David K Mills
Louisiana Tech University
I am on the ‘road less traveled’ and I have met few fellow travelers on my journey. I have a BA degree in Ancient History and another in Classics from Indiana University, an MA degree in Biological Anthropology and a PhD. in Anatomy and Cell Biology from the University of Illinois. I am a professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering at Louisiana Tech. Dr. Mills has successfully mentored over 45 undergraduate research students and, under his guidance and direction, 6 PhD student in engineering, 16 MS students in Biological Sciences, 2 MS student in Chemical Engineering, 16 MS students in Biomedical Engineering, and 6 MS students in Molecular Science and Nanotechnology have received their advance degrees. He founded organic NANO, a Louisiana S-Corp in 2011, and Southern Biomedical Products in 2014. Organic NANO is primarily in the business of developing and commercializing nanoenhanced technology focused on bioactive hydrogels and multi-composite nanocoatings and nanofilms.The company’s mission is to develop bioactive therapeutics that prevents infection, and advance tissue repair and regeneration at the nanoscale using biocompatible and green biomaterials. Southern Biomedical Products is dedicated to producing customized and drug-loaded 3D printed biomedical devices.
Research Interest
Dr. Mills’ primary research interests are in developing micro-and nanoscale technologies emphasizing biomedical applications. A major research focus is the development of a controlled-release molecular signaling system using layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly and cellular-architecture fabrication techniques.