Mehmet Yaman
Firat University, Turkey
Dr. Yaman has completed his PhD at the age of 30 years from Inonu University. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. Since 2005, he is an Editor-in-Chief of „International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistryâ€. Between 2010 to 2013, he was selected as member of consultative committee of the Scientific and Social Research Council of Turkey. Professor Yaman supervised 11 Ph.D.: 8 completed, 22 M.Sc. 20 completed. He has an International Book Chapter, Air Pollution-Monitoring,Modelling,Health and Control:Chapter 2: Comprehensive Comparison of Trace Metal Concentrations in Inhaled Air Samples.
Abstract : Evaluation of nickel and chromium in legumes consumed in Turkey