kinase as therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases
Jung-Mi Hah has completed her PhD at the age of 32 years from Northwestern University and postdoctoral studies from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is the director of graduate school of Pharmacy at Hanyang University. She has published more than 40 papers in reputed bioorganic and medicinal chemistry journals.
The development of protein kinase inhibitors is becoming increasingly important in the development of drugs for peripheral diseases, while protein kinase targets in CNS diseases are rarely developed due to the difficulties of common CNS drug discovery. However, a number of protein kinases are being studied as targets for brain diseases. When developing them, the nature of low-molecular inhibitors - the molecular design that considers cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism, must be accompanied by blood.brain barrier permeability. Degenerative brain diseases and ischemic brain diseases, which are typical brain diseases, are directly caused by brain cell death, but they are recognized as a result of intracellular signal transduction. Therefore, protein kinase Has begun to be studied. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway in the MAPK pathway, which is a representative cell signaling system that regulates cell death, has been verified as a target in relation to many diseases. In particular, JNK3 isoform is expressed in brain tissue The distribution is concentrated, and the connection with neuronal death has been studied extensively.
In this study, we have developed a low-molecular-weight inhibitor that can regulate its function by molecular targeting of JNK3 (c-Jun N-terminal kinase), which is considered to play a key role in the brain cell death mechanism of degenerative brain disease , And to conduct a study on structural optimization focusing on improvement of BBB permeation structure of existing lead material.
Fatih Sirindil
University of Strasbourg, France
Title: Palladium tandem catalyzed 1,5-sulfonyl migration / suzuki-miyaura cross coupling reactions
Fatih is a 2nd year PhD student in the “Laboratoire de Synthèse et Réactivité Organiques et Catalyse” at the University of Strasbourg supervised by Pr Patrick Pale and Aurélien Blanc. He is working on new Palladium and Gold catalyzed pathways towards natural products synthesis. After his chemistry bachelor in Strasbourg, he did a master degree on drug design and production at the Faculty of Pharmacy of Strasbourg. During his master’s internship at Harvard Neurodiscovery Center-Harvard Medical School, he worked on the lead optimization for the treatment of Alzheimer.
Natural products have mostly a heterocyclic scaffold and retain particular attention from
organic chemists due to their biological activity and also their utility to provide an attractive
platform to establish the usefulness of novel synthetic pathways. Palladium catalyzed reactions are wide used to this aim given that this metal offer and abundance of possibilities of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formations. Furthermore, the non-toxicity and the tolerance of palladium to many functional groups, widely present on natural products, are important attractive features.
Koane Jean-Noel
Marien-Ngouabi University, Brazzaville
Title: Phytochimic and pharmacological studies of some central african medicinal plants with antidiabetic properties
The diabetes constitutes a true problem of public health in the world. It results in a sugar rate abnormally raised, measured in blood in several months of intervals. It is about a chronic metabolic disease which occurs when the pancreas does not secrete insulin: insulino-dependent diabetes (type I) which generally touches the young subject before 30 years or when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin and that the secretion of this one is overdrawn; form diabetes found at the adults and the obese ones: noninsulino-dependent diabetes (type II). Indeed, vis-a-vis the noted dissatisfaction of the modern remedies, the traditional phytotherapeutic tracks seem to reinforce an interesting potential, of which the process of development, plant with phytomédicament, through adequate scientific processes, could offer a credible alternative, in favour of the communities.
Jean-Christophe Carry
Sanofi, France
Title: SAR156497 an exquisitely selective inhibitor of Aurora kinases
After receiving his PhD from the Johns Hopkins University (USA) in 1992 at the age of 27, JC moved back to France to work at Rhône-Poulenc Rorer in Paris as a medicinal chemist, in the field of Anti-Infectious diseases. From 1999 to 2004, at Aventis he worked in the global Medicinal Chemistry Department, being involved in several international collaborations in connection with various therapeutic areas. Since 2004, he has worked at Sanofi, first in the Oncology Business Division (2004-2014), then in a global scientific platform called Integrated Drug Discovery (2014 to present) as a group and project leader. he has published over 70 papers and patents.
The Aurora family of serine/threonine kinases is essential for mitosis. Their crucial role in cell cycle regulation and aberrant expression in a broad range of malignancies have been demonstrated and have prompted intensive search for small molecule Aurora inhibitors. Indeed, over ten of them have reached the clinic as potential anticancer therapies. We will report the discovery and optimization of a novel series of tricyclic molecules that has led to SAR156497, an exquisitely selective Aurora A, -B and -C inhibitor with in vitro and in vivo efficacy. We will also provide insights into its mode of binding to its target proteins from X-Ray data, which could explain its selectivity.
Muhammad Mustaqeem
University of Sargodha, Pakistan
Title: Synthesis and solubilization of Flurbiprofen derivatives and investigation of their biological activities
Flurbiprofen is one of the most potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It is widely used for relief of pain in patients suffering from rheumatic diseases, migraine, sore throat and primary dysmenorrhea. However, its aqueous solubility is very low and hinders the skin permeation. Thus, it is imperative to develop such a drug delivery systems which can improve its aqueous solubility and hence improve the skin permeation and therapeutic compliance. Micro-emulsions have been also proven to increase the cutaneous absorption of lipophilic drugs as compared to conventional vehicles. Micro-emulsion is thermodynamically stable emulsion that has the capacity to ‘hide/solubilize’ water-insoluble molecules within a continuous oil phase.Therefore, flurbiprofen was converted to Easters through chemical reactions with alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. The product was further treated with hydrazine to get hydrazide. The solubility of the parent drug Flurbiprofen and the products were solubilized in micro-emulsions formed using various surfactants like ionic, non-ionic and zwitterions. It has been concluded that the product was more soluble than the parent compound. The biological activities of these were also investigated. The outcome was very promising and the product was more active than the parent compound. It therefore concluded that in this way we can not only enhance the solubility of the drug, increase its bioactivity but also reduces the risk of stomach cancer.
Fernando Ruette
Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research, Venezuela
Title: Multidisciplinary theoretical studies of small nanostructures of carbon compounds for multiple purposes
Carbonaceous materials, based on polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), have multiple applications particularly on: atmospheric chemistry, heavy oil components, interstellar chemistry, liquid crystals, carbonization chemistry, catalysis, electronic components, etc. In this presentation, several interactions between radicals with a PAH (coronene molecule) have being studied: (a) model aging of black carbon (BC) produced in air pollution [1]; (b) formation of molecular species on carbonaceous material of the interstellar medium (ISM) [2]; (c) the metal and metal oxides species formed on pyrolytic graphite platform (PGP), used in electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy (ETAAS) [3]; (d) metal supported on graphene for the catalysis of olefin hydrogenation [4]. For modeling the above mentioned systems, quantum chemistry calculations at DFT level, parametric, tight binding, and Monte Carlo techniques were employed.
(a) Potential energy surfaces for •OH reaction with coronene as model of BC were evaluated to explain the aging of BC. It means, BC destruction in atmosphere is simulated by the breaking of C-H and C-C bonds after multiple interactions with •OH with the formation of CO2 plus H2O. This aging process goes through on the edge surface oxidation with the formation of OH, C=O, and COOH groups. The increase of the surface hydrophilicity was analyzed by using PM6 and DFT-D, explaining water condensation [1].
(b) Several studies of molecular formation in the ISM were carried out for the formation of H2, H2O, CH4, NH3 molecules after multiple hydrogenations by (Eley-Rideal (ER) mechanism). Events associated with these processes have been studied with the calculation of chemisorption, diffusion, desorption, and surface reaction barriers [2]. The temperature desorption spectrum (TDS) of H2 on graphite is simulated with a Monte Carlo approach using calculated barriers of each event with DFT. A very good theoretical and experimental matching is obtained. The effect of multiple layers of graphene and ionization (charge effects) were also analyzed.
(c) Comparison between X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) and theoretical stability of possible Mo species on a model of pyrolytic graphite at different stages of the ETAAS process was performed [3]. The interpretation of XPS in different regions of the PGP indicates the migration of MoxOy species far from the center region. It was found that very stable oxides on the edges of the graphite are formed, then reductions of these species are feasible because are thermodynamically favored. Carbide formation on the dehydrogenated sites is responsible for observed species at ETAAS.
(d) Highly dispersed nanocatalyst synthetized by metal deposition on small graphenes was theoretically modeled [4]. Metallic nickel chemisorptions on multiple sites yield a very active catalyst for hydrogen activation. The interaction with ethylene is analyzed on different sites. Results show that the activation barrier for ethylene hydrogenation is very low. A novel catalyst is proposed for hydrogenation of hydrocarbons.
One may conclude that carbonaceous surfaces have multivariate technological applications, particularly, for recombination of radical species on their surfaces.
Ali Mansri
University of Tlemcen, Algeria
Title: Bentonite/polyacrylamide micro-composites – New materials for water treatment
Ali Mansri has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from Le Maine University in France and Doctorat d’état-ès sciences studies from Tlemcen University in Algeria. He is the director of the laboratory of Application of Organic Electrolytes and Polyelectrolytes (LAEPO), University of Tlemcen. He has published more than 75 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as reviewer of several repute journals. He is consultant in a quality control laboratory where he Elaborate several new materials for the ceramic and water treatment industries.
The last few years have seen a growing interest around the formulation of Bentonite/copolymer micro-composites. ¶TTheir technological and fundamental interest and applications lead to several synthesis procedures. In the present presentation, new organophilic micro-composite materials derived Poly(acrylamide-VP) copolymers/Bentonite [PPAM/BEN] were formulated, with Bentonite as a mineral material and Poly(acrylamide-VP) [PPAM] copolymer derivatives. Thus, hydrophobically modified water soluble Poly(acrylamide-VP) [PPAM] copolymers were prepared by classical or adiabatic radical polymerizations of acrylamide and Bentonite in heterogeneous medium in the presence and absence quaternary ammonium surfactants. The properties of the obtained micro-composites in aqueous solution depend on the experimental conditions, especially on the monomer ratios and on the Bentonite rate. They give a suspension when mixed energetically in water. Both the copolymers and the micro-composites materials were characterized using various techniques like 1HNMR, 13CNMR and ultraviolet spectroscopies, GPC and viscosity. The results of the thermal characterization by TGA showed good stability of the materials at high temperatures.
These organophilic micro-composite materials were used for the pollutants retentions from aqueous solutions. Experiments show very good results which become more important with the materials based on the low ratios of Bentonite [PPAM-VP/BEN]. These micro-composites [PPAM/BEN] were tested, for the first time, in the Flocculation process water treatment. The tests are conducted on a semi-industrial experimental pilot. Good Flocculation yields were observed.
- Advancements of Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Green Chemistry: Green chemical principles
Medical Biochemistry
Physical Chemistry
Location: Linate

Ju Chou
Florida Gulf Coast University, USA

Judit Tulla-Puche
University of Barcelona, Spain
Session Introduction
Judit Tulla-Puche
University of Barcelona, Spain
Title: The synthesis of complex marine depsipeptides
Time : 10:35-10:55

Judit Tulla Puche received her Ph.D. in organic chemistry (2004) from the University of Minnesota under the supervision of Prof. George Barany. Her thesis dealt with the solid-phase synthesis of small proteins. After finishing her doctoral studies, she joined the group of Prof. Fernando Albericio at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) where she became Research Associate, working on the synthesis of marine antitumor depsipeptides and complex peptides. In 2015, and after obtaining a Ramon y Cajal contract, she moved to the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona to establish her own research group. Her
research interests span a broad range of topics at the interfaces of peptide chemistry and chemical biology.
Marine organisms are a rich source of bioactive molecules. Among them, cyclodepsipeptides show relevant biological profiles, mostly including cytotoxic and anti HIV activities, and they are, therefore, promising candidates for medicinal chemistry programs. Herein, we report the synthesis of the potent antineoplastic agents pipecolidepsin A and Stellatolide A, “head-to-sidechain” cyclodepsipeptides, where the C-terminus is linked to a hydroxy group via an ester bond, and of thiocoraline, a byciclic thiodepsipeptide that acts as bisintercalator. The three molecules present extremely challenging structures. Pipecolidepsin A bears the unprecedented and extraordinary bulky AHDMHA residue at the branching point, which makes the construction of the extremely hindered ester bond the major synthetic challenge to overcome. On the other hand, the high propensity of the unnatural MeOD- Tyr residue in Stellatolide A to suffer decomposition is the main limitation of its assembly. Finally, Thiocoraline’s large amount of cysteines in a rather small structure represents the principal restraint. The successful solid-phase synthetic strategies that resulted in the three synthetic and active cyclodepsipeptides will be discussed.
Ju Chou
Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Title: Green synthesis and characterization of stable gold nanoparticles from various fruits juices and fruit waters for biomedical applications
Time : 10:55-11:15

Ju Chou is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Florida Gulf Coast University. Dr. Chou received her Ph.D. in chemistry from Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun, China in 1995. After that, Dr. Chou worked as a postdoctoral fellow in RIKEN Research Institute in Japan for a year and then came to the United States as a visiting research scholar working at University of California-Irvine and later at University of California-Santa Barbara. Dr. Chou’s research areas include bio-electrochemistry of proteins, bioaccumulation of trace elements in tissues, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials.
Dr. Chou’s recent research interests also include green synthesis of gold nanoparticles and environmental analysis of toxic metals in water and human hair. She is also collaborating with biology professors on the application of gold nanoparticles. This research focuses studying toxicity, biocompatibility and transport of gold nanoparticles in membranes and cancer cells.
Statement of the Problem: Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have diverse biomedical applications. However, when chemically reduced AuNPs were used in biological tests such as toxicity in various cells, the results often varied. One of important factors which lead to inconclusive results is that the chemicals used to make AuNPs might be still present in the AuNPs solutions used. This study focuses on the green synthesis of gold nanoparticles with fruit juices and fruit wasters without adding any toxic chemicals which is crucial for biomedical applications. Gold nanoparticles with different particle sizes were synthesized by the reduction of HAuCl4 using only fruit juices/extracts. Similar to fruit juices, fruit wastes such as fruit skins were found to contain various antioxidants and were able to make different sizes of gold nanoparticles. The spherical gold nanoparticles could be controlled by adjusting solution pH to obtain small and narrow size distribution. By adjusting the pHs of the solutions and the chemical reaction step, the sizes of AuNPs could be fine-tuned to 4.5±2.0 nm, 5.9±2.5 nm and 6.0±1.5 nm with fruit juices and fruit wastes. For the first time, stable and spherical AuNPs with ultrasmall size of 2.6±1.1nm and uniform distribution were successfully achieved using a fruit extract. UV-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) were used to characterize the morphology and size distribution of AuNPs produced through the green synthesis. The results indicate that AuNPs synthesized in this study are highly stable at room temperature and in general biological medias. More importantly the small and ultrasmall AuNPs were able to be imaged or monitored by dark-field optical microscopy which allows to monitor AuNPs in a live, single cell and this holds great promise in biomedical applications.
Batric Pesic
University of Idaho, USA
Title: Electrodeposition of nickel on glassy carbon electrode: The rotating disk study
Time : 11:15-11:35

Batric Pesic is a distinguished Professor at the University of Idaho. He has received BS degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Belgrade; MS (1976) and PhD (1982) from the University of Utah, USA. Upon graduation, he moved to Canada and worked for HBMS, Flin Flon, Manitoba. In 1983, he joined the University of Idaho, USA. His research interests have been, initially in extractive metallurgy, followed by environmental subjects. Currently, he is doing his research on electrochemistry of molten salts. He has extensive consulting experience with major chemical and metallurgical corporations in North America, Europe
and Africa.
Electrodeposition of nickel was studied by using rotating disk technique. The electrode substrate was glassy carbon disk cut from a glassy carbon wafer produced by Toshiba. The disk was mounted on a rotation speed controlled rotator made by IBM Instruments. The electrochemical deposition was studied from nickel ammonium sulfate solutions of different concentrations and pH, as the reaction parameters. The electrochemical techniques used were cyclic voltammetry, linear sweep voltammetry, and chronoamperometry. The key feature of this study is that amount of electrodeposited disk was determined by two methods i.e. charge passed and amount of nickel deposited at particular time intervals, such as 15, 30 and 60 seconds. Charge was determined by using a coulometer wired in line with the working electrode. Nickel deposited was determined by dissolution in nitric acid and analysis by atomic absorption. Both types of data were used in Levich equation for determination of kinetic parameters, such as reaction order, activation energy, etc. For example, it was found that electrodeposition of nickel is of first order, and that the activation energy was only 2.7 kcal/mol indicating, a mass transfer controlled reaction. The current efficiency was a function of concentration, increasing with the increase of nickel concentration. Morphology of electrodeposit was very smooth as confirmed by atomic force microscopy.
Davide Motta
Cardiff University, Wales
Title: Hydrogen generation from hydrous hydrazine using Ir-based nanocatalysts
Time : 11:35-11:55

Davide Motta is a PhD student at Cardiff, as part of CDT in Catalysis between the university of Bath, Bristol and Cardiff. He got master degree in Industrial Chemistry at University of Milan in 2014 and a master of research in Catalysis at Cardiff University in 2015.
Modern society relies on oil and hydrocarbon to satisfy its energy requirements. However the usage of oil is depleting the world resources and increase the emission of greenhouse gases, leading to grave consequences for the whole planet. In this optics the research for new cleaner and renewable energy sources is necessary more than needed, between this hydrogen has created a lot of interest as both fuel and energy carriers.
Hydrogen has an energy density three times higher than petroleum, 120 kJ g-1, that can be released with high efficiency using fuel cell systems combined with electrical engines. Moreover fuel cells are really clean energy systems that produce only water as by-product, in this way the level of pollutant and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Main drawback for hydrogen application is the need to find an efficient and safe method of transportation. From this point of view chemical liquid storage system like hydrazine and formic acid are really promising platform for large scale application of fuel cell system. We used iridium-based catalysts to catalyse the decomposition of hydrous hydrazine into molecular hydrogen and nitrogen . The catalyst have been prepared using differents preparation methods like deposition-precipitation and sol-immobilisation, and bimetallic systems using other metals such as Fe and Ni.
Simon Korte
Munster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: Phosphor solutions for the reduction of the time dependant intensity variation of AC LEDs
Time : 11:55-12:15

Simon Korte has gained his bachelor degree in chemical engineering and his master degree, specialising on material science, at the University of Applied Science MUnster. Subsequently he started his PhD studies at the University of Applied Science MUnster and does his research on “luminescent materials for flicker reduction of AC-LEDs“ in the working group of Prof. Thomas Justel.
AC driven LEDs show very high wall plug efficiency combined with a good colour rendering and long-term stability. For general lighting, LEDs have surpassed the traditional incandescent and fluorescent lamps years ago. (1) However, LEDs still have a tremendous drawback, which is known as flicker. Perceived flicker is caused by the time dependant variation of the luminous intensity of a light source. The consequences for humans under such illumination situations expand from headaches to neurological
problems, even including epileptic seizure (2). Since many research activities in this field are conducted to solve or to reduce problems accompanied by flicker, we came up with a possible solution to it. Since the zero point of an AC current cannot be turned out completely, the solution must be based on the used conversion layer (mostly a phosphor particle or ceramic layer) or a combination of a driver systems and the used converter in order to smoothen the Flicker to 100%. In this work a couple of standard LED phosphors have been tested, such as Y3Al5O12:Ce3+, BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+Mn2+, CaAlSiN3:Eu2+, Ca3Sc2Si3O12:Ce3+Mn2+ and Sr2P2O7:Eu2+Mn2+ with respect to flicker reduction. It will be demonstrated why Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ won’t lead to a solution for this problem and possible solutions will be discussed. The capability of other phosphors to reduce flicker will be shown. From these findings requirements for the development of novel phosphors to reduce the flicker problem will be drawn. A prediction will be given concerning the future potential of this
technique and achievments so far will be presented.
Mike Broxtermann
unster University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Title: On the VUV luminescence and degradation of UV-C emitting phosphors
Time : 12:15-12:35

Mike Broxtermann has completed his bachelor and master studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. Afterwards he has started his PhD studies on the analysis and improvement of UV emitting phosphor converted Xe-excimer lamps at the MUnster University of Applied Sciences. The respective research project “Hg free UV Radiation Sources for Energy Efficient Water Treatment” is supported by the German federal ministry of education and research (BMBF). Mike Broxtermann himself is an awardee of the German foundation economics (sdw).
Xenon comprising excimer discharge lamps represent themselves as an efficient source of vacuum ultraviolet radiation, which may find an application, e.g. for disinfection purposes by the use of suitable photoluminescent conversion materials. 1,2 Among these conversion phosphors there are some doped yttrium ortho-phosphates, as well as respective lutetium or lanthanum containing derivatives, exhibiting promising properties. 3,4 A common design for phosphor converted Xe excimer lamps consists of a discharge vessel made from quartz glass, which is coated with a thin layer of phosphor particles (around 10 - 50 μm) on the inner side. Experimental results demonstrate that all of the above mentioned PO4-based phosphor materials exhibit a distinct degradation resulting in a mayor loss of lamp UV radiation output over just a few days of operation time. Recovery of aged phosphor material enabled the investigation of that performance loss which could be traced back to a strong new absorption in the UV range. This is accompanied by well fitting excitation bands spreading over the UV spectral range as well as a corresponding broad band emission peaking in the deep red. Immersing analysis of the undoped phosphate compounds YPO4, LuPO4 and LaPO4 evidenced, that these aging effects find their origin within the phosphate host material itself being directly exposed to the plasma discharge, most probably to the existence of phosphorous III in [Ne]3s2 electron configuration. Further work is thus conducted on the understanding as well as on the obviation of phosphor aging throughout the application of protective particle coatings.
Tilo Sohnel
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Title: Oxide materials chemistry using single crystal and powder X-ray and neutron diffraction
Time : 12:35-12:55

Tilo Söhnel did his PhD at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, in the field of inorganic solid-state chemistry. After different post-doctoral positions in Germany and Auckland, he started as lecturer at the University of Auckland and is currently Associate Professor. His research interest lies in the field of experimental and theoretical chemistry of solid state compounds and inorganic materials such as mixed main group metal / transition metal cluster compounds and complex transition metal oxides. This includes the preparation and characterization of novel tin and antimony cluster compounds with promising materials properties and the calculation of band structures of solid-state compounds to investigate the crystal structure and the electronic structure. For the identification of these compounds the group intensively uses X-ray and neutron single crystal and powder diffraction techniques.
Mixed transition-metal oxides (MTMO) including stannate phases have promising material properties and are known for the ability to tailor particular features for different uses. They are currently being explored as possible alternative substrates in many emerging high-tech applications such as electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries and as conducting oxides in gas detector sensors [1-3]. The presentation will an overview about the preparation, crystallographic and characterization based on X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques of two groups of mixed transition metal-main group metal oxide materials and spinel compound. Layered oxide structures have been widely studied for their potential use in applications ranging from ferroelectricity to giant magnetoresistance in the field of semiconductor materials. The Fe based layered oxide Fe4-xMnxSi2Sn7O16 provides a novel situation in oxide compounds. It can be described as a composite of intermetallic (FeSn6) clusters and (Fe/MnO6)/(SnO6) oxide layers within the one structure. SiO4 tetrahedra separate these layers which leads to electronic and magnetic isolation of the repeated layers by about 7 Å resulting in a nearly perfectly 2D oxide system comparable to a one layer thick oxide “thin film”. In this study, starting with Fe4Si2Sn7O16, we focus on analysing the electronic structure and its relationship to unique magnetic properties [4-5]. The presentation also summarizes the crystal and magnetic structures of novel iron and tin containing quaternary spinel structures (M2-xFex)SnO4 (M = Mn, Zn and 0 ≤ x ≤ 2). Neutron and synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction in combination with spectroscopic investigations (Mössbauer, IR and UVVis), magnetic measurements and SEM/EDX have been performed on the (M2-xFex)SnO4 systems to find out the exact mechanism of Fe substitution, how much Fe and in what oxidation state is substituted and the effects upon the crystal and magnetic structure.
Cecilia Mortalo
Title: High temperature ceramic ionic conductors for hydrogen separation
Time : 12:55-13:15

