Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Aligarh Muslim University, India
Dr. Amjad Mumtaz Tahir Khan has completed his Ph.D specializing in Analytical Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He is member, faculty of science since 2014 and also Member of the project consultancy committee of his department. Currently he is the Assistant Editor of the BZM Journal of Science. Dr. Khan has published 18 papers and one book chapter in international referred journals having 236 citations and h index of 8 to his credit. He was awarded environmentalist of the year award by NESA, New Delhi in 2010. He is also the recipient of the start up grant by university grant commission, New Delhi, India. Currently he is a member of Asian council of editors.
Abstract : Synthesis of composite materials for chromatographic column separations