Mehmet Yaman
Firat University, Turkey
Title: Evaluation of nickel and chromium in legumes consumed in Turkey
Biography: Mehmet Yaman
The determination of minerals and trace elements in foodstuffs is an important part of nutritional and toxicological analyses. Although copper, chromium, iron and zinc play an important role in human metabolism and so, they are essential micronutrients for human health, their higher intake as well as the prolonged intake of even low concentration of Ni can cause serious toxic effects. The interest in these elements is increasing together with reports of relationships between trace element status and oxidative diseases. Environmental pollution is the main cause of heavy metal contamination in the food chain. Of all foods, legumes most adequately meet the recommended dietary guidelines for healthful eating because they are high in carbohydrate and dietary fiber, mostly low in fat, supply adequate protein while being a good source of vitamins and minerals. In this study, nickel and chromium concentrations were determined in legumes taken from Turkish markets. Further, sulfur concentrations of the samples were also determined and the relationship between metals and sulfur were examined. The element concentrations were measured by using ICP-MS after digestion by microwave digestion system. It was found that the highest Ni concentration is 2.5 mg/kg for beans. To check the reliability, the SRM was examined fort he studied elements.