Iason Rusodimos
Georgia State University, USA
Iason Rusodimos has completed his BS in Electrical Engineering (1976), MS in Electrical Engineering (1977), MS in Math (1983), MS in Physics (1984), all of which are from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Since 1986, he joined the Faculty of Georgia Perimeter College, which has been recently consolidated with Georgia State University, teaching mostly Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra courses. In addition to developing various instructional methods associated with STEM education, he has long been interested in effective applications of Math to Science and Engineering. Recently, he has been interested in application of derivatives approach in Science and Engineering, in kinetic processes, as illustrated in this presentation. Major area of research has been solving partial differential equations on a physical or mechanical system associated with elasticity, and on chemical systems of heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics.