Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Aligarh Muslim University, India
Title: Synthesis of composite materials for chromatographic column separations
Biography: Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Synthesis of composite materials for chromatographic column separations. Conventional ion exchange resins although posses excellent ion exchange properties but suffers from two limitations, firstly they decompose at elevated temperatures and secondly do not withstand high ionizing radiations when used in atomic reactors. It is for these reasons scientists made efforts to synthesize inorganic ion exchangers that can cope with the above mentioned difficulties. One of the striking feature of inorganic ion exchangers is that they can be obtained in granular and fibrous form with cavities of desired size showing selectivity towards anions, cations or organic molecules. These materials also suffer from certain limitations. They undergo hydrolysis when used in aqueous systems and are obtained usually in powder form. In order to overcome these shortcomings encountered with organic and inorganic ion exchangers, attempts were made to develop organic –inorganic composite materials as ion exchangers. These composite materials exhibit properties entirely different from that of parent components. The composite materials are being investigated due to the following distinct properties: They show improved mechanical strength, They have greater thermal and chemical stability, Enhanced ion exchange capacity, They can be synthesized in granular form suitable for column operations, They posses electrochemical properties as well as shows optical and magnetic behaviour.