Cecilia Mortalo is graduated in Chemistry and has completed his PhD at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 2005. Since 2005 she has been a researcher at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy of the Italian National Research Council. Her research activity is focused on the preparation and study of advanced ceramic ionic conductors for high temperature energy applications, in particular solid oxide fuel cells and hydrogen separation membranes. She has published more than 20 papers and 60 proceedings of national and international conferences.
The production of pure hydrogen usually requires its extraction from a gas mixture. One of the critical stages related to the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier is the development of efficient and competitive techniques that separate hydrogen from other by-products such as steam, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and other gases. Membranes for hydrogen purification represent an appealing alternative to the current commercially available pressure swing adsorption technology. In this context, mixed ionic and electronic conducting (MIEC) materials are considered attractive as dense ceramic membranes due to their extremely high
selectivity at high temperature (≥ 600°C): hydrogen is incorporated into their lattice as charge protonic defects, thus providing a nongalvanic separation, i.e. without external power. Furthermore, the properties of these oxides (i.e. working temperatures, durability) endow membranes that could be directly integrated into industrial processes or used in the catalytic membrane reactors. Recently, BaCe0.65Zr0.20Y0.15O3-δ and doped-ceria composites were explored by our group as potential membrane for hydrogen separation, reaching hydrogen flux values among the highest ever reported for bulk MIEC membranes (0.27 mL•min-1•cm-2 at 755°C). 1 This talk provides a comprehensive overview of the recent trends in such MIEC materials for H2 separation. The long term stability of the investigated systems under harsh environments containing H2O vapour, CO, CO2, and sulphides is also shown.
Yonathan Dagnachew
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Title: Extraction and physico-chemical characterization of Cordia africana Lam.wanza seed oil
Yonathan Dagnachew is from Debre Markos University, Ethiopia.
The oil yield, the physicochemical and quality characteristics of Cordia africana Lam. seed oils obtained by solvent extraction were determined. In this study, oil was extracted from the seeds of Cordia africana Lam. using normal hexane as extracting solvent. Solvent extraction is known to be the best method of extracting oil from low oil bearing seeds. The method used is aimed at determining the percentage oil yield obtained was 7.2%. Result of the present research indicates that n-hexane can be a better alternative to other solvents. The physical and chemical properties of the extracted oil and shows that the oil was light yellow in colour, liquid with a characteristics smell, had a pH value of 4.10, and refractive index of 1.46825. The oil had density of 0.883 g/cm3, saponification value of 182±0.325 mg/KOH/gram, acid value of 6.73%, free fatty acid value of 3.365%, and peroxide value of 8.16 meq/kg. These results suggest that Cordia africana seeds may be a potentials viable source of oil going by its oil yield and also indicate that the C.africana seed oil can be used as a potential alternative to nutritional food and an important additive in soap making since its properties lies within the standard values of other oils used for that purposes, e.g. sesame oil, lemon grass oil, and alovera.
Julissa Gonzalez Villegas
University of Puerto Rico, USA
Title: Surface derivatization of zirconium phosphate nanoplatelets: Potential nanocarrier of doxorubicin anticancer drug
Julissa was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After participated in national and international scientific fairs at secondary level she decided to study Chemistry in University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras campus where she obtained a BS degree. Currently she is a Ph.D. candidate in the area of Inorganic Chemistry and work with surface modification of zirconium phosphate nanoparticles for drug delivery system applications. In addition, she is member of the Caribbean Brigade of the Solar Army during the last five years as part of the Center for Chemical Innovation in Solar Fuels (CCI Solar) an NSF Center for Innovation in Solar Fuels.
Surface modification of doxorubicin anticancer drug (DOX) intercalated zirconium phosphate (ZrP) nanoparticles (DOX@ZrP) is proposed to improve the potential of this drug delivery system for cancer therapy. The surface of DOX@ZrP nanoparticles was modified with an amorphous layer of Zr(IV) followed by modification with monomethyl-polyethylene glycol-monophosphate (m-PEG-PO3) to increase the DOX@ZrP biocompatibility. 31P{1H}MAS NMR data shows a new peak at -26 ppm corresponding to the PO43- groups coordinated with Zr(IV) on the surface. m-PEG-PO3/Zr(IV)/DOX@ZrP spectra shows no additional resonance centered at d of -22.6 ppm generated by proton-phosphorous cross polarization indicating no partial PEG intercalation in the interlaminar space. Simulated body fluid (SBF) was used to determine the in vitro release of DOX from DOX@ZrP, Zr(IV)/DOX@ZrP, and m-PEG-PO3/ Zr(IV)/DOX@ZrP. MTS cell viability assay reveal that m-PEG-PO3/ Zr(IV)/DOX@ZrP exhibited a 20% increase in the toxicity comparing with free DOX when PC3 cells are exposed for 48 h. m-PEG-PO3 polymer coating of DOX@ZrP nanoparticles promise to have a strong impact on the targeting, distribution and degradation of the nanoparticles under physiological environment that should result in a more efficient chemotherapy agent than free doxorubicin.
I am currently completing PhD Chemistry Study Program at Andalas University in Padang, Indonesia. I lecturer Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University Padang, 25163 Indonesia. I have published more than 13 papers in reputed journals.
Adsorptive stripping voltammetry is one of the stripping voltammetry method that is widely used in the analysis of heavy metals because it has good sensitivity. metals with very small concentrations can be analyzed. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimum condition of the Zn metal ions simultaneously. To achieve these objectives. required an optimization technique of analytical procedures by using Response Surface Methodology.with Central Composite Design (CCD). The research design was used in this study is a CCD with 4 variables. 3 level and 31 a combination of treatments. The first step of 2k factorial design optimization are: to give the highest level of code values ​​(+1). the lowest level (-1) and code (0) as the center point. Programs that will be used for statistical data processing. namely Mini Tab using RSM. Based on data analysis with response surface method. the obtained optimum conditions for the determination of zinc is: calcon concentration of 0.71 mmol/L; pH = 7.18; accumulation potential -0.56 V and the accumulation time 62.16 s. From the results obtained optimum conditions RSD of 2.5% with a recovery of 98.01%. respectively. Limit of Detection (LOD) for Zn(II) was 1.21 (µg /L). RSM has been successfully applied to the determination of Zn in environmental samples fast and effectively.
Manmohan L Satnami
Pt Ravishankar Shukla University, India
Title: Mn2+ Doped-CdTe/ZnS modified fluorescence nanosensor for detection of glucose
Manmohan Lal Satnami is an Assistant Professor at the School of Studies in Chemistry, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.), India. He is recipient of TWAS-CNPq postdoctoral award (2006–07). He is awarded with UGC ResearchAward 2016-18. He has also been awarded the title of Young Scientist by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under the Fast Track Research Project Scheme in the year-2012. His research Interest includes applications of metal nanoparticles and quantum dot nanomaterial, catalysis, surface chemistry, and micellar catalysis.
Quantitative detection of glucose is an important issue in food industry, various biotechnological processes and medication of metabolic disorders. Herein, we have reported a detectionmethod based on Mn2+-doped-CdTe/ZnS modified nanosensor for rapid and sensitive detection of glucose levels in human biological fluids i.e. blood and urine. In this strategy Mn2+-doped CdTe/ZnS quantum dots (QDs) were designed for the direct measurement of glucose. The fluorescence (FL) of Mn2+-doped CdTe/ZnS QDs was sensitive to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The catalytic oxidation of glucose by glucose oxidase (GOx) produces H2O2 that extensively quenched the FL of QDs. Experimental results showed that the decrease of the QDs FL was
proportional to the concentration of glucose within the range of 0.1 nM to 10 μM with the detection limit of 0.1nM under the optimized experimental conditions. Glucose in blood and urine samples was effectively detected by this strategy. The comparison with commercialized glucose meter indicated that this proposed glucose assay system is not only simple, sensitive, but also reliable and suitable for practical application. The high sensitivity, versatility, portability, high-throughput and low cost of this glucose sensor implied its potential in point-of-care clinical diagnosis of diabetes and other fields.
Hardy Castada
The Ohio State University, USA
Title: Characterization of lamb flavor using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS)
Hardy Castada is a post-doctoral food scientist and analytical chemist with research interest in the fundamental and applied volatile compound analysis using SIFT-MS. He studies physico-chemical changes and behavior of volatile, semi-volatile, aroma and flavor volatiles in various matrixes and systems.
Volatile 4-alkyl-branched fatty acids and 3-methylindole are characteristic flavor compounds associated with lamb. The partitioning behavior of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the gas and condensed phase is important for their effective characterization especially during high throughput screening and quantitative analysis.
Selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) was used for the headspace concentration analysis of the compounds associated with lamb flavor. Standard solutions of 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethylnonanoic acid and 3-methylindole were prepared in an oil-based matrix, equilibrated for an hour at 4 different temperatures (80, 100, 110 and 125oC), prior to headspace sampling and quantification. Further linear regression analyses and calculations of Henry’s law constants were carried out at each specified equilibration temperature.
The Henry’s law constants of the lamb flavor compounds were calculated with a high degree of confidence (p<0.05) based on direct proportionality with a very good fit of linearity (R2>0.99) between the headspace and solution concentration of the standard solutions. The detected headspace concentrations increased with elevated equilibration temperature resulting to increased volatility of the compounds. Therefore, the calculated temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for these volatile compounds decreased with increasing temperature.
We have established the temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for the volatiles 4-alkyl branched-chain fatty acids and 3-methylindole in air-oil matrixes. As the equilibration temperature is increased, volatility increases and Henry’s law constant decreases with increasing molecular weight. The partitioning behavior of the compounds is necessary for their high throughput characterization and approximation of their concentrations in situ.
Don Coltart
University of Houston, USA
Title: An umpolung approach to the asymmetric -alkylation of aldehydes and ketones
Don Coltart obtained his Master’s degree from the University of Manitoba under the supervision of Professor James L. Charlton, and he then joined the research group of Professor Derrick L. J. Clive at the University of Alberta where he obtained his Ph.D. His postdoctoral work was conducted at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center as an NSERC, AHFMR, and CRI Scholar under the supervision of Professor Samuel J. Danishefsky. Don began his independent career at Duke University in 2004 and moved to the University of Houston in 2012. His research group studies the development of methods for asymmetric carbon–carbon bond formation, the application of those methods to the total synthesis of structurally complex biologically active natural products, and the study of those compounds in biological systems.
The asymmetric α-alkylation of carbonyl compounds is a fundamental synthetic
transformation. Remarkably, despite its importance, there is no general way to conduct this transformation in a catalytic asymmetric fashion. The umpolung-based alkylation of ketones and aldehydes wherein an organometallic species adds to an electrophilic α-carbon through the intermediacy of a derived azo- or nitrosoalkene provides an appealing approach to effecting this transformation. Not only does such an approach allow for the incorporation of functionality that cannot be introduced using enolate chemistry, but it is also well suited to catalysis and adaptable for asymmetric induction. Given the wide range of structures available as organometallic reagents (e.g., 1°, 2°, 3° alkyl, aryl, vinyl, alkynyl, etc.), this approach to catalytic asymmetric α-alkylation is
also likely to prove broad in scope. Herein, we describe our recent efforts to exploit this mode of reactivity to provide a solution to the long-standing problem of developing a general, catalytic asymmetric approach to the α-alkylation of carbonyl compounds.
Amit Adhikary
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Title: Unusual atmospheric water capture and reversible structural transformation OF NaGaS2
Amit Adhikary obtained his PhD on molecular self-assembly of magnetic materials from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, India. After that he has completed his 1.5 years first postdoctoral studies on thermoelectric materials from Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO,USA. Currently he is a national postdoc fellow in IACS, Kolkata, India where he is doing independent research for the devolopment of lanhanide based molecular magnet. He has published 22 papers in reputed journals.
A newly synthesized ternary sulfide composition, NaGaS2 (1) has remarkable ability to capture atmospheric water molecules. The absorption of water was verified by PXRD, TG analysis, FT-IR and XPS studies. The process of water absorption leads to stable distinct material NaGaS2• ~H2O (2), the structure of which is different from original crystal structure of anhydrous phase. Interestingly the transformed structure 2 can go back to original structure 1 by simple heating under inert atmosphere, unveiling reversibility of structural transformation. Single crystal XRD study shows adamantane like Ga4S10 super tetrahedral units form the fundamental building unit of the structure and further corner sharing between these units forms the [GaS2]–∞ layers. The charge-balancing Na ions are present in between the layers. Moreover, structural transformation also effects the physical properties as initial compound 1 possesses Na+ ion conductivity of 1.49 x 10-7 S cm-1 at 22°C with Ea of 0.14 eV whereas 2 displays ion conductivity of 1.85 x 10-8 S cm-1 at 23°C with Ea of 0.19 eV. Experimental DRS study shows an optical band gap of 2.40 eV which closely corroborates with the theoretical band gap of 2.35 eV obtained by DFT-based band structure calculation. Vapor sorption studies indicate exclusively adsorption of water over MeOH, EtOH and CH3CN, revealing ‘Single Molecule Trap’1 behavior with maximum water uptake of 372 cm3 g-1 at P/P0 = 0.9.2 DFT calculations3 reveal that exergonic hydration reaction takes place outlined as NaGaS2 + H2O → NaGaS2•H2O with the energy release ΔE of -73.9 kJ.mol-1.
Ismael Zamora
Lead Molecular Design S.L, Spain
Title: De-novo structural elucidation from Mass/NMR Spectra
Ismael Zamora, Lead Molecular Design S.L, Spain
The structure elucidation based on Mass Spectra (MS) data of unknown substances is an unresolved problem that affects many different fields of application. The recent overview of software available for structure elucidation of small molecules has shown the demand for efficient computational tool that will be able to perform structure elucidation of unknown small molecules and peptides. We developed an algorithm for De-Novo fragment analysis based on MS data that proposes a set of scored and ranked structures that are compatible with the MS and MSMS spectra.
Several different algorithms were developed depending on the initial set of fragments and the structure building processes. In addition, in all cases several scores for the final molecule ranking were computed. They were validated with small and middle databases (DB) with the eleven test set compounds. Similar results were obtained from any of the databases that contained the fragments of the expected compound.
We presented an algorithm for De-Novo fragment analysis based on only mass spectrometry (MS) data only that proposed a set of scored/ranked structures that was validated on different types of databases and showed good results as proof of concept.
Moreover, the solutions proposed by Mass Spectrometry were submitted to the prediction of NMR spectra in order to elucidate which of the prposed structures was compatible with the NMR spectra collected
Grützmacher has completed his PhD at the University of Göttingen, Germany, and continued as a Post-doc at the University of Toulouse. Afterwards he obtained his habilitation from the University of Heidelberg before he was appointed as assistant professor at the University of Freiburg. He then moved to the ETH of Zürich where he holds a full professorship in inorganic chemistry. He has published more than 200 papers and filed about 20 patents. He has been in the advisory board of several general chemistry journals and is currently one of the curators of the Angewandte Chemie.
The development of efficient catalytic processes that mimics the enzymatic function of alcohol dehydrogenase is critical for using biomass alcohols for the production of H2 as chemical energy carrier and fine chemicals under waste-free conditions. Our own research efforts focus on dehydrogenative coupling reactions (DHC) which is an atom economic and efficient way to obtain carbonic acids, ester, and amides from alcohols. This approach can also be used to generate main group element bonds according to E-H + Y-H => E-Y + H2. We could develop successfully transition metal complexes with olefins as steering ligands and amido functions as cooperating ligands to efficiently promote the DHC of various substrates which range from renewable feedstock to silanes and amino boranes. Most of these reactions proceed with a very high turnover frequency and high chemoselectivity. Possible mechanisms will be discussed which inspired the development of an Organometallic Fuel Cell (OMFC), efficient catalysts for the conversion of methanol water mixtures into H2 and CO2, and efficient routes to main group element compounds as precursors to materials.
Irina P. Beletskaya
Moscow State University, Russian Federation
Title: Catalysis by copper derivatives in substitution and addition reactions
Irina Beletskaya is a professor of chemistry at Moscow State University, the head of the Organoelement Chemistry laboratory. Her interests are focused on organometallic chemistry and transition metal catalysis applied to organic synthesis. She developed some of the first methods for carbon-carbon bond formation using palladium or nickel catalysts, and extended these reactions to work in aqueous media. Irina Beletskaya is a Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a former president of the Division of Organic Chemistry of IUPAC, and Editor-in-chief of the Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. She is a recipient of many national and international awards, including the State Prize (2004) and the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry award (2013).
In this presentation two types of processes will be considered.
- Cross-coupling reactions of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation (including the reactions of C-H activation)
- The addition of S-H, Se-H, P-H, H-H bonds to alkynes, alkenes and imines (including asymmetric Friedel-Crafts/Michael addition reactions).
Irina P. Beletskaya
Moscow State University, Russian Federation
Title: Catalysis by copper derivatives in substitution and addition reactions
Irina Beletskaya is a professor of chemistry at Moscow State University, the head of the Organoelement Chemistry laboratory. Her interests are focused on organometallic chemistry and transition metal catalysis applied to organic synthesis. She developed some of the first methods for carbon-carbon bond formation using palladium or nickel catalysts, and extended these reactions to work in aqueous media. Irina Beletskaya is a Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a former president of the Division of Organic Chemistry of IUPAC, and Editor-in-chief of the Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. She is a recipient of many national and international awards, including the State Prize (2004) and the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry award (2013).
In this presentation two types of processes will be considered.
- Cross-coupling reactions of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation (including the reactions of C-H activation)
- The addition of S-H, Se-H, P-H, H-H bonds to alkynes, alkenes and imines (including asymmetric Friedel-Crafts/Michael addition reactions).
Rocio Gamez-Montano
University of Guanajuato, Mexico
Title: Synthesis of methane-linked bis-heterocycles containing the 1,5-disubstituted-tetrazole moiety via Ugi-azide based methodologies
Rocio Gamez-Montano was born in Michoacán, México in 1970. She got her PhD in 2001 under guidance of Professor Raymundo Cruz-Almanza in UNAM, CDMX, México. After a post-doctoral fellow in 2002 under guidance of Professor Jieping Zhu at Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, she was incorporated to University of Guanajuato, México since 2003, where is actually full-time Researcher-Professor (Class B). Her scientific interest includes the synthesis of heterocycles and poly-heterocycles via MCR, in vitro and in silico studies of biological properties, applications in optics, as well as study of reaction mechanisms.
Bis-heterocycles are structurally complex compounds having two linked, fused, merged or bound heterocyclic frameworks,1 which have attracted much attention of synthetic community due to their potential applications in agrochemistry, optics, material science, and medicinal chemistry.2 Moreover, 1,5-disubstituted-tetrazoles (1,5-DS-T’s) are known as resistant bioisosters of the cis-amide bond of peptides,3 which are present in numerous valuable drugs like the 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic Latamoxeb.4 Besides, 1,5-DS-T’s are suitable precursors of a plethora of MOF´s and chelating agents.5 Thus, according to our ongoing program to develop short and versatile Ugi-azide based methodologies toward a variety of methane-linked bis-heterocycles containing the 1,5-DS-T moiety, we herein show our most recent published results.
In 2013, we described the synthesis of azepino[4,5-b]indol-4-one-1,5-1H-tetrazoles in two steps: i) one pot (Ugi-azide/N-acylation/SN2), and ii) free radical mediated cyclization, as well as in silico studies as 5-Ht6R ligands using docking techniques (Figure 1a).6 In 2014, we reported the synthesis of 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-b-carboline-1,5-1H-tetrazoles by a one pot Ugi-azide / Pictet-Spengler process (Figure 1b).7 In 2014, we reported the synthesis of chromen-4-ones-1,5-1H-tetrazoles via the Ugi-azide reaction and in vitro studies of antiparasitic properties against E. histolytica, G. lamblia, and T. vaginalis.8 Then, in 2015 we extended this work synthesizing some fluorinated analogs, which together with the previously synthesized bis-heterocycles were assayed in vitro against P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, S. schenckii, C. albicans, and C. tropicalis (Figure 1c).9 Finally, just recently in 2016, we reported the synthesis of novel 3-tetrazolyl-tetrazolo[1,5-a]quinolines via a novel one pot Ugi-azide / SNAr / ring-chain azido-tautomerization process (Figure 1d).10 As seen, the Ugi-azide reaction or its combination with further cyclization processes allows the rapid synthesis of a variety of methane-linked bis-heterocycles with potential application mainly in medicinal chemistry because 1,5-DS-T framework has been suitably combined with other heterocyclic systems, which are present in numerous bioactive products, even in drugs.
Figure 1
Alexander O. Terentev
ZIOC RAS, Russia
Title: Oxidative cross-dehydrogenative coupling with selective C-O bond formation
Alexander O. Terentev was born in Moscow, in 1973. He received his M.S. in Chemistry of Biologically Active Compounds from D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow. PhD degree (2000) and D.Sc. degree (2009) in Organic Chemistry in N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS. 2011 – Professor D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. 2016 – Professor RAS. Head of laboratory in N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS, Head of laboratory in All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology. His interests are organic chemistry, medical and agricultural chemistry, chemical technology. He published 3 chapters in books, 90 research papers, and 24 patents.
Oxidative cross-dehydrogenative coupling methodology lies in the modern trend of organic chemistry. It eliminates necessity for installation of additional functional groups and affords direct coupling in one stage (via selective C-H activation) with limited amount of wastes, high atom- and step- economy.
Oxidative cross-dehydrogenative C-C coupling was studied in most detail; the C-N, C-P, and C-O cross-coupling reactions are less well developed. It is difficult to achieve high selectivity in the cross-dehydrogenative C-O coupling because the starting compounds are prone to side oxidation and fragmentation reactions giving, for example, alcohols and carbonyl compounds. This gives rise to a problem of searching for oxidizing agents and reaction conditions suitable for the cross-coupling of different types of substrates.
We discovered oxidative cross-dehydrogenative C-O coupling of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds and their heteroanalogs with peroxides, oximes and hydroxyamides. The best results were obtained with the use of the widely available copper, iron, manganese or lanthanide salts as catalysts or oxidants.
In the case of oximes and hyroxyamides, apparently, the reaction proceeds via the radical mechanism, in which the oxidizing agent serves to generate O-centred radicals from oximes and hyroxyamides. The formation of O-centered radicals was confirmed by ESR spectroscopy.
Generally speaking, in this work we found a new approach to the solving of problem for selective oxidation of sp3 carbon atom.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 14-23-00150).
Vakhtang Barbakadze
Tbilisi State Medical University Institute of Pharmacochemistry, Georgia
Title: Plant Macromolecule from different species of Boraginaceae family, its synthetic monomer and their anticancer efficacy
Vakhtang Barbakadze in 1978 and 1999 has completed his Ph.D and D.Sci. at the ages of 33 and 54 years from Zelinsky Instiute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia and Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Tbilisi, Georgia, respectively. 2006 up to date he is the head of laboratory of plant biopolymers at the Tbilisi State Medical University Institute of Pharmacochemistry. 1996 and 2002 he has been a visiting scientist at Utrecht University (faculty of pharmacy), The Netherlands, by University Scholarship and The Netherlands organization for scientific research (NWO) Scholarship Scientific Program, respectively. He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals.
The 13C NMR experiments of water-soluble high-molecular preparations from different species of Boraginaceae family were carried out and simulated 13C NMR spectrum was calculated for 2-hydroxy-3-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-propionic acid residue (I) of the corresponding polyether using ACD/CNMR Version 1.1 program. Signal positions in the 13C NMR spectrum of this hypothetical structure (I) coincided satisfactory with the experimental values. According to 13C, 1H NMR, APT, 2D heteronuclear 1H/13C HSQC and 2D DOSY experiments the main structural element of these preparations was found to be a regularly substituted by 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl and carboxyl groups polyoxyethylene backbone, namely poly[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)glyceric acid] (PDPGA) or poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene]. The synthesis of racemic monomer of PDPGA 2,3-dihydroxy-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (DDPPA) and its enantiomers (+)-(2R,3S)-DDPPA and (–)-(2S,3R)-DDPPA was carried out via Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation of trans-caffeic acid derivatives using a potassium osmate catalyst and enantiocomplementary catalysts cinchona alkaloid derivatives (DHQ)2-PHAL and (DHQD)2-PHAL as chiral auxiliaries. The opposite conï¬guration of both enantiomers was conï¬rmed by measurements of the optical rotation (+)/(–)-values and circular dichroism spectra. The determination of enantiomeric purity was performed by HPLC analysis. PDPGA and DDPPA exerted anti-cancer efficacy in vitro and in vivo against human prostate cancer (PCA) cells via targeting androgen receptor, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis without any toxicity, together with a strong decrease in prostate specific antigen level in plasma. However, our results showed that anticancer efficacy of PDPGA is more effective compared to its synthetic monomer. Overall, this study identifies PDPGA as a potent agent against PCA without any toxicity, and supports its clinical application.
Eric Pasquinet has completed his PhD from the University of Rouen. He has been working for more than 15 years at CEA on synthesis projects, mainly involving nitrogen heterocycles. He has published more than 25 papers and 12 patents.
The aza-Wittig reaction is a widely known and used reaction, which consists of the coupling between an iminophosphorane (obtained from the reaction of a trialkylphosphine on an azide) and an unsaturated carbonyl-type compound. In its intramolecular version, the aza-Wittig reaction gives access to many aza-heterocycles from 5- to 7-membered rings.In such processes, the use of N-electrophiles has never been reported. We investigated nitroso compounds as electrophiles to promote the formation of a N=N double bond. In particular, we found that aromatic iminophosphoranes (coming from the reaction between an aromatic azide and a trialkylphosphine) could cyclize onto an ortho benzylic nitroso moiety, leading to a 3H-indazole that isomerized into its more stable 1H analogue. This process can be operated one-pot, without isolation of the intermediate iminophosphorane. This means that, in a single operation starting from an aromatic azide, the targeted 1H-indazole is generated. Various aryl- and hetaryl azides were used to demonstrate the generality of the method, leading to 1H-indazoles, 1H-benzoindazoles and 1H-azaindazoles (scheme 1).
The reaction pathway will also be discussed. It involves a mechanism analogous to that reported for the aza-Wittig reaction. Therefore the key transformation of the process was given the name ‘diaza-Wittig’.
Peter I. Ejidike
University of Fort Hare, South Africa
Title: In vitro Antioxidant and Anticancer Studies of Heterocyclic Schiff base Ruthenium (III) complexes: Synthesis and Characterization
Ejidike Peter has completed his PhD from University of Fort Hare, South Africa and presently a postdoctoral candidate at University of Fort Hare, School of Science and Agriculture. He has published more than 8 papers in reputed journals; others under review, and has been serving as a reviewer to some journals. He is a member of the South African Chemical Institute (SACI) and International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
The strategic design of biologically active molecules is a vigorous task and the variables affecting biological activity are diverse. Metal based antioxidants have gained recent attention for their ability to protect living organisms and cells from damage caused by oxidative stress or scavenge free radicals. In view of the growing interest in the development of new therapeutic agents and DNA probes for disease defence, we present ruthenium(III) complexes of three tetradentate Schiff bases with a N2O2 donor atoms set and formulated as: [RuCl(LA)(H2O)]; [RuCl(LB)(H2O)]; [RuCl(LC)(H2O)]. The spectra data showed that the ligands coordinate Ru ion through the azomethine nitrogen and enolic oxygen atoms. Electronic spectral measurements indicated an octahedral geometry for all the complexes. The antioxidant activities of the complexes were investigated through scavenging activity on DPPH and ABTS radicals. The obtained IC50 value of the DPPH activity for the [RuCl(LB)(H2O)] complex (IC50 = 1.58±0.50 µM) was higher than other Ru(III) compounds. The study revealed that the Ru(III) complexes exhibited strong scavenging activities against DPPH and moderate ABTS radicals. In addition, the anticancer studies of the complexes were also tested against human renal cancer cell (TK10), human melanoma cancer cell (UACC62) and human breast cancer cell (MCF7) using the SRB assay with moderate anticancer activity against the tested cell lines. [RuCl(LB)(H2O)] chelates exhibited higher bioactivities than [RuCl(LA)(H2O)] and [RuCl(LC)(H2O)] complexes. Nevertheless, antioxidant activities of the complexes showed moderate to strong free radical inhibitors for treating pathological damage associated with radical-generation leading to aging, degenerative diseases and cancer.
Tenskinmetry is a conceptually innovative Tensiometric Versus Skin (TVS) pathway for non-invasive evaluation of surface energy phenomena closely related to the epidermal functional state. The TVS modeling: (i) exploits the structure-surface correlations which are characteristic of all systems; (ii) applies the principle of permutability of the tensiometric technique, according to which unknown solids can be characterized by their known surface characteristics, and vice versa; (iii) applies the contact angle method, with only water as reference liquid; (iv) is carried out by a suitable mobile tensiometer (tenskinmeter) directly in contact with the skin in a non-invasive way; (v) measures and correlates the surface free energy reflex induced by inter- and intra-molecular and particle forces acting on underlying epidermic layers; (vi) allows the epidermal hydration directly from the polar surface energy fraction.
Denis Lutckii
Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia
Title: Application of vegetable oils for extraction of rare-earth elements from water solutions
Denis Lutckii graduated St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) on a specialty "Metallurgy of ferrous metals", qualification "engineer". In 2011, after graduate school, defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.16.02 "Metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals", thesis - "Recovery and separation of lanthanides hydrometallurgical methods for complex processing of raw low-concentration" Working at the Department of General and Physical Chemistry since 2008
Various types of vegetable oil-based organic solvents (VOS), i.e. vegetable oils (corn, canola, sunflower and soybean oils) with and without extractant (pure oleic acid), were investigated into their potentiality as greener substitutes for the conventional petroleum-based organic solvents to extract REM from aqueous solutions [1, 2]. The pH-extraction isotherms of Ce (III) using various vegetable oils loaded with oleic acid were investigated and the percentage extraction of Ce (III) achieved by different types of VOS was determined. Vegetable oils without extractants showed a poor extractability for Ce (III). Vegetable oils loaded with oleic acid were found to be the most effective VOS for Ce (III) extraction and, thus, are potential greener substitutes for the conventional petroleum-based organic solvents.
It was shown that all vegetable oils investigated such as olive and sunflower, either with or without naphthenic acid exhibited a similar trend of extractability for Ce (III) from aqueous solutions. A sigmoid curve was obtained for all the pH-extraction isotherms of Ce (III) investigated with various types of vegetable oils loaded with 500 mM of naphthenic acid as VOS. The extraction was the lowest at pH of 4.0, but increased sharply from 4.7 to 5.5, and achieved its maximum from 5.5 to 6.0. Vegetable oils without extractants were poor VOS for Ce (III) wherein only about 10% of Ce (III) was extracted. Hence, vegetable oils functioned more as diluents than as additional extractants in Ce (III) extraction. Vegetable oils loaded with 500 mM naphthenic acid, however, were effective VOS where more than 90% of Ce (III) was extracted from aqueous solutions. Therefore, naphthenic acid functioned as an effective extractant in Ce (III) extraction by various types of VOS.
Figure. 1: Degree of extraction Ce (III) from the equilibrium pH of the aqueous phase in the extraction solution of oleic acid in o-xylene, paraffin, olive oil and sunflower.
Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma
Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy, Romania
Title: Sensors based on biomimetic porphyrin derivatives & their hybrid combinations with photonic nanoparticles
Eugenia Fagadar-Cosma has completed her PhD in 1997 at Polytechnical University of Timisoara. She is senior scientist, doctoral advisor and coordinator of Organic Chemistry –Porphyrin Programmes in Institute of Chemistry Timisoara of Romanian Academy. She has published more than 250 peer-reviewed full-papers, 93 papers in prestigious ISI journals, 8 books and 2 chapters in international volumes, 7 patents and has been serving as an editor to a special issue (Bentham). She was involved in managing of many FP6 , FP7 and national granted projects. She is reviewer of more than 20 ISI indexed Elsevier, Springer and ACS Journals.
Most synthetic porphyrins are hydrophobic π-conjugated macrocycles and as a consequence organic building blocks for supramolecular chemistry, providing in this way the required optoelectronic and morphological properties for a plethora of novel sensors. Besides, porphyrins possess huge capacity for chemical modifications by peripheral substitution and by using them in hybrid combination with photonic, electronic and magnetic compounds. Wide band absorption hybrid materials were prepared from different A3B porhyrins and cobalt, manganese and zinc metalloporphyrins and silver or gold nanoparticles with the purpose to develop optical and electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide or other compounds showing potential in early medical diagnosis. The synthesized materials were characterized by UV-vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, AFM, SEM TEM and CV. STEM investigation of the porphyrin-gold hybrids revealed some dendritic structures produced mainly by porphyrin H- and J-type helicoidal self-aggregation due to their interaction with gold nanoparticles. Layer-by-layer assembly of gold colloid nanoparticles and cobalt porphyrins on GC electrodes generated electroactive thin films capable to electrochemically detect minute quantities of H2O2 that are relevant for early diagnosis in medicine. The Co-porphyrin-gold hybrid was exposed to increased amounts of H2O2 and the changes of the absorption spectra were monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy, proving the same quality of sensing capacity.
Samar Gewily
Dubai Police Forensic Laboratory, UAE
Title: Physical and chemical characterisation of captagon tablets seized in Dubai in 2016
Samar Gewily has completed her Bsc of science in Chemistry and Ecology from Monash University, AUS. She worked for WWF-UAE in environmental education program, a leading organization in environmental education and conservationa work. She has published on Wadi Wurayah Nationl Park, UAE. Also participated in two research projects with Earth Watch, AUS. She has joined a UNESCO program for Young Ecologist in Ethiopia and UAE for Biosphere Reserves. Currently works as Expert in Chemistry at Dubai Police Forensic Laboratory, UAE. Presented a scientific paper at Hemaya 12th Annual Conference, Dubai, UAE in 2016, for Narcotics.
Illicit production of Captagon tablets has become widely spread in the Middle East recently. Around 5% of cases of seized drugs in Dubai in 2016 were Captagon. Originally Captagon is the trademark name of Fenethylline, however studies and chemical analysis of seized tablets has proven the absence of Fenethylline, rather it showed different combinations of Amphetamine, Caffeine and other compounds. In this study, total of 20 representative samples from different cases were analysed chemically using Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS), and Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (µXRF) to determine organic and inorganic content. In addition, samples were physically characterised using 3D microscope. Based on results, comparisons were made between samples and linked to information on originality as a first step towards Captagon Profiling.
Hugo Romero B
Technical University of Machala, Ecuador
Title: Development and validation of a voltammetric method for the determination of antimony in aqueous medium
Hugo Romero Bonilla has completed the Master's Program in chemistry at the Pontificia Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile. Currently (2016) he completed the PhD program in environmental science in San Marcos University, Perú. He works as a researcher and professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador where he has served as Director of Chemical Research Center and Director of the Center for Technology Development. Your research lines are Biotechnology and Applied Electrochemistry. He has published some scientific articles papers in reputed journals such as New Biotechnology, Progress in Organic Coutings, Talanta, Advances in Chemistry and Analytical Chemestry Research.
The objective of this research was to develop and validate a voltammetric method for the determination of antimony in aqueous medium. First, solutions of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg L-1 of Sb were prepared, using 0.5M phosphoric acid as supporting electrolyte. Additionally, nitrogen was bubbled at 99% purity to remove oxygen from solutions. To measure the concentration of antimony the anodic stripping voltammetry technique was applied, by using a potentiostat multi-channel PARSTAT mark with Versa Princeton Applied Research Studio software. To carry out the registration of voltammograms, a three-electrode system was used, which consisted of glassy carbon as working electrode, Ag / AgCl as reference electrode and a platinum electrode as a counter electrode. In a first stage of the process, a chronoamperometry to E = -1.2 V was applied for a time pre-concentration of 50 s, to achieve this electrodeposition of metallic antimony (Sb0) on the surface of the glassy carbon electrode. Next, a linear sweep voltammetry with potentials between -1.2 V and Ei = Ef = 0.5 V was applied at a rate of ν = 20 mV s-1. To validate the method for quantification of antimony determined linearity, precision, accuracy, detection limit and quantitation limit. The linearity of the method was demonstrated from the proportionality coefficient of 0.9961. The coefficient of variation (CV) had a value of 14.2%, indicating that the accuracy of the method is acceptable. Meanwhile the accuracy is within the criteria for consideration of the method, because a 114% recovery was determined. Additionally it was found that the detection limit and quantitation limit values ​​correspond to 1.45 mg 4.42 mg L- 1 and L 1 respectively.
Marie Colmont
University of Lille
Title: Towards the synthesis of novel selenium based geoinspired materials
Marie Colmont has completed her PhD at the age of 25 years from Lille University and postdoctoral studies from Stockholm University. She is actually associate professor at ENSCL (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie du Lille) and researcher at UCCS (Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide) . She has published 45 papers in reputed journals.
The search for new non-centrosymmetric materials is still attractive do to their various related properties such as piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity or pyroelectricity... Particularly, Se4+ cations are fascinating because of its stereo active lone pair usually related to asymmetric environments. The crystallochemistry of selenium is particularly favorable because, in case of association with a transition metal and another lone paire cation such as Pb2+ or Bi3+, the chances to obtain asymetric units and as a consequence non-centrosymmetric crystal structures are enhanced. From an experimental point of view, two synthesis routes are prefered: (1) CVT: chemical vapor transport and (2) hydrothermal synthesis. Particularly, they allow the simulation of natural conditions growth of minerals.
In this talk, after a brief sum up of advantages of each method, several chemical systems will be presented among those with nickel1, lead2, copper3 and bismuth4. Each time, experimental details will be presented along with isolated crystal structures.
As an example, the results obtained with copper are presented figure 1. Crystals of K[Cu5O2](SeO3)2Cl3 were isolated from the warmest zone of the sealed tube. This structure is related to those of a mineral called illinskite. They will be discussed during the presentation.
Geeta Verma
Chandra Shehkar Azad Govt Post Graduate Nodal College, India
Title: P-BGCE - Photoreduction of Benzophenone in Green chemistry using an Alternate Solvent Ethyl Alcohol
Geeta Verma has completed her Ph.D at the age of 26 years from Central drug Research Institute Lucknow and Awadh University, Faizabad.. She has published 16 research papers including interdisciplinary topics in reputed International Journals. Awarded patent during CDRI research work 2003, Best Professor of the year 2015 from M.P. Employees Jankalyan Sangh. ,UGC Sponsored Research Project work done by her published and selected as Best paper award by International Academy of Science and Technology 2015 and Excellence in Service on Independence day 2016. She has won the Indus Foundation awards for Teaching Excellence 2016.Her suggestions for family problems were selected as a winners in Daily Newspaper.
Green Chemistry is an approach to the synthesis, processing and use of chemicals that reduces risks to humans and the environment. A synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone is carried out using ethanol as a solvent. This ia a free radical reaction and reduction of benzophenone occurred by sunlight via UV radiation. Benzopinacol is a catalyst of the formation of unsaturated polyesters. It is also used as an organic synthesis intermediate and as an initiator of polymerization by free radicals . Characterization of Benzopinacol was done by using spectroscopic technique like IR,NMR etc. Results positively show that solvent ethyl alcohol can be used as an alternative for photoreduction of benzphenone in case of non availability of isopropyl alcohol.
Harish Kumar
Ch. Devi Lal University, India
Title: Synthesis of Graphene for the fabrication of Electrochemical Biosensor for the Detection of Baccilus cerrus as Biological Warfare Agent
Harish Kumar has completed his PhD at the age of 29 years from MD University, Rohtak and postdoctoral studies from MD University, Rohtak. He is the Incharge of Chemistry Dept., a premier University. He has published more than 71 research papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. He has attended and presented his research work at 47 international and national confernces/seminars. He was awarded International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) and Summer Research Fellowship.
The rapid, unambiguous detection and identification of Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs) with early warning signals for detecting possible biological attack is a major challenge for military, health and other government defence agencies. The current research is focused on development of amperometric biosensors for the detection of biological warfare agent. For this purpose, a carbon based (Graphene) working electrode containing enzyme alkaline phosphatase, petroleum jelly, cellulose acetate and Poly Vinyl Pyrolidone (PVP), Ferrocene, Horseradish peroxidise, aq. KOH was fabricated. A three electrodes based electrochemical biosensor was used for the electrochemical detection of Baccilus cerrus as biological warfare agent in the presence and absence of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel technique and were characterized by UV-visible, FTIR, TEM and XRD techniques. Change in current response and OCP values help in the detection of biological warfare agent in presence and absence of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Effects of temperature, stirring and Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the BWA have also been investigated. Storage, stability and reusability of electrochemical biosensor was tested. Optimum working conditions of electrochemical biosensor was also tested. Effect of temperature on current response of the biosensor was also investigated. Graphene based electrochemical biosensor helps in easy, quick and efficient detection of biological warfare agents.
Hanan M.F.Elnagdy
University, Dibrugarh, India
Title: Recyclable claycop/ hydrazine hydrate catalytic system for 1,2,3 traizole derivative synthesis under solvents free condition
Hanan Elnagdy are an international research scholar in Dibrugarh university, India. She is originally from Egypt, she has a ten year experience in safety and occupational health in particular the safety precautions in chemail using and environmental applications.
1,2,3-triazole ring is not natural ring, but the benefits of triazole ring are increasing rapidly in last decays to involve in several applications; medical agents, pharmacological activities, in addition to polymer applications. Huisgen innovation the 1,3- dipolor cycloaddition reaction between azids and terminal alkynes have been considered as an important route to synthesis the disubstituted-1,2,3-triazole. The Huisgen work had supported the work for sharpless2 and his co-workers to reveal a new concept that called the click chemistry with the high regioselectively and high quantitative yield providing. Sharpless introduced the copper catalyst Cu (I) as the main catalyst for the click reaction for one-pot azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction (CuAAC) to induce the formation for disubstituted-1,2,3-triazole with the high yield production in room temperature.
Because of the contamination of The homogenous copper catalyst by final product and hardly recovering for the catalyst, the conversion for heterogeneous catalysts have been better solutions. The advantages of heterogeneous catalysts exhibit from easily separated from the reaction mixture and most of time reusing. The heterogenous catalyst system used Cu (I) with
various support for copper (zeolit,silica) to introduce for click reaction, or as corporation systems with catalyst; e.g ligands and ionic liquid supported Cu (I). Nowadays the nanotechnology for catalyst is clear by Cu (0).
The short time and efficient synthesis are the objectives for all chemists. The new route of synthesis 1,2,3- traizole follows these objectives. One-pot cycloaddition reaction for azide and
terminal alkyne is established to produce the 1,4- disubstituited 1,2,3-triazole by using the heterogeneous clay supported copper(II) nitrate(claycop), with hydrazine hydartate as reducing
agent for Cu (II) to Cu (I). The efficiency of this route is high purities for the main products, the availability for applied by different azids and alkynes with high yields under mildconditions, in addition the simplicity for recyclable the catalyst.
- Organic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Green Chemistry: Green Chemical Principles
Materials Chemistry
Location: Linate

Batric Pesic
University of Idaho, USA

Cecilia Mortalo
Chemical Institute of Condensed Matter and Energy Technologies, Italy
Session Introduction
David L Officer
University of Wollongong, Australia
Title: Moving microdroplets in 3D using photochemopropulsion
Time : 09:30-09:55

David Officer is Professor of Organic Chemistry in the Intelligent Polymer Research Institute and the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science at the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia. He joined the lecturing staff at Massey University, New Zealand in 1986 and during the following 20 years, he became founding Director of the Nanomaterials Research Centre and Professor in Chemistry in the Institute of Fundamental Sciences. In 2007, he moved to the University of Wollongong. He has published more than 200 papers in the areas of graphene and porphyrin chemistry, conducting polymers, nanomaterials and solar cells.
The ability to selectively transport chemical species in a controlled fashion, typically against chemical and electrochemical gradients, has been the cornerstone of the development of complex natural systems. In 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Rothman, Schekman and SUdhof "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells". Vesicles are closed cellular structures formed from lipid bilayers that are used to actively transport macromolecules from inside cells to the outside fluid by a process known as exocytosis or between cells by a variety of mechanisms. In exocytosis, the macromolecules are contained in the vesicle that isolates them from the rest of the cell and which eventually fuses with the cell membrane to release the macromolecular cargo to the outside of the cell. Emulating such structures and processes in the fluid environment is considered one of the grand challenges confronting nanoscience today and has the potential to add revolutionary capabilities to fluidic platforms that could be used to transport medicine in the human body, act as chemical messengers for signal transduction in sensing or other systems, move cargo around microfluidic devices, or even be utilized for transport in artificial cellular systems. We have developed lipophilic droplets whose movement and direction can be controlled on or in an aqueous medium solely by photo-driven “chemopropulsion” (photochemopropulsion). In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the droplets can be “pushed” or “pulled” by light in 3D, are able to carry “cargo”, and undertake sequential chemical reactions through the interaction of two or more droplets.
Byunghan Han
Yonsei University, South Korea
Title: Understanding underlying chemistry for renewable energy materials and environmental remedies using first principles-based computational modelings
Time : 09:55-10:20

Byungchan Han obtained his PhD degree in MIT at the Department of Material Science and Engineering. He was a Research Associate in MIT and Stanford University for four years. From 2015, he has been working at Yonsei University as an Associate Professor. His research interests are developing emerging energy materials for renewable energy devices. He was introduced as 10 most leading young scientists in the Korean newspaper. He was awarded a medal from International Advanced Association of Materials in 2016. He is an Associater Editor of Scientific Reports.
First principles-based computational modelings propose key dscriptors and design concepts for discovering highly active materials in renewable energy system application. Density functional thoery calculations combined with statistical mechanical formalism identify optimum catalysts for oxygen (hydrogen) reduction (oxifation) and evolution reactions beyond concentional Pt used in fuel cell and Li-ion batteries. In this talk, the author will present the reaction mechanism of environmentally toxic gases with water and suggest how to remove them by designing efficient filters. Organic iodine and POCl3 are introduced as the examples.
Hwan Kyu Kim
Korea University, Korea
Title: Organic semiconductor materials for high efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells
Time : 14:55-15:15

Hwan Kyu Kim received PhD from Carnegie Mellon University. After postdoctoral associate in Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University, he joined ETRI as a project leader of polymeric photonic device group. After his career at Hannam University where he became Professor of Polymer Science and
Engineering, he was invited as a distinguished professor to Korea University in 2007. He had executed the president-ship of both Korean Society of Photoscience and Korean Organic Photovoltaics Society. His current research focuses on developing advanced organic and polymeric semiconductors for dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells as well as solar energy conversion.
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have attracted much interest as a promising renewable energy supply device based on the merits of low-cost, flexibility and easy fabrication. Very recently, a variety of organic dyes using inexpensive metals has been prepared for DSSCs. A state of the art DSC based on porphyrin-baseed solar cells with cobalt-based electrolyte has exceeded the conversion efficiency of 13.1%. For the high PCE of D-π-A sensitizer-based DSSCs, the structural modifications of a π-bridge, including tuning
the energy levels and the improvement of intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) from D to A of the sensitizer, are particularly essential. We demonstrate that new thieno[3,2-b][1]benzothiophene (TBT)-based D-π-A sensitizers and D–π–A structured Zn(II)–porphyrin sensitizers based on the structural modification of SM315 as a world champion dye for efficient retardation of charge recombination
and fast dye regeneration were synthesized. The device with new porphyrin sensitizers exhibited the higher photovoltaic conversion efficiency (PCE) than those of the devices with SM315 as a world champion porphyrin dye. To further improve the maximum efficiency of the DSSCs, by replacing the TBT π-bridge with the alkylated thieno[3,2-b]indole (TI) moiety, the TI-based DSSC exhibits a highest PCE (12.45%) than does TBT-based DSSC (9.67%). Furthermore, the first parallel-connected (PC) tandem DSSCs in the top cell with a TI-based sensitizer and bottom cell with a porphyrin-based sensitizer were demonstrated and an extremely high efficiency of 14.64% was achieved. In this presentation, new strategy on materials paradigm for low-cost, long-term stable, highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells will be described.
Hui Li
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Title: Construction of functional structure by precise molecular-design
Time : 15:15-15:35

Hui Li obtained her Ph.D. degree in State Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Nanjing University. She has worked in University of Nottingham, U.K. as a Royal Society K. C. Wong Research Fellow. After then, she worked in National Taiwan University. In 2003, she joined Department of Chem., Beijing Institute of Technology. She has worked in Fraser Stoddart’s Lab. for CD-POM complexes. Her research field covers Coordination Chem., Supramolecular Chem. and Crystallography.
The precise construction of functional structures is a challenge for chemists. We are interested and have worked in this topic for a long time. For example, two MOF-74 analogs with OH groups on 1D channel surfaces have been synthesized through multicomponent self-assembly at room temperature, which exhibit unique luminescent selectivity. Another interesting work is the controllable synthesis of dinuclear, linear tetranuclear and 1D chain coordination complexes based on ligand design
Jinwook Chung
Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea
Title: Band-gap engineering for graphene by using low energy alkali metal ions
Time : 15:35-15:55

Jinwook Chung has completed his PhD at the age of 32 years from Brown University and postdoctoral studies from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in USA.He is the director of Surface and Nanomaterial Physics Lab, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology in Korea. He has published more than 96 SCI papers inreputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of several journals including Applied Physics A (1997-2003), Science Letters (2014), and Madridge Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience (2016).
Despite its superb electronic properties over other materials, graphene still remains as a tantalizing candidate to be actively utilized in electronic applications mainly because of its linear gapless band spectrum. Since the massless Dirac fermions in graphene showing ballistic charge transport even at room temperature are ideal charge carriers for fast circuit devices, extensive research efforts have been made to open a tunable bandgap in graphene with several different schemes. In this talk, we introduce a new scheme of forming and fine-tuning a bandgap for a range suitable for most applications by using slow alkali metal ions. We also demonstrate
the on-off switching capability by controlling the size and mid-gap energy (or Dirac point) of the bandgap independently by adding other neutral atoms. Our density-functional theory calculations for the band suggest that the sublattice asymmetry enhanced by the doped ions drives the behavior of the ion-induced bandgap in graphene.
Hugo Romero B
Technical University of Machala, Ecuador
Title: Development and validation of a voltammetric method for the determination of antimony in aqueous medium
Time : 16:10-16:30

Hugo Romero Bonilla has completed the Master's Program in chemistry at the Pontificia Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile. Currently (2016) he completed the PhD program in environmental science in San Marcos University, Perú. He works as a researcher and professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador where he has served as Director of Chemical Research Center and Director of the Center for Technology Development. Your research lines are Biotechnology and Applied Electrochemistry. He has published some scientific articles papers in reputed journals such as New Biotechnology, Progress in Organic Coutings, Talanta, Advances in Chemistry and Analytical Chemestry Research.
The objective of this research was to develop and validate a voltammetric method for the determination of antimony in aqueous medium. First, solutions of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg L-1 of Sb were prepared, using 0.5M phosphoric acid as supporting electrolyte. Additionally, nitrogen was bubbled at 99% purity to remove oxygen from solutions. To measure the concentration of antimony the anodic stripping voltammetry technique was applied, by using a potentiostat multi-channel PARSTAT mark with Versa Princeton
Applied Research Studio software. To carry out the registration of voltammograms, a three-electrode system was used, which consisted of glassy carbon as working electrode, Ag / AgCl as reference electrode and a platinum electrode as a counter electrode. In a first stage of the process, a chronoamperometry to E = -1.2 V was applied for a time pre-concentration of 50 s, to achieve this electrodeposition of metallic antimony (Sb0) on the surface of the glassy carbon electrode. Next, a linear sweep voltammetry with
potentials between -1.2 V and Ei = Ef = 0.5 V was applied at a rate of ν = 20 mV s-1. To validate the method for quantification of antimony determined linearity, precision, accuracy, detection limit and quantitation limit. The linearity of the method was demonstrated from the proportionality coefficient of 0.9961. The coefficient of variation (CV) had a value of 14.2%, indicating that the accuracy of the method is acceptable. Meanwhile the accuracy is within the criteria for consideration of the method, because a
114% recovery was determined. Additionally it was found that the detection limit and quantitation limit values correspond to 1.45 mg 4.42 mg L- 1 and L 1 respectively.
Geeta Verma
Chandra Shehkar Azad Govt Post Graduate Nodal College, India
Title: P-BGCE - photoreduction of benzophenone in green chemistry using an alternate solvent ethyl alcohol
Time : 16:30-16:50

Geeta Verma had completed her Ph.D at the age of 26 years from Central drug Research Institute Lucknow and Awadh University, Faizabad.. She has published 16 research papers including interdisciplinary topics in reputed International Journals. Awarded patent during CDRI research work 2003, Best Professor of the year 2015 from M.P. Employees Jankalyan Sangh. ,UGC Sponsored Research Project work done by her published and selected as Best paper award by International Academy of Science and Technology 2015 and Excellence in Service on Independence day 2016. She has won the Indus Foundation awards for Teaching
Excellence 2016. Her suggestions for family problems were selected as a winners in Daily Newspaper.
Green Chemistry is an approach to the synthesis, processing and use of chemicals that reduces risks to humans and the environment. A synthesis of benzopinacol from benzophenone is carried out using ethanol as a solvent. This ia a free radical reaction and reduction of benzophenone occurred by sunlight via UV radiation. Benzopinacol is a catalyst of the formation of unsaturated polyesters. It is also used as an organic synthesis intermediate and as an initiator of polymerization by free radicals . Characterization of Benzopinacol was done by using spectroscopic technique like IR,NMR etc. Results positively show that solvent ethyl alcohol can be used as an alternative for photoreduction of benzphenone in case of non availability of isopropyl alcohol.
Diego Gamba-Sanchez
University of Los Andes, Colombia
Title: Synthesis of 5-membered heterocyclic systems by the pummerer reaction
Time : 16:50-17:10

Diego Gamba-Sanchez obtained his PhD in 2010 from the Ecole Polytechnique at Palaiseau. After one year as a postdoctoral associate in the laboratory of Prof. Thorsten Bach, e moved back to Colombia ans started his independent carrier at the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá. His research focused on new methodologies using Pummerer chemistry and the development of synthetic routes to natural products.
The Pummerer reaction has been studied for many years as a powerful methot to form C-Nu bonds, its aplications in total synthesis of natural products has been recently reviewed showing its grate potential. We recently publised a new method to obtain oxaxolines by Pummerer chemistry, and the goal of the current study is to extend the scope of this methodology to the synthesis of other heterocylcic systems. The results include approaches to pyrroles, ozaxoles, thiazoles and the application of the methodology to the total synthesis of siphonazole and muscoride A.
Yimin Hu
Anhui Normal University, China
Title: Fused multifunctionalized dibenzoselenophenes from tetraynes
Time : 17:10-17:30

Yimin Hu has completed his PhD from Nanjing University and postdoctoral studies from Bowling Green State University. He has published more than 35 papers in reputed journals and has received the Thieme Chemistry Journal award for 2010 by the editorial boards of the journals Synlett, Synthesis, and Synfacts. His research area focused on palladium catalyzed cascade and HDDA cycloaddition reaction by means of C–H activation and Heck coupling process to constract a complementary approach to the remarkably powerful Domino reaction.
Selenium, an essential trace element and antioxidant, is used in the prevention of various cancers. Daily supplements of selenium reportedly reduce the risk of several types of cancer in patients with a history of skin cancer. Benzoselenophene and dibenzoselenophenes are important intermediates in the production of perfumes, dyes, plastics, agricultural materials, and drugs. Aryne precursors that can assemble three consecutive functional groups on a benzene ring in a “one-pot” process are compatible with various reagents and functional groups; such precursors are suitable in versatile transformations, thereby greatly expanding the current bounds of aryne chemistry and drug synthesis. Scheme shows novel cyclization method involving freeradical and the subsequent regioselective functionalization of an unactivated C–H bond for the preparation the dibenzoselenophene core. Fused heterocyclic ring systems contain conjugate planes at the A–B–C–D ring junctures. Control of the relative and absolute configurations of these conjugate planes in selenium, and the construction of the tetracyclic framework of the complex heterocyclic system, represent significant synthetic challenges. Compared with ordinary organic selenium derivatives, dibenzoselenophene derivatives prepared in the present experiment have multiple rings, complex and variable structures, and wide application prospect in chemical production and clinical medicines.
Daniel Austin
Brigham Young University, USA
Title: Miniaturized wire ion trap for portable mass spectrometry
Time : 17:30-17:50

- Advancements of Organic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Green Chemistry: Green chemical principles
- Medical Biochemistry