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Fen-Tair Luo

Fen-Tair Luo

Institute of Chemistry Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Title: Molten salt for high throughput production of carbon materials from biomassMolten salt for high throughput production of carbon materials from biomassMolten salt for high throughput production of carbon materials from biomass


Biography: Fen-Tair Luo


Heating of biomass in the oxygen-free environment is a proven technique of locking up
renewable carbon in a fixed form that will not rot or decay, leading to unwanted emission of green house gases. Traditional pyrolysis using hot flue gas to effect the heat transfer is not in line with economics. We used hot liquid instead to effect the fast heat transfer to comply with economics and to be adaptable for commercialization in the future. Normally, the volumetric heat capacity of liquid is about 2000 times larger than that of gas so that the speed of heat transfer by liquid is at least several hundred times faster than that of gas. Depending on the conditions of production of the charcoal – temperature, resident time, and possible pretreatment of the biomass with common environmentally friendly reagents – the resulting porous biocarbon is suitable for use as biocoal, a coal replacement but a carbon neutral fuel in thermal power-plants; biochar, for burial as a carbon negative soil amendment that can improve water retention and/or provide filtration of chemical toxins and pollutants; activated carbon, a material with high specific surface area that can be used for filtration of liquids and gases, or as a substrate for support in catalysis or for electrochemical reactions. The technology is completely scalable from test-tube experiment, to tabletop machine, to pilot-plant demonstration equipment